Monthly Fee For MP?

That's unconfirmed.

They may be standalone products like TF2. And if they're total conversions as opposed to mods then they are well within their rights to do so. Bare in mind there would be no beta stages.
Wesisapie said:
you mean to say that going to the shops is too much of a hassle for you? it takes like 5 minutes each way to drive. i still prefer the good old installers, i see nothing wrong with them.

and when i said pointless, i meant pointless for the gamer. i dont care if it's great for valve to make money. as you pointed out, subscription costs more in both years, and come on, 120 dollars US for something i could have purchased much cheaper? steam has proven time and time again that it is inefficient anyway

I don't consider it pointless for the gamers because some people don't play the game for months on end. Believe it or not a lot of people get tired of games after playing just for a while (even if it's good). I usually get bored of a game after a month (though I may go back once in a while like HL). With steam you don't have to pay the full $60(cnd.) for a game that will end up on your shelf in a month.
I wont pay a monthly fee either after my EQ days and Ultima those 2 drained me of all my profits fast kinda makes it hard to make money for retirement and putting my kids through school.

They can raitonalize all they want like its my treat myself to the movies money but i dont go out only very seldom and have to run a router as it is now so the family can all be hooked to the internet last thing i need is extra fee's..
What I was talking about before was just paying for one year of subscription. Two years doesn't make any sense since there are no valve games slated for launch between summer 2005 - summer 2006. This plan isn't for everyone, since some people will only want to buy hl2 (such as myself) and no other valve products, but for those like styloid paying $120 to get a new game every 3 months will give him something new to play when he gets bored.
I'm curious to see how many people decide to sign up for the subscription program. I have a feeling that other developers+publishers are watching this experiment in game economics very closely. Maybe this type of payment, content development and delivery system will become the the norm for games in the future.