Moon size compated to the sun...


May 25, 2003
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Did you ever wonder why the moon is so perfect in size ratio to the sun that viewing it from the earth it fits exactly to cover it?

The moon hasn't always been this way, it changed distances over millions of years but I find it strange that something like this happened just when man evolved (in the last few thousands of years)

lol thats true.
I never really thought about it but kinda strange how it worked out so perfectly that its alignment (sp?) looks so precise.
Was it the aliens...........or Jebus!??! Or ghosts......or.......THE GOVERNEMNT
Maybe...........COMMUNISM AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
coolio2man said:
Was it the aliens...........or Jebus!??! Or ghosts......or.......THE GOVERNEMNT
Maybe...........COMMUNISM AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the sun is 400x bigger than the moon, and the moon is 400x closer than the sun. That may explain it slightly. :) (also, I'm not sure if that's the exact number, but it's somewhere around there)
wrong numbers but good work cutting down the confusion. sun is so much larger than 400x the moon.
The sun is 3,000,000 times larger then the EARTH, if I remember correctly
well obviously thats why it fits so precisely, but i think that we're discussing how crazy of a coincidence that is. I mean what r the chances of the moon appearing to us to be the exact same size as the sun during an eclipse. Quite the gafaw. Thats right, i said GAFAW.
the chances are exactly the same as the chances that the moon would have been any particular different size. while this may not sound so myctical, rest assured.. it's the jeebus.

the sun is ~333,000x the mass of the earth and ~110x the diameter
EC said:
Well, the sun is 400x bigger than the moon, and the moon is 400x closer than the sun. That may explain it slightly. :) (also, I'm not sure if that's the exact number, but it's somewhere around there)

That is the exact number. We learned about that in Astronomy. Pretty odd thing hu?
Ok...scratch that. I knew 400 had to do with it. The moon is 1/400 the size of the's the long explenation...

...from someone, dont know was on some website...

Because the moon is c.2,000 miles in diameter( c.1/400th of the Sun's
860,000 miles) but is 220,000-230,000 miles from Earth which is 1/400th
the sun's mean distance from Earth.
Thus the Moon's apparent diameter is exactly equal to the Sun's . It
has not always been so , nor will it be so forever( Asimov, "Choice of
In the Carboniferous Era 300 million years ago or so, the moon was
nearer to Earth and so would have blotted out the red chromosphere and
inner corona, while in 200-300 million year's time, the moon will have
receded, due to tidal slowing of its orbit, too far to completely
eclipse the sun. Thus our far descendants will at best see an annular
It is interesting that solar eclipses of the kind we saw this week
occur only on Earth, in all the Solar system, and only at this Age
during which intelligent life and civilzation have become possible on
Earth. In the far future, it is to be hoped that civilization will have
spread far from this one planet. If so, it will be in part due to the
inspiration given to early Man by this awesome spectacle, which helped
to lead him to study the stars, and reflect on the power of the "gods"
in the sky - namely Sun Moon and the unseen devouring Third.
Some have even placed the birth of monotheism / or the concept of the
Trinity at the door of the solar eclipse.
I myself have theorized elsewhere that the Egyptian Heretic King
Akhenaten ( 18th Dynasty) was led to his monotheistic vision by seeing
an eclipse of the all powerful Amun-Ra, King of the Gods, by the
mysterious shadow of the "power behind the Sun" known to them as the
I'd just like to point out that he had the ole :smoking: smiley
Perhaps he'd had one or two tokes before he thought this up? just talkn' about the first stuff he said............i was to lazy to not copy the whole think about that for a!
JonTheCanuck said:
well obviously thats why it fits so precisely, but i think that we're discussing how crazy of a coincidence that is. I mean what r the chances of the moon appearing to us to be the exact same size as the sun during an eclipse. Quite the gafaw. Thats right, i said GAFAW.

heheheh, you people amaze me. you say how amazing it is that the moon and the sun align correctly. When in fact, the whole universe is like this. we barely know anything about our own 9 planets. let alone our own... The fact that earth sum how just ended up in the right area to have life spawntaniously spring up is amazing. i firmly belive that we were created. no just popped up outa no where. yes i belive in god. I belive that science proves that god exists. i mean Everything on our planet is perfect. That just doesnt happen because of a billion chances going in the right direction. i do belive in evolution to. whats so bad about thinking god could use evolution. We think were so smart when we havent discoverd rly anythingyet
waedoe said:
heheheh, you people amaze me. you say how amazing it is that the moon and the sun align correctly. When in fact, the whole universe is like this. we barely know anything about our own 9 planets. let alone our own... The fact that earth sum how just ended up in the right area to have life spawntaniously spring up is amazing. i firmly belive that we were created. no just popped up outa no where. yes i belive in god. I belive that science proves that god exists. i mean Everything on our planet is perfect. That just doesnt happen because of a billion chances going in the right direction. i do belive in evolution to. whats so bad about thinking god could use evolution. We think were so smart when we havent discoverd rly anythingyet

You believe in God? I thought you believed in Hitler.
Mr.Reak said:
You believe in God? I thought you believed in Hitler.

Hitler belived in god too. infact he was very superstitioius <(spelled horribly wrong) any how quit trying to make me look like a nazi lover. just because i PWNED u on another thread doesnt mean u need to get angry. any how plz stay ontopic.
waedoe said:
Hitler belived in god too. infact he was very superstitioius <(spelled horribly wrong) any how quit trying to make me look like a nazi lover. just because i PWNED u on another thread doesnt mean u need to get angry. any how plz stay ontopic.

OMFG PWNED ME? OFMG, I GOT PWNED! AAA!111! Here is your LEET medal.
If I remember correctly, you are nazi lover, here is quote from you directly:

waedoe said:
HAIL MEIN FUHRHER, BTW i have brown hair not blonde :)
Hitler is still alive...he lives on the moon along with billions of nazis who will soon invade our planet. It must be true because i was on the toilet when i discovered this.
World domination! And no, hitler lives in france with tupac, elvis, and uh the french.
I knew that, French stole all the famous people. Lenin and Stalin live there too, so is JFK and a magic bullet. Damn them French!
But ive been to france, therefore i know everything about the place. People eat frogs, snails, large sticks of bread and wear onions for decoration. Although Elvis lives there, Hitler has set up a huge Nazi nation that spreads throughout the solar system.
hehe i like large sticks of bread, maybe i'll market them... Hmmmm
I've got it!!!! Dude i'll call them breadsticks come on farrowlesparrow we could make millions off of this!

EDIT: Mr. Reak is your avatar flcl?
flcl is the best man, some of the smoothest animation i've ever seen! :) (although i didn't understand it until i watched all the episodes about 8 times) and i'm still a little foggy :)
Ha, I think it is the only ONE thing that Ghost and I have in common :D We both love FLCL.
Just makes our planet more special. For the time we inhabit it.

Also let's not turn this into a flame war thread please :)
coolio2man said:
Was it the aliens...........or Jebus!??! Or ghosts......or.......THE GOVERNEMNT
Maybe...........COMMUNISM AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

IT WAS ME!!!!!! :p
Oh geez.

There is NOTHING special about the Moon's distance from the earth. It used to be much closer, completely blocking out the sun. We are very gradually losing the moon. Eventually, the moon will be far enough away that it no longer covers the sun, at that point we can say bye bye to solar eclipses.

Why do you people always have to bring a non-existant being into the conversation? (God)
HybridM said:
Why do you people always have to bring a non-existant being into the conversation? (God)
because tricksey hobbitses makes the world more fun

I don't believe in god, well lets say I aint exactly sure what I believe. But I do know that there is one hell of alot of people who do. And its extremely likely they don't take kindly to you calling a major part of their lives and what they base all their actions on non - existant.

I don't care what you believe. But please respect others. Some people will take great offence to posts like that.

Not trying to flame. Merlly saying something that I feel should be said.
why not bring god into the picture? how do you know hes not real... (i know you will say "how do u know he *is* real.") Basically what im trying to say is that NOTHING this perfect, has come out of billions of chances that coincidentally lined up perfectly. It just doesnt happen. Any how i know its an endless argument that goes on in this topic about how god is real or god is fake. Any how, i do belive that god uses evolution, and other things to create new spiecies or new planets.
he's just stating his opinion marksman. he could just as easily be offended by the implicit statement that god does exist.

"i don't care what you believe. but please respect others".. umm...

i assume by that statement you don't think 'caring what others believe' is a part of respecting them, so then what makes you think hybridm is not respecting others?
Hello again Timmy :)

I think we should just be grateful that the distance is like it is or else we wouldn't have eclipses. I think they are cool :)
Lil' Timmy said:
he's just stating his opinion marksman. he could just as easily be offended by the implicit statement that god does exist.

"i don't care what you believe. but please respect others".. umm...

i assume by that statement you don't think 'caring what others believe' is a part of respecting them, so then what makes you think hybridm is not respecting others?

Timmy im sick of you picking people apart, you and the rest of the left wing nut bags need to know when to stop. All your doing is picking people apart to make yourselves look better. You know what he means, *act your age*.
He has a fair point mind. Just I get pissed off of people saying that God does'nt exist and there is no two ways about it.

And erm, I am left wing. He did'nt say what he said was because of his political stance from what I could see. Thanks for defending me anyway mind.
I think we should all just learn to let live.

And burn everything to do with politics. Forums show clearer than anywhere else that politics only causes more problems :p
hello murray_h, yeah, eclipses are cool.. it makes me sad that the dinosaurs didn't get to see them though *sniffle*

waedoe.. sigh.. i'm really trying to ignore you..

sorry if i make you sick, but i was simply pointing out what i percieved to be a logical error in marksmans analysis of hybridm's statement. i'm hardly picking people apart. could you plz stop acting your age? don't get all mad cuz i pwned you in another thread.. hate the game, not the player.

i'm eager to see if marksman felt i was picking him apart though.

EDIT: i don't actually know whether the moon's distance was significantly different at any time during the reign of the dinosaurs, i was just trying to bring dinosaurs into the picture since hitler, god and elvis have already come to the party.