More Gordon Freeman Costume Pics!



Gordon Freeman Costume Pics

I noticed that alot of people have questions about what my costume is made out of so here is the run down:

1. Poster Board (lots of it) we also found some extra thick stuff from an old battery display, it was pretty usefull.

2. Hot melt glue (lots of it... like... 10 long (8 inch) sticks

3. (squishy) Foam, (about 2 sheets of 64x24) Some of this was left over.

4. Spraypaint. Orange mostly

5. Black latex Caulking: This stuff spread really well and was used for most of the black parts of the costume.

6. Orange fabric. for the soft parts of the costume.

7. Some nice gloves from Home Depot, added the Lamba logo to them.

8. Black streachy turtleneck. and some tight black sweats. (womans lol)

9. 1 Pair of nerd glasses (painted black, prescription lenses popped out, some flat plastic lenses added.

10. Some dark grey pleather (on sale!)

11. Other odds and ends to complete the costume.

My friend Emily helped me with alot of the details of the costume such as painting details etc. I would like to express my huge thanks to it her.

It took about 2 weeks, we worked on it really heavy the last 4 days. It was ready by friday morning (after staying up till 5AM!)

If anyone has any more questions, please let me know!

I plan on putting up a small website in the next few days documenting the creation of the costume.

Wow dude thats pretty amazing! You are like Gordon but a bit bigger :p no insult intended! Great job, you can see you put alot of effort into that, and the crowbar is spot on too :) *claps*
This Week I Are Mostly Been Gordon Freeman

Excellent work, very, very impressive. If there were more people spending more time making Gordon Freeman costumes, then the world would be a much better place. Good luck to you
thats pretty sweet. but how moblie were you in it? cuz it looks kind of like you're moving like C-3PO in that thing. you should do another one next year that you can make for more movement. how do you get in and out of the armor parts?
I switched the lenses because I have 20/20 vision. Thank you Lasik!
The main chest peice has a zipper in the back. The armor peices all have velcro, so they wrap around my arm or leg and velcro to themselves.
Send the pictures in to VALVe if you want a poster, this is alot more worthy of it than some other things that got the creator one.
Who should I e-mail at Valve with the pics? I'd love a custom poster! =)
It doesn't really matter, I'm pretty sure they'll be showing it to everyone anyway. But just to choose someone, you can send it to [email protected]
Alright, I e-mailed him, if I get a reply back, I'll let everyone know =)
Hunchback said:
one question - why did you switch the lenses?


Why do you think he switched the lenses...

He can't see out of prescription lenses. Your realize when somebody who has 20/20 vision looks out of glasses of someone who has 20/400, they're eyes are going to hurt...

Nice costume man...Very nice.

How did you make the blood appearance in this picture...

Also, it looks like its hard to move around in it...Is it?

Cause your arms look like their uncomfortable when you bend them...and really stiff..Course thats probably cause it slides off or the stiffness of the poster board...
Debris, didnt you make a combine suite? Cuz that is pretty sweet too man! Not everyone has Gordons handoms looks and gotee ;) Gotta hide behind a mask once in a while.

hehe j/k
The blood is Photoshop'ed thanks to my friend Emily =)

The full suit is a bit tricky to walk around in. The lower leg peices dig into my foot bridges, and the thigh peices tened to want to slide down a bit. Butt, on Halloween, I just wore the upper costume, without the legs, and some nice combat boots. It worked out well, and I was mobile enough to walk 2-3 miles.
my point was why he would need to see out of them for a photograph....

Because I was walking around all night for Halloween =) It was easy enough just to pop them out, so why not? =0)
Wow. You are a huge nerd :)

I mean that as a compliment because if I had the time/talent, I'd make a Gordon Freeman costume too. Nice work man!
My question is, what have people said about it? I mean did you go trick-or-treating? :)
Sunspotprod, you HAVE to share Gabe's response to your email! I can't wait to hear what he or anyone at valve has to say about the excellent job you did. Super work nerdlinger! I salute you!
Beazil said:
Sunspotprod, you HAVE to share Gabe's response to your email! I can't wait to hear what he or anyone at valve has to say about the excellent job you did. Super work nerdlinger! I salute you!

I imagine Valve will fly him out to their offices and give him a tour of the whole place, plus a free gold package and one of Gabe's knives. :p
I look fat in it because of the 1/4 inch padding on pleather for my belly armor. If I had more time, i could have made it more form fitting. While I'm not the skinniest guy around, some of these pics do make me look... fat lol. Either way, Gordon is skin and bones =)

I didnt trick or treat, but I did enter it into a Halloween costume contest. No, I didn't win.. a totally awsome Jack Sparrow impression did (o well) Also, I toted the costume around Castro St. In San Francisco, CA on Halloween Sunday.
Dude that gordon costume is kick ass. Nice job!
If I was a girl I'd marry you!

:monkee: <- spank it

I havent tried, but If I saw a bucket of slime and or acid... I would steer clear =) Last time i checked... poster paper pretty much just sucks up Acid instead of repelling it. ;)
I said it before, but Im going to say it again.. that costume is totally kickass.

well done.

have you e-mailed anyone at Valve showing it off yet?

by the way, welcome to ;)
That looks really great!
Did people recognize who you was supposed to be by the way?
Maby if you had a proper instructions how you did it, we all could make our own GordonFreeman outfit! :D
Good job
That's awesome! Well done :)

I've gotta make a Gina costume some year :p