More Gore in Half-life 2

How do you feel about more gore in HL2?

  • Love it

    Votes: 148 80.0%
  • Loath it

    Votes: 10 5.4%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 27 14.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
wow when i first saw it i thought it said put more gabe in hl2
i was like wtf? we dont need a gaben freedman or something
halflife didnt invent gibing or blood they c0pied it from doom and quake games that have been around for YEARS. but the gr33n jizz that squirts out of the zombies is pretty ghey what is this a disney game?? grow sum balls valv3 and put sum real blood in there dont be vaginas.
agreed, zombies should have red blood... they are almost human
it seems right to me...keep it.

we don't need MORE then what there is though.
HL didn't invent gibbing, but it did it best. HL1's blood decals spread from flying gibs are still on a par with many current games.
I think it will make single player experiences very interesting because I know personally I'll be shooting saw blades at everything left and right lol.
I was watching Black Hawk Down the other day. You know the bit where someone fires an rpg right through some militia guy standing on the street? Well, that should be the kind of situation where gibbing happens. It takes a great deal of force to rip a body apart like that, most of the time they should just be thrown from explosions, maybe lost a limb or two.
What we don't need to see is the ludicrous situation in most games, where you can get gibbed by, say a shotgun just because you were really low on health when you got hit.
i wanna see intense gore like when someone gets hit by roicket launcher he should get klegs blown off and blood and gorey body oarts should go flying inthe air!
Gore should not be in the game just for the sake of gore. I like having gore because it's 'realistic' but more because I like to see that my actions have a result in the game world (same with why it's nice to have bullet decals on the walls and bodies not disappear). Too much and it doesn't feel like it reflects what I'm doing and the developers just went over the top, too little and you don't feel like you've caused anything.
Yes. More Gore! And not Al Gore! :D

I like it, I adored Soldier of Fortune II for it's great excessive gore (though thats too much :D)
Yeah, more gore! Gore is awesome! If it's too much for you or your mommy says its too gorey to have you play then your a pussy and don't deserve to have the game. :)
I’d like to see gore that is a little on the gratuitous / fun / macabre side of realistic. Though I guess some people have a more exaggerated understanding of what’s realistic - more like caricature violence. For instance, AKAIK most grenades kill by shock and shrapnel NOT by blowing people’s limbs off, yet that doesn't seem to stop people using 'gib' in the same sentence as 'realistic grenades'.
Well, i wanna shoot a rocket at a guy have him fly into the air and when he lands i want him dead. I want his heat cut ripped into 2, brains inbetween the heads and blood running all over, i wanted his stomach to be turned inside out and have it spread in over 200 pieces. I want blood running from his mouth, i want to see bones half with nothing but blood on the bone and the other half of the bone with flesh. I want to see I want the hand to have a big slit right into the middle of it. and have one side of the hand to be turned over with middle fingers bone sticking out full of blood. I want then to be able to drag him and have ant lions feed on him riping his stomach apart, i want his eye balls out of there sockets etc..

I want FULL OUT GORE, i either want Over Realistic or Realistic. Either one.
I never got SoF2 but SoF1 had gore al right :) Lots of it.

I love realistic gore. For those of you than dont want a lot of gore, i think it will be more based on what the player should not do. A person like me would have no problem shooting a crowbar into a zombie just to blood spill out but you dont have to do it. If your not a really violent person then dont do really violent things :)
Alot of you guys are confusing the phrase "Realistic Gore" with "Totally Excissive Gore" Rember, real life is not like kill bill, you dont get a paper cut and then bleed a fu*king pool. But I think you guys are right about people who don't want to see any gore, they should not be playing a game where the main goal is to kill other people.
Don't forget to add the original half life skull...
Half skinned skull with one eye ball and no jaw.
more gore makes it more attractive for all ages... even if some adults dont want kids to play

in this society freakin' everyone is desensitized anyway
That be cool if you could blow off clothes and stuff too... like a grenade would kill alyx and blow her clothes off too........
Just don't make it like Serious Sam, where when you shoot someone their parts explode into space evryone and blood drips about. I think the game should have gibbing based on real life, such as when you get shot with a pistol, you start to get a blood stain in that area of clothing, but if yo0u get shot with an RPG in the arm, half your torso bangs against the wall, and the other half explodes like I don't know, as I've never seen this done before :sleep: I don't really care though, because that Ant Lion gibbing pwn3d and I want HL2 :afro:
Gore is okay, I don't really mind if a game is bloody or not. Sometimes it's really funny doing something like blowing off people's limbs though. <3
I want to be able to blow off alyx's head and eat the flesh on it.
needs comical gibbing. ragdoll is not comical enough. it just looks unrealistic when he gets blasted with rpg, flies 100 metres through the air, and isnt mangled at all.
more gore. i voted for "lovin' it." as long as the gore is not wanton and gratuitous and... gross, as in there's a little bit of over the top unrealism to it... then i'm all for it. gibbing is fun, dismemberment and all that are fun... but as long as they purposely make it so it's a bit fake at the same time.
I just played through FarCry, and it didn't have any gibbing. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I missed that part in farcry. I mean, if I launch a rocket up the guys nose, he shouldn't just fly into the wall...
