More Half Life Speculation

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Jun 3, 2009
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So in preparation of Episode Three’s, eventual, release I generated a list of major storyline related questions that I feel Valve should answer by the end of Episode 3 or Half Life 3 (assuming HL3 is the final installment in the series). The list is at the BOTTOM.

After replaying HL1 though HL2ep3 and looking at some of the message boards I came up with some stuff.

My first theory is that the G-man was being employed by the Combine in half life 1. Some have said the G-man is a Government employee because at the end of HL1 he tells Gordon that he has taken the guns away because “most of them were government property” and later he flips to the spot in Xen with all the dead humans and destroyed tanks and says that Xen is temporarily under the control of his employers…but if the Seven Hours War took place almost RIGHT AFTER the events of Half Life 1, couldn’t the G-man refer to the Combine being the temporary owners of Xen. He couldn’t be working for the government because it doesn’t exist after the war. We also know that the Combine don’t have complete control of Xen by Half Life 2 because the science team is able to use it as a bouncing point when they space travel. But since the G-man is kinda a mercenary or an intergalactic space bounty hunter and Gordon’s services “have been open to the highest bidder” I believe Eli (who has been able to communicate to the G-man since just prior to Half Life 1) purchased his services for the events of Half Life 2. This is, partly, what he had to tell Gordon shortly before he died. This also explains why the Vortigaunt retrieve you, because they feel you haven’t finished what they paid you to do. But both sides that hire the G-man and Gordon suffer loses maybe because the G-man is preparing for something or another force, which opposes the Combine but is not the Vortigaunts or the human resistance, will emerge in Half Life 3.

My other theory is that Breen has been an Advisor since the beginning of Episode 1. He was the advisor that we saw in the citadel that attacked when Alex tapped the glass. And this occurred right after the recorded Breen discussion with the advisor about getting a host body. I also think that Breen was the Advisor we saw who kills Eli. Those two were enemies and if Breen was an Advisor, I can’t think of anybody besides Gordon and Mossman that he would like to kill. I think Advisor Breen will be the final battle in Episode 3, but the Borealis will reveal some important details either about the power or nature of the G-man or maybe the mysterious new force that the G-man has secretly helped….which will then be the main focus in Half Life 3.

What do you guys think? Are there other significant questions that should be answered at some point?

Half Life Series Questions with what MIGHT happen:

-Who got/gave the crystal that started the Resonance Cascade? I have heard the combine gave it to the administrator Breen and I have heard the G-man gave it to Eli

-Who were the Benefactors from Half Life 1? Why did they want the Cascade to occur? Combine or "New Force" to control Zen

-why did G-Man free Gordon in Half Life 2 and for whom now? Stop Combine as agent for Human Resistance or "New Force"

-Why did the G-Man visit Gordon in Episode 1? No idea

-Who is the G-Man? What is his role in the higher story? Mercenary for hire with free agent.

-How do the Nihilanth, Breen, Eli, etc know about G-Man? Universal mercenary/bounty hunter.

- Did the transmission message packet get sent? What was in the message besides the gate coordinates? Alex said yes at the end of Episode 1. No idea.

-Is Breen an Advisor? Maybe based on clues

-What’s the connection between: Combine, Vortigaunts, Vance, Breen, G-Man, etc to the larger story? No idea.

-Is Barney Alive? When will we see him? Maybe. Probably Half Life 3 since Gordon and Alex would not have time to communicate and pick him up for Episode 3.
Ha I wish! Naw I just picked the first name that came in my head....too lazy and uncreative. :rolleyes:
Every time a G-man theory is posted, Darkside causes another supernova.
I've got some bad news, OP. No one, including me, read your post. In fact, it could have been laced with advertising and I wouldn't have even noticed.

Essentially, we don't care. We're all old and jaded and grumpy, and we've heard (or we think we've heard) it all before. Sorry!
Well there might be some people interested in what I have to say. But if not, sorry its my first time posting and all this has probably been said before. Whats Op?

btw i used this same name on ign eariler today and did not get one single bill nye reference comment. This group must really like bill nye for some reason.
They just don't know the classics.

Good list there, I suppose.
Half Life Series Questions with what MIGHT happen:

-Who got/gave the crystal that started the Resonance Cascade? I have heard the combine gave it to the administrator Breen and I have heard the G-man gave it to Eli
The g-man provided the crystal for the test. Eli says as much during your little chat in Episode Two.

-Who were the Benefactors from Half Life 1? Why did they want the Cascade to occur? Combine or "New Force" to control Zen
Do you mean the g-man's employers? We don't know who they are. Some speculate they were the Combine, some think they are an entirely different group that we have heard no other word of and I've even seen the idea that the Vortigaunts were the employers put forward.

-why did G-Man free Gordon in Half Life 2 and for whom now? Stop Combine as agent for Human Resistance or "New Force"
It would appear Gordon was placed in City 17 to help the Resistance and start the rebelion. The g-man did seem rather pleased when Gordon blew up Breen's reactor.

-Why did the G-Man visit Gordon in Episode 1? No idea
Probably something to do with Gordon's contract being open to the highest bidder (Breen says this in Half-Life 2). There's no definite answer.

-Who is the G-Man? What is his role in the higher story? Mercenary for hire with free agent.
Possibly. We don't know. He's a mysterious character, and intentionally so.

-How do the Nihilanth, Breen, Eli, etc know about G-Man? Universal mercenary/bounty hunter.
From what Eli tells us he certainly knew of the g-man prior to the resonance cascade, and seeing as the g-man provided the crystal for the test (which Breen had great interest in I might add) Breen almost certainly knew him before the Black Mesa Incident. The how of it all we don't know. The g-man could have approached Eli and Wallace himself, but that's just a guess.

- Did the transmission message packet get sent? What was in the message besides the gate coordinates? Alex said yes at the end of Episode 1. No idea.
It would appear it did get sent but we don't know what it contained. Alyx probably says "yes" because you avoided being killed by the citadel exploding.

-Is Breen an Advisor? Maybe based on clues
I personally hate this theory but I can't disprove it.

-What’s the connection between: Combine, Vortigaunts, Vance, Breen, G-Man, etc to the larger story? No idea.
Define the larger story. We have no idea what the larger story is or how the events of the game are affecting things outside of Earth. All we know is what's in the games.

-Is Barney Alive? When will we see him? Maybe. Probably Half Life 3 since Gordon and Alex would not have time to communicate and pick him up for Episode 3.
Why do you think anyone here knows if Barney is alive? We've played the same games as you have and noted the same lack of Barney in Episode Three. Unless he shows up again or another character mentions what happned to him we won't know.
My first theory is that the G-man was being employed by the Combine in half life 1

My other theory is that Breen has been an Advisor since the beginning of Episode 1...I also think that Breen was the Advisor we saw who kills Eli

It's part of a really longstanding thing with me and Race-X. Post a G-man theory, I send you to the farthest reaches of Xen. That, and he looks really pissed off, throwing his tentacles up in exasperation, which is how I felt reading that.
This forum needs to hold a contest with actual prizes for G-Man theories. One prize for the most believable, one prize for teh funnayest.
yeah but that was on the Episode 2 board. Anyway when you think about it, there is only so many things you can talk about with the half life series, and I think the G-man takes up a big part of that. I would go so far as to say that the G-man is probably one of the biggest mysteries in the half life series. So be prepared to see more G-man theories on these boards until they answer those questions. :cheers:
yeah but that was on the Episode 2 board.

Really, I would've expected people to have given up a long time ago and simply accepted the G-man to be the mysterious, enigmatic entity he is without trying to come up with some theory about him, who he's working for, or what his ultimate goal is. It goes to show that the majority has a need to classify everything in order to enjoy it, rather than leaving it a mystery.

Oh well, those who keep trying to delve into the G-man's affairs are going to keep being sent to the border world, to be used as slave labor for the Race-X overarchs that now dominate Xen since the controllers died out after the Nihilanth's demise. That is the price for theories.
Chalkboards, cork boards, whiteboards, notice boards, even magnet boards.
Isn't it obvious?! He keeps trying to divert our attention! DARKSIDE IS THE G-MAN!!!!!!!!
You should all be ashamed.

Anyway, this is why we can't have G-Man threads.
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