more laughing eery noises



dont flame me if this was already posted : P, but i wad doing raven holm again, messing with a bullet time script this time. i was in 'bullet time' when i walked over to the engine that i knew had the malfunction problem. I waiting there for the big poision zombie to come out when it did i gave it some nice shots with the shotgun before he got to close. when he finnally died and i heard his moan right behind me i heard a young girls laugh. i turned around quickly, obviously nothing there. by far eeriest thing ive seen yet. did it a few times to confirm, and yes i heard it about a half sec after he died (on slow mode) not sure if u will hear it enough to realize its the game not ur mind playing tricks on you unless u have slowed it down. the speed was the equivilant of 'slow' that the npc spawner script i found here has. love the script btw : ).

the creators are ****ing genius arnt they. man that creeped me out : )
that was not a laugh, that was a scream cause there is no sound in it, theres a screaming sound in the gcf. sound\ambient\creatures\town_child_scream1.wav

its a girl scream though, BTW

i found a very creepy sound, its in the citidel,its this weird robotic sound with these computerish sounds (think of shodan) saying like "heeelp mee" and stuff, and screaming and crap

BTW the path is sound\ambient\levels\citadel\citadel_ambient_scream_loop1.wav
u may be right, but it reminded me exactly of a laugh. it reminded me of what the kokri children in zelda sound like when they laugh actualy :LOL:

hmm well u got technical proof, i guess im losing my mind :cheese:

actually hmm, i looked through the GCF, and im almost sure it was

if u can hardly hear it it sounds like a laugh. i think thats it tho
your sound is very scary, did u find it in the citidel? or just in the GCF?
apache said:
actually hmm, i looked through the GCF, and im almost sure it was

if u can hardly hear it it sounds like a laugh. i think thats it tho

It reminds me of an engine starting . :)
i've been in that area for many times... but never heard it. lol.
well, looks like valve would have done better job making doom 3, have you guys heard the child noises in the play ground, and all the other spooky noises?
IN the citadel file in ambient, the chant is awesome. I can imagine a huge platoon of Combine soldiers marching to battle and that chant being repeated.

Tolkienesque kind of. Reminds me of the Horde
you can go to the valve folder... HL2... then the sounds folder you can search for it there...
RakuraiTenjin said:
IN the citadel file in ambient, the chant is awesome. I can imagine a huge platoon of Combine soldiers marching to battle and that chant being repeated.

Tolkienesque kind of. Reminds me of the Horde

What's the name of the file? I can't find any chant.

Edit: Found it ambient/levels/streetwar/city_chant1.wav
I've found an interesting sound: ambient\atmosphere\city_beacon_loop1.wav

What do you think it is? ^
BTW the path is sound\ambient\levels\citadel\citadel_ambient_scream_loop1.wav
I just played this backwards using Goldwave. It is backwards audio, because the 'start' of that (the end backwards) has english words saying something like "Bobby, come here. BOBBY! C'mere." (or something, but it is English)

It sounds like a recording from a prison when they are moving someone crazy to a different cell. lol.

Backwards it gives that crazy computer ghost effect. Eerie

Another sad loop-

search for "riot" city riot 1 has citizens rioting big time

city riot 2 has them rioting- gunfire erupts for a while.. no more rioting.
Whoa all that stuff is eerie. i never heared that stuff in game though. mybe i dont listen well enough
that scream one is creepy

there are various sounds that I never noted
hmm spooky.... What program did you use to play it backwards?
Most likely recorded through a mic to windows sound recorder. Then you have the ability to play a sound/track backwards.
that was not a laugh, that was a scream cause there is no sound in it, theres a screaming sound in the gcf. sound\ambient\creatures\town_child_scream1.wav

its a girl scream though, BTW

i found a very creepy sound, its in the citidel,its this weird robotic sound with these computerish sounds (think of shodan) saying like "heeelp mee" and stuff, and screaming and crap

BTW the path is sound\ambient\levels\citadel\citadel_ambient_scream_loop1.wav
I belive that woukd be a half built Combine soldier.

Subliminal messaging in Half-Life 2?
Maybe the 'laughing' you heard was the last part of the poison zombie's dying sound, in:


I always thought that sounded like laughing too :eek:.
Child Zombies would've rocked the **** out. Talking about scary shit, that'd blow the F.E.A.R girl out of the ****ing water if VALVe did it right.
TheGMan. said:
Child Zombies would've rocked the **** out. Talking about scary shit, that'd blow the F.E.A.R girl out of the ****ing water if VALVe did it right.

Damn straight, but then again that would make the 'whatsthename' organization come down on Steam saying it's WAY too violent because of shooting kids that are all bloodied up and shit.:dozey: Good idea, but that's not gonna happen :(!
Most of HL2's creepiest sounds seem to be reversed... at least the ones i've listened... :p
That's exactly why they are so creepy, is it's real english and speech, just reversed, and when you hear it, your subconsious recognizes the speech but can't nail down what it's saying, the end result being you KNOW something is up with that sound... And it's creepy.
If you listen in the apartments you can hear a woman screaming.
In Nova Prospekt you can hear screams(stalkers?)
In Anti-Citizen 1 and Follow Freeman you can hear continuous gunfire and dexplosions with the odd scream.
ríomhaire said:
If you listen in the apartments you can hear a woman screaming.

which apartments?the ones in the first levels?the ones during the war a week after nova prospekt went boom?the ones in rav---nevermind,i dont want to know if their in ravenholm.(im not even sure if there ARE apartments in ravenholm..the maps to creepy,especially with it at night.)
which apartments?
Can Someone Please Help Me? What File Are These Sounds In? I Cant Find Them Anywhere!!! :|;(
delta 43 said:
which apartments?the ones in the first levels?the ones during the war a week after nova prospekt went boom?the ones in rav---nevermind,i dont want to know if their in ravenholm.(im not even sure if there ARE apartments in ravenholm..the maps to creepy,especially with it at night.)
which apartments?
The ones in Pint Insertion.

And Delta
ríomhaire said:

Indeed. It's because of people like you that the game was delayed so long and may cancel Half Life 3.