More people play Halo PC mp than Team Fortress 2


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
RTCW: Enemy territory, a game that's 5 years old, has more players playing overall than TF2 fact a lot of older games have a bigger following than TF2 Day of Defeat: source, which is a real surprise because I thought the comunity was all but dead, seeing as how there's been nothing new from valve in ages

really surprising numbers tbh, didnt think tf2 would be that low on the list
People have no taste - it's nothing new ;)

I'm surprised to see DoD:S having a bigger following, though. Its utter shite imo - whereas TF2 is the best team/class based fps to come out since rtcw/et.
bite your tongue mister!!! I've had more fun with DoD than any other valve game me old fashined but I like to hear someone scream in german as I club them with my rifle butt
Yeah I've heard that TF2's playerbase is a little disapointing. I suppose that graph doesn't include consoles, but still.
RTCW: Enemy territory, a game that's 5 years old, has more players playing overall than TF2

Thats because ET is the ****ING BEST!. :thumbs:

Plus its free soooo....TF2 cant compete with that.

But TF2 is great in its own way.
Plus its free

And there's the answer.

I loved ET (athough not as much as RTCW), but have no doubt that it would have died a quick death if it were not a freebie.

DoD:S is still shite!
america's army is also free but doesnt have as big a following ..and the other games that are more populated than tf2 are not free
ET is free and good tho. I guess the other games appeal due to being more pick up and play.

From a clan perspective TF2 is considerably more healthy than ET. We stopped playing ET competitively as there were so few other teams left. Leagues/ladders were drying up and 3 vs 3 (the death rattle for any teambased shooter) was becoming more common than 6 vs 6. With TF2 things are picking up nicely - it's almost like the good old days of rtcw.
I cant get into TF2 ..I've tried, I just cant: too repetative

in fact the Orange Box was a bad deal overall (collective gasp) ..I've only played Portal (which was my goty) ..probably would have played more if I wasnt playing that ...errmmm game I'm so fond that I cant mention but it really-lamentations of zee women-good
that statistic is very surprising, i mean last time i played halo there were like only alittle over 2,000 people playing. same with SOF2 thier player base dropped dramatically.
Makes me wonder why valve hasnt put out any content for dod:s
I woulda thought there were more players on TF2....weird.
I'm not too surprised, we need more official maps.
I cant get into TF2 ..I've tried, I just cant: too repetative

Same here.

And I think it's supposed to appeal to the casual gamer, so people play it for a few months and move on, unlike ET for example, where the 'pro' player base is more developed and people play it for years.
I'm not so sure tf2 appeals to casual gamers as new player will be continually raped due to how specific class strengths/weaknesses are
Dod:s is utter shit.More people play Dod that it, becuase its crap.
by your logic soldier of fortune is better than tf2 because more people play it
No it's better becuase it's a better game, I've played both.

Dod:s is a simplified, faster pace, more newbie friendly version of Dod
Try playing TF2 at a competitive level - it's nothing like the public server experience. This has always been the case with teambased games, but even more so with TF2 (at least rtcw/et on publics bared some semblance to clan level), which is the most unforgiving clan game i've played. Little mistakes that wouldn't punish you in something like CS/rtcw matches can result in an instant loss of a round and there's more focus on tight teamplay and preparation than anything else i've played. It really couldn't be more removed from the chaotic mess it is on public servers.
ya but in rtcw I was always an engineer setting up traps and the like ..while that's the supposed goal of the engineer in tf2 you dont live long enough to see your traps come to fruition, at least not first hand

in rtcw on the radar map for example ..I 'd lay trip mines (shrub mod), proximity mines at strategic points because clans would always split in two to blow up tyhe objectives (the radars) ..I could usually hold them off by myself so long as I got a healthpack/ammo from a passing LT/medic lifespan never measured in the seconds as it has on occasion lasted in tf2's just that much more fast paced than rtcw
I honestly wouldn't believe stats unless Valve published them. They have been in the past horribly incorrect.
Those Numbers are 100% not true. TF2 was running 10000 players any given time
Day of Defeat Source is trending 2000-4000 players any given time. Those numbers are from the steampowered stats site. For some reason Valve removed the numbers adding the total steam users instead. Probably planning on a new stats page.

All that info is coming from Which is a JOKE! The numbers are not up to date they are horribly off. I use to compare the steam #'s with that sites and they were off Thousands somethings off by 10000 players. Go with the official numbers not some third party shit.
bite your tongue mister!!! I've had more fun with DoD than any other valve game me old fashined but I like to hear someone scream in german as I club them with my rifle butt

It's great how DoD: S doesn't allow you to actually club people with your rifle butt.
I'm actually extremely disheartened that so few people play TF2. I just can't believe that such a good game has such a small community :(
this says it does: (I havent played in almost a year, cant remember)

Secondary Attack (default: MOUSE2)

Many weapons have a secondary attack option. Secondary Attack with an infantry rifle initiates either a bayonet stab or a rifle butt. For MG's, this key is used to deploy the tripod, while sniper rifles use it to activate the scope.
But you're talking about Day of Defeat. Day of Defeat: Source doesn't have that feature.
I don't get it, TF2 = the best MP (so many possibilities) and yet only 300 servers in EU.
I think Valve should release more official map, Tho these numbers are surprising.
I couldn't get into TF2 either. Come to think of it, i haven't played a solid PC multiplayer game in a while. I'm still waiting for Left 4 Dead..
The real question is why THAT many people play CS1.6...
I couldn't get into TF2 either. Come to think of it, i haven't played a solid PC multiplayer game in a while. I'm still waiting for Left 4 Dead..


The real question is why THAT many people play CS1.6...

Also this.
Halo 1 PC has a great MP. I remember playing it for ages when I got it years ago. CTF with vehicles was pretty fun.

I can't believe Allied Assault still has players after all this time.
i still don't believe that chart. there is no way tf2 players are that low.
Yeh - it does seem a little odd. There are plenty of servers and loads of people playing TF2.