More ship date info! GOOD NEWS!

Originally posted by Goombatommy
Seriouslly, is Valve stupid? Literally STUPID? I mean, your gonna have practically tens of thousands, probably more people trying to download it at once. It'll take friggin EONS just to get the games data files before the first level even begins to download. IMO, I think this is a VERY bad decision that they're making. Nevertheless, they'll be lucky if even 30% of the fans will download it. I say synchronize the release, and release the game ON STORE SHELVES along with the release on Steam on 9/30. And if it isn't going to be on store shelves 9/30 for a fact, then don't release it on Steam either on 9/30.
I think they should be using a type of system sort of like Bit Torrent. You download, you upload. They should be doing that for steam right now, I would have had it up and running by now.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
Yea, I can understand what your saying, but what about 56K users? Majority of gamers are still on 56K? *unless for those who are @ college, or have broadband @ home*. Also, is the game downloading to your hard drive? Or are is it going to be stored in Steam cache?
If gamers still have 56k, they should do the following.

1. Grab a gun.
2. Point the gun at their head.
3. Fire twice.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
Yea, I can understand what your saying, but what about 56K users? Majority of gamers are still on 56K? *unless for those who are @ college, or have broadband @ home*. Also, is the game downloading to your hard drive? Or are is it going to be stored in Steam cache?

56K users should upgrade, simple as that. Majority? lol, not quite.
If it holds true, it would be just ridiculos. I'd rather buy the retail version of the game then pay $13!!! USD a month. The only reason that i want HL2 is for its single player game, i can care any less about MP mode when there is UT2003.:cool:
That would really piss me off if it was available to download via steam, but not available to buy in shops. Just because I have a shit connection and unable to get broadband, why should I be deprived of HL2 until after everyone else.
Originally posted by Volcane
why should I be deprived of HL2 until after everyone else.

Because you have a shit connection and are unable to get broadband.
Well, I agree with Volcano here. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to those who have 56K. I have a cable modem, but it truthfully sucks lol. I don't want to download it regardless. This has got to be all rumor.
I'll buy it twice. I'll dl it and then I'll buy the boxed version aswell. Thats just me though.
Which wired magazine? This months with Timbaland on it? I read that article, and I don't remember reading anything like that.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't remember that. It's in my locker at work, so I'll read it later today.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
56K users should upgrade, simple as that.

Give us the ****ing option and we would. Just because you can get broadband, doesn't mean everyone else can.
For those idiots thinking people are just lazy and not upgrading to cable from 56k, you are completely wrong. If was that easy, everyone would probably do it, but cable/high speed isn't available in a MAJORITY of the world. So if you're going to accuse people of living in rural areas, in only goes to show that you should of leaked the rest of the way down your father's leg when you were conceived.
There is no way i would trust anything as tempremental as steam with £30 of my money, i want the box and the 5CDs or DVD so i can install it where i like when i like without haveing to wait a day for the damn thing to download.
Gabe won't reply. I can guarantee you. I asked him a question about Direct X 9 and some of how its functionalities will be used, he never replied, then I asked about the benchmark, he never replied. He replies to everyone else but me lol.
Now way is Vivendi going to sit back and watch their retail profits evaporate while all the most avid fans purchase the game via Steam. Wired's statement is absolute B.S. and in fact contradicts what Valve has previous stated (that Half-Life 2 will be available over the Steam the same day it's released in stores).
You know, Valve have been insisting on a worldwide boxed release on 30th of September.

To me this doesn't scream "VALVE IS STUPID", it says "Vivendi have done something". Think about it, it's always been Vivendi who have claimed that the game is late.

And )[eVo]( Para, don't be arrogant. Some people CAN'T get broadband. We aren't dark age idiots who refuse to upgrade. I'll be going to Uni and they've had problems getting internet access so I'll be on 56k for a while.
If valve decides to be a stupid mother f**ker and not ship the boxed games to stores the same date they make it available on steam then im not even going to buy a copy. F**k them. They are going to f**k everything and everyone. If this is no rumor and i find out that you can d/l it on steam sept 30, but you cant buy it that date, then im d/l an illegal copy. Screw them...they would not get any of my money if they did a piss poor job like that...
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
If valve decides to be a stupid mother f**ker and not ship the boxed games to stores the same date they make it available on steam then im not even going to buy a copy. F**k them. They are going to f**k everything and everyone. If this is no rumor and i find out that you can d/l it on steam sept 30, but you cant buy it that date, then im d/l an illegal copy. Screw them...they would not get any of my money if they did a piss poor job like that...

Man alive. I am gonna bum rush steam and get it as soon as HL2 is released if they only release on there. I dont want to wait 2 damn months for it in a box... geez. Anyway before I heard this I thought the whole steam payment was pretty dumb and I would have definatly went for the box version. But like I said, Ill get the box if it comes out the 30th and get it on Steam if it doesnt.
It's worth noting that the little Wired blurb also says that "Valve Software is releasing the game for download now" which we know isn't true (September 30 is still three weeks away), so it stands to reason that you have take the whole statement with a grain of salt. In fact, they could be basing their statement on nothing more than retailer speculation, which would explain why they think the retail release is still several months away.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's worth noting that the little Wired blurb also says that "Valve Software is releasing the game for download now" which we know isn't true (September 30 is still three weeks away), so it stands to reason that you have take the whole statement with a grain of salt. In fact, they could be basing their statement on nothing more than retailer speculation, which would explain why they think the retail release is still several months away.

I just want to play the game on the 30th. I dont care how I get it. Ill mob some little kid if I have to.
Originally posted by Heleos
For those idiots thinking people are just lazy and not upgrading to cable from 56k, you are completely wrong. If was that easy, everyone would probably do it, but cable/high speed isn't available in a MAJORITY of the world. So if you're going to accuse people of living in rural areas, in only goes to show that you should of leaked the rest of the way down your father's leg when you were conceived.

Calm down you prick, if you can't get broadband it's not my ****ing fault, so stop bitching; no game developer cares about you or 56K users anymore. I don't give a **** if you live in some god forsaken hell hole or if your phoneline runs through a cow, if you can't broadband stfu, the world doesn't care.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Calm down you prick, if you can't get broadband it's not my ****ing fault, so stop bitching; no game developer cares about you or 56K users anymore. I don't give a **** if you live in some god forsaken hell hole or if your phoneline runs through a cow, if you can't broadband stfu, the world doesn't care.

Feel the love...
Para: Whoa... who said I had 56k and lived in a hellhole? lol I'm going to make stupid accusations like you, and assume that your parents probably pay for your internet so you sit in your basement and insult people with slower connections than you to make yourself feel better. Go outside and get a life.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Calm down you prick, if you can't get broadband it's not my ****ing fault, so stop bitching; no game developer cares about you or 56K users anymore. I don't give a **** if you live in some god forsaken hell hole or if your phoneline runs through a cow, if you can't broadband stfu, the world doesn't care.

Geez, if arrogance were water we'd all be drowning...

I have a cable modem myself, but i know *many* people who have a 56k. You don't have to live in a 'god forsaken hell hole' to not have broadband. Many people would rather choose to spend the money on something else, or perhaps they don't have the money hanging around. I strongly suggest you stop taking the piss out of people with a 56k, because you're comming off as very arrogant, and you obviously don't have much knowledge of anything beyond your home country.

I'll leave you with your own words...

"Calm down you prick"
I will definetely download it.

My thoughts:

1. I have broadband.

2. It won't download the whole game at once. It downloads levels as you progress. So you won't really have to download for days before you can start playing.

3. Folks who say releasing the game on steam first will violate the publishing contract with Vivendi assume they know what the contract is. Valve could have very well specified before hand that they will release the game on steam first. Take it or leave it.

4. As someone else mentioned, all the money goes to Valve and not to Vivendi/Sierra who haven't yet released a required patch for Emperor: Rise of middle kingdom (A peeve of mine.)
Originally posted by willy1ka
True but that depends on the copy protection they have.
I heard that you had to activate your copy... there is no way round that sort of thing.
*cough* There has been no failsafe copy protection for PC so far. Ive never activated my copy of Windows XP more than the first time I started the computer. I found a hack so that I never have to do it again, even after reinstalling. Im sure HL2 will be hax0red good within long. Thats not going to help on multiplayer on the net, of course, only the single player.

If the game really goes "box" in november first, Im pretty sure Im gonna wait for that. Theyll throw out a patch or two by then, and I can afford a good new VGA card :)
f that i'm not paying a monthly fee to dl it, give me my box

if they only release it on steam for as long as 2 months, i'm going to get pissed
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Bloody hilarious Heleos. You made my list.

Looks like you hit the nail on the head Heleos. :)

@ Immacolata, your definatly be right about it being cracked, hopefully not soon (so valve get a decent about of cash from steam, for better bandwidth etc.), but i bet people are looking at steam already.....

I am definatly going to by HL2 over the counter even if i have to wait a month or 2 longer. I'll probably buy Rush Hour and start playing SimCity4 again. Needless to say i'll cut myself off of this site to avoid spoilers.
Originally posted by Pagy
f that i'm not paying a monthly fee to dl it, give me my box

if they only release it on steam for as long as 2 months, i'm going to get pissed

Let's not get excited here man. This hasn't been confirmed, and as far as we know, we only heard it from Wired news. Anything other than 9/30 is FALSE. It will be released both via Steam and Retail shevles on 9/30.
This comes as no surprise. It's what I thought would happen all along.
You can't blaim Valve for not considering the people using something that should have died out 3 years ago.
I do know there are many people who can't get broadband, but it's still a small minority. You can't let the majority suffer because of the unability of the minority.
Honestly, I will do everything but missing the 56K'ers.
Just like you can't expect to play HL2 on a Pentium 2, you can't expect to play online on an outdated 56K.
Too bad for the people who cant get broadband, but I dont care about the ones who don't want to get it.
Even if I wont get my boxed version from the store for two months I dont mind. #1: I want my box, and #2: I need some more time to save up for my Radeon 9800 :D
You can't blaim Valve for not considering the people using something that should have died out 3 years ago.
This begs the question, why would Valve go to so much trouble to build a scalable graphics engine to allow those with low-end systems the opportunity to run Half-Life 2 and then not make concessions for those with a dial-up connections?

But the fact remains, Gabe Newall himself said the game will be available through retail and Steam on the same day. Another thing to note, Wired didn't attribute their claim. They just kind of said it without saying where they got the information.
People, Valve is NOT capable of putting games on store shelves. That requires an extremely expensive fabrication and distribution network, that's what publishers are for. If indeed the game is finished on Sept 30th but Sierra doesn't put it on shelves until November, it's Sierra you should be pissed at.

That being said, I have a feeling the author of that caption was confused between HL2 and Steam when they said 'available for download now'. I've e-mailed him (or her, not sure) asking about the caption. I suggest everyone else who's interested do the same.
I would be near phisicaly impossible to get the game to the shelfs for the 30th unless it goes gold in the next few days, it takes along time to to get it distrubuted all over the world in boxes where as it only takes a few hours to distribute it with the internet. Thats why that article is highly plausable.

And dont anyone say 'its gone gold but they just havent told us' becuse if it had Vivendi would tell you even if valve didnt, theyed be so desperate to let everone know it was going to be on time.
But you guys keep eliminating the fact that it could have already gone gold. Hell they kept HL2 a secret up til now! Its a stretch but hey...