More Things: Stupid things you've done lately


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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I got up in the morning and in my zombie-like state I went to the kitchen for some cereal as usual. I reached for a mug, placed it on the side, got the cereal out the cupboard and just as I was about to pour the cereal into the mug I realised, "Woah. This ain't no bowl", and started laughing hysterically at the mug.

Then my sister walked in whilst I was looking like some sort of a deranged person with messy hair, laughing at a mug. :|

This has happened many times. :(
Yeah, i do ridiculous crap like that when I just get up as well.

For instance, this morning (it's Sunday) I woke up at 10 and set my alarm for 8 AM, then went back to sleep...? wtf
Man, I am a retard when I am half awake and trying to set/turn off my alarm, I am so delusional that I think I have to do a math problem or a series of steps/codes to turn it off or set it.
Pretended to be gay to a couple of strangers when I was really pissed at a bar. They took it quite seriously and began cursing me out. I made a snip at one of the two's ridiculously large forehead, at which point he hung his head in embaressment while his buddy began pushing me. I didn't want to be the first to initiate a bar fight, so I just kept goading him with ridiculous come-ons. People around our table were overhearing it and seemed to think we were a gay couple fighting.

Alas, I had to catch my last train and had to leave soon after that. Probably for the best.
Pretended to be gay to a couple of strangers when I was really pissed at a bar. They took it quite seriously and began cursing me out. I made a snip at one of the two's ridiculously large forehead, at which point he hung his head in embaressment while his buddy began pushing me. I didn't want to be the first to initiate a bar fight, so I just kept goading him with ridiculous come-ons. People around our table were overhearing it and seemed to think we were a gay couple fighting.

Alas, I had to catch my last train and had to leave soon after that. Probably for the best.

did you drink absinthe?
I told my entire school freshman year that I was gay.... turns out I was bi, but they still think I was kidding, buahah!
Man, I am a retard when I am half awake and trying to set/turn off my alarm, I am so delusional that I think I have to do a math problem or a series of steps/codes to turn it off or set it.

lol me too, for some reason I over-think the shit out of turning off my alarm. Sometimes when it's the weekend and I set my alarm for, say, 8AM, I wake up and start calculating, adding 6 to it, etc; so I end up setting it for 5 hours in the future, except I wanted it set for a half-hour into the future. :|
Man, I am a retard when I am half awake and trying to set/turn off my alarm, I am so delusional that I think I have to do a math problem or a series of steps/codes to turn it off or set it.

Yeah I have that, but not only for alarms, for times when I need to figure out how to get back to sleep when dazed and semi-conscious.. And it's not only thinking that it's a maths problem, I think that I have to solve a computer code code problem or something.

Hard to explain but a weird experience. I think the most appropriate phrase to describe it would be "How do I implement my bed as a class with a constructor and destructor function?"
yesterday, i crashed at a friends' but left at 4 a.m and walked home. took hours, fell asleep on the road twice. i left cause i was so drunk i couldnt even lie down without feeling sick, and tried to "walk it off"..
also, i french kissed a gay guy . annual culture (read:alcohol) night in my town, yay!
Wednesday morning I had to wake up at about 5:30 so I oculd get to school earlier for detention. My cellphone went off (use it as an alarm clock) and woke me up. I didn't feel like reaching over and shutting it off so I let it go on until I got irritated threw it at my television at the other end of the room.

Not only was I late for detention, but I broked my cp too.
Wednesday morning I had to wake up at about 5:30 so I oculd get to school earlier for detention. My cellphone went off (use it as an alarm clock) and woke me up. I didn't feel like reaching over and shutting it off so I let it go on until I got irritated threw it at my television at the other end of the room.

Not only was I late for detention, but I broked my cp too.
El oh el.

The other day I set my alarm to wake me up at 7:30, but I never woke up to it and missed class because of it.

So I thought for the next day I should put both my alarm on my cellphone on and the alarm on the clock. The following morning, both are going off at the same exact time. I reach over at the clock and push the button to turn it off. It didn't turn off. So I kept smacking it and finally ended up slamming it on the ground. Then I realized it was my cellphone that was going off the whole time. Needless to say, I threw that, too.
Wednesday morning I had to wake up at about 5:30 so I oculd get to school earlier for detention. My cellphone went off (use it as an alarm clock) and woke me up. I didn't feel like reaching over and shutting it off so I let it go on until I got irritated threw it at my television at the other end of the room.

Not only was I late for detention, but I broked my cp too.

Detention already? For what... do tell.
Detention already? For what... do tell.
Algebra 1 teacher is a total biznatch who will find a reason to give you detention. In this case it'll never believe it girlfriend!...laughing at something while leaving class.
Got a girl pregnant some months ago.

I win, close thread
Hard to explain but a weird experience. I think the most appropriate phrase to describe it would be "How do I implement my bed as a class with a constructor and destructor function?"
sigged .. erm... 10char ?
In the middle of the night I got off my bed from sleeping, took my pillow and shoved it into one of my drawers and went back to sleep. I woke up in the morning, wondering why I didn't have a pillow, and I remembered what I did in the middle of the night just barely.

I mean this was a pretty big fluffy pillow, the pillow was jammed in there pretty tight too. I still don't know why I did it. I must have been slightly sleep walking or something.
In the middle of the night I got off my bed from sleeping, took my pillow and shoved it into one of my drawers and went back to sleep. I woke up in the morning, wondering why I didn't have a pillow, and I remembered what I did in the middle of the night just barely.

I mean this was a pretty big fluffy pillow, the pillow was jammed in there pretty tight too. I still don't know why I did it. I must have been slightly sleep walking or something.
Lol, awesome.

One time I got some cake and a glass of milk and brought it up to my room to eat. Afterwards I brought down the fork, plate, and empty glass, then proceeded to put the glass in the fridge, the plate in the cupboards, and the fork in the garbage.
I did something like that once.

One time I grabbed a spoon from the kitchen, went into my room, put it on my computer desk and started playing CS.
One time I got some cake and a glass of milk and brought it up to my room to eat. Afterwards I brought down the fork, plate, and empty glass, then proceeded to put the glass in the fridge, the plate in the cupboards, and the fork in the garbage.

I've done that plenty of times. I'll grab a plate when I'm thirsty, put a paper plate in the dishwasher (yes, I've done that) and wipe my ass with turds and flush the paper.
put a paper plate in the dishwasher (yes, I've done that)
Hahahaha. I haven't done that, but I have thrown out - not dropped into the garbage, thrown into it with a good amount of force (I wanted to throw it out dramatically for some reason) - a perfectly good china plate because the only thing left on it was severely overcooked broccoli. So I threw them both out in the garbabe, really hard, and the plate shattered into over a dozen pieces. Thankfully everyone else was out in the backyard, so I took my garbage from upstairs and used it to cover up the shattered plate in the kitchen garbage.
I did something like that once.

One time I grabbed a spoon from the kitchen, went into my room, put it on my computer desk and started playing CS.

ROFL. I go to throw cutlery in the bin as well. D:
Once I woke up at 1AM and I thought it was morning (yes, it was dark outside, but y'know) I turn my computer on and turn on a game. Just as its loading up I'm like "Wait WTF?" and turn it off.

Also, one time I woke up dressed but I went to sleep in my pants :O
Twas a while back, but I was riding my motorbike home from the gas station, and had just called somebody up to let them know I was doing something. Don't remember who it was, or the conversation.

So, I get on my bike and i'm riding home, I see a biker in the oncomming lane. We meet gazes, he waves, I wave back, when suddenly I hear a loud *SNAP*!

I had done some work on my bike earlier in the day, so I was already paranoid about odd sounds coming from my bike, and that i'd perhaps ****ed something up.

So, I think randomly, "what could I have messed up? What could I have messed up?", and for god knows why, I turned around and stared at the road behind me, and see my cellphone laying in the middle of the road.

So, I turn around and motor back to the spot where my phone was, trying to get there as fast as possible before it got hit by a car. Lucky me, I got caught in a construction zone that I hadn't seen, as they'd placed the road barriers BEHIND the blind spot, so I had to take a detour passed this mountain and back to the intersection.

Park my bike, get off, and i'm looking and looking, standing there for hours trying to find my phone in the road. "Oh ****" I think to myself. "somebody must have seen it jump out of my pocket, stopped, and made off with it".

I see a biker stopped at a stop light, we meet gazes, he waves, I wave back.

So i'm running back and forth along the road, staring into the gutter like a ****ing moron, all the while a catholic schoolgirl is standing there with her books, staring at me like i'm well... a ****ing moron.

After a while she says "uh... You dropped your... uh..", and she points at her eyes.

I look down at my helmet, only to see that my goggles were gone.

So yeah, I spent around a half hour running in the road trying to find my phone, AND my goggles.

Eventually found both, lucky me, my phone fell into the gutter and didn't get hit. So now the front of my phone is covered in bright white skid marks.

At least it still works :\
I went to school on saturday once, not figuring it out until I was at school and the doors were closed and no one around..

But that was a few years ago.
I once went to the kitchen for something to drink and poured at least half a gallon of milk into a glass (this is a very large class actually. Like, big.) and tossed it into the garbage can. There was a sound of glass breaking and milk splashing around when it landed. The glass was midflight when I realized "Oooooooooh shit...".
I woke up and wanted a piss. I could not be bothered to walk 20ft to the tiolet. I did not make full use of my on suite shower or sink. Instead I pissed in a wicker basket.

A few days ago I spent 10 minutes looking for my keys until I looked in the palm of my hand and *poof* my keys appeared by magic.
A few days ago I spent 10 minutes looking for my keys until I looked in the palm of my hand and *poof* my keys appeared by magic.

I've done that before... looking for something that's already in my hand.
I once went to the kitchen for something to drink and poured at least half a gallon of milk into a glass (this is a very large class actually. Like, big.) and tossed it into the garbage can. There was a sound of glass breaking and milk splashing around when it landed. The glass was midflight when I realized "Oooooooooh shit...".
Oh my god, I laughed so hard after reading this...
I got up at 5 am on a Saturday, brought my bookbag down and my dad who wakes up early for work asks me what I'm doing, I proceeded to go back upstairs back to sleep praising as if it was an extra weekend.
I was walking across a shopping centre yesterday and I was plugged into my creative mp3 player..and I banged into a mannequin. And wihtout realizing, I said sorry to it, really really loudly and everyone like stared at me. Felt really stupid..
Driving to my mates house, I was absolutely convinced I'd forgotten something.... it then became apparent in my head that I'd forgotten my car keys.

It took 10 minutes to realise that I had, of course, remembered them. :|
Not recently, but I vaguely remember being very drunk, losing my keys and not being able to get back into my parents house very late one night. Rather than wake them up and face their disaproval, I decided to climb up the conservatory and get into my bedroom window. This involed laying flat on my belly and slowly crawling, spiderman stylee, about 3 meters along the slightly bending and creaking sheets of glass. Twat :/
Last night I walked into a lamppost.
Don't worry. It's happened to the best of us.
I was walking across a shopping centre yesterday and I was plugged into my creative mp3 player..and I banged into a mannequin. And wihtout realizing, I said sorry to it, really really loudly and everyone like stared at me. Felt really stupid..
You are awesome.
I just pulled out a bottle of mouth rinse and there was a giant bubble on top so I popped it, my roommate was passing and some landed on his hand, he says something along the lines of "****, bitch" and proceeds to wipe his EYES with that hand. Apparently it burned like hell :laugh: I had the rinse in my mouth and almost swallowed/spat it from the internal laughter.