Most anticipated weapon to use in HL2?

I want to use the Imfamous ... SPOOOON!!!
1) Manipulator
2) Revolver
3) MP-7 (or sumtting)

Every weapon looks cool.
Kyo said:

Be honest who jumped into the Nilianth's head and Crowbared him to death the first time they played HL.

I know I did.

i did that too!
I can't decide between the manipulator and the .357 - sure, the manipulator will be fun for hours on end, but the .357 looks so beautiful and the power it has... mmmmm
So, I could just pick up a combine and bang him against the wall a few times? :)
i dont think they included homosexual sex in the game gunplay...
i cant wait to try out the shotgun and rocket luancher meself, we've seen everythin the manipulater can do :)
GunPlay said:
So, I could just pick up a combine and bang him against the wall a few times? :)

Only in some cases. If the map maker has marked it, otherwise nope your manipulator gun won't pick up dead bodies or living bodies.
They definately should release something like a room with a bunch of stuff in it and the manipulator through steam so we can try it out. Throw some stuff around.
you know what would be a cool weapon (just speculating here)

a hydragun or smth
that oicw assault rifle looks pretty good too, but of course the manipulator is the one i'm truly waiting for...
lans said:
Half-life is no halo. Expect full arsenal goodness.

Half-life is half-life, so I think I wouldn't like the strategic two weapon limit anyway. Valve has confirmed this.

ah, ok. They're keeping the simple fighting of HL then ;) Which is fine, HL was never really about combat anyway.

The manipulator is obviously the one most ppl are looking forward too - can't wait to get my hands on it \o/
if HL wasnt about combat, what was it about? (considering this is 1998?)
For me it was more about the immersion and the story. Exciting combat isn't something I think of when reminiscing about HL (maybe because other games have since done this significantly better).

A super engaging journey that kept me enthralled for months is what I remember - actually feeling like Gordon Freeman, all alone, just trying to survive :)
oldagerocker said:
i dont think they included homosexual sex in the game gunplay...

very good.

oldagerocker said:
i cant wait to try out the shotgun and rocket luancher meself, we've seen everythin the manipulater can do :)

I too. I forgot about the rpg on my first reply here, i look forward to that even more than the shotgun.
RogueShadow said:
I am waiting for remotely detonatable bits of C4... yeeeaaah...

lol yea that'd be pretty cool.
*puts C4 on Alyx's back tell her to stay, walk around the corner... BOOOM. Rains bits and pieces of Alyx...
PatPwnt said:
lol yea that'd be pretty cool.
*puts C4 on Alyx's back tell her to stay, walk around the corner... BOOOM. Rains bits and pieces of Alyx...

:( you meany. She... was.. my friend. .. my .. 'special' friend.
Wouldn't you rather blow on Alyx than blow her up?

Seriously dude, seriously.
I'm going to make Barney and Alyx mate with the manipulator.
I did that in the beta. don't worry I will not put any spoilers.

That was a spoiler dude, people have been questioning what you can do with the manip and people or enemies.
Definately the manipulator, not that I really needed to say it since everyone else did, but that is going to be one of the best parts of the game. Its just so diffrent from other games is what makes it so awesome.
tfotdead said:
I did that in the beta. don't worry I will not put any spoilers.


Hell yea! However, if anyone DOES want spoilers from the leaked version of HL2, IM me at . .. . . BANNED - in 5, 4 , 3, 2, 1.....*shut's down....

Seriously though, I played thrugh the leaked version, and the much of what I played was in the E3 2k4 video, and ALOT has changed! Anyone else that has played it knows what I'm talking about.
1. Manipulator
2. IR gun (the vaporizer thing in the e3 2004 combine soldier\rollermine fight)
RogueShadow said:
That was a spoiler dude, people have been questioning what you can do with the manip and people or enemies.

Well there's their answers...
Mr-Fusion said:
Wouldn't you rather blow on Alyx than blow her up?

Seriously dude, seriously.

After she blows up, I will eat her.
^ Cannibal ... ^

Probably the Manipulator will be my first choice, blowing a combine off the edge of a cliff with a table will be awsome ! I'd then probably go for the USP Match after that, simply because it looks good and its hard and fast to use.
some thing tells me he didn't mean actually cannibal style

1. revolver
2. usp match
3. rpg
4. manip
5. submachine gun.
How do you know which weapon you will use, when you only have seen some of them?
ShotGun! Look at how much damage it dishes out! Completely ripps apart the antlions :flame:
i reckon crossbow will nail people to stuff so that...and of course the manipulator, it's insane but that gun just looks like too much fun.
The_Monkey said:
How do you know which weapon you will use, when you only have seen some of them?

Most of them would be the word. We've literally seen more than half the arsenal, I speculate this because valve shouldn't keep more than 15 weapons - becuase after that Gordon would become a little overpowered with so many weapons at his disposal, of course that's where the tweaking is for, but it doesn't mean we can't save some ammo for the harder and challenging fights. We've seen 11 so far, I think the maximum we could see of new weapons would be 4 or 5.