Most anticipated weapon to use in HL2?


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
My most anticipated weapon to use the Manipulator. After playing Codename Gordon, i cant wait to try the actual thing. :D
Yes I agree
the game will be SO fun with that weapon

I also would quite like to see the pheremones and crossbow more
They all got a very cool look and sound to them. I can't really deceide..
Well, aside from the manipulator (which we all know and love)...I'm looking forward to a flamethrower - there's got to be one!

In one of the e-mails I sent I asked how you could start fires, and Rick assured me there's numerous ways. Aside from explosions and the flare gun...I think a flame thrower could do it...

If nothing else, someone's gotta mod one in for me.

Well, for non-madeup weapons, I'll go with that disintegrater cannon thing...The power of a strider, in a can[nish shaped...weapon thing]!

[My vote still rests with the manipulator...who doesn't love physics?]
The flare-gun thing in the Tunnels video is pretty cool, so 2nd most anticipated after the manipulator for me :)
I'm looking forward to a pistol. Yes... an ordinary, every day pistol.



Bah! I knew I couldn't pull that off. The manip gun, duh! :sniper:
No FPS would be an FPS without Teh Mighty Sniper Rifle™.
RoguePsi said:
No FPS would be an FPS without Teh Mighty Sniper Rifle™.
so doom, wolf3d, quake, quake2, quake3, painkiller, and many others arent FPS then?
man what have i been thinking all these years.
How will it work with the weapons in HL2? Will you have infinite room for them, as in HL, or will you have to throw away some, as is seen in the videos.
SMT - workin on it :D
Monkey - its gonna be HL Original Style

The_Monkey said:
How will it work with the weapons in HL2? Will you have infinite room for them, as in HL, or will you have to throw away some, as is seen in the videos.
Infinite room.
I would like to see the crossbow though...but ye, tha manipulator is fine to :)
Hopefully the amount of weapons you can carry at a time will depend on the difficulty
setting of the game. But i doubt it will.

Newhoo, i look forward to using the shotgun because i like getting up close and personal before i kill someone.

Will HL2 have pain skins? Like when a someone gets shot will there be a red spot where the bullet entered their body?
Wesisapie said:
so doom, wolf3d, quake, quake2, quake3, painkiller, and many others arent FPS then?
man what have i been thinking all these years.

I was refering to the modern FPS actually. :rolleyes: Quake 3 and Painkiller have their own versions of the Sniper Rifle. Whilst not you're typical PSG or so, they are long-range sniping weapons. Ahem...
Kouler said:
SMT - workin on it :D
Monkey - its gonna be HL Original Style

But then why is he throwing away his shutgun an picks up the rocket launcher in the "Coastline"-video?
HL² will have lots of cool weapons, its hard to choose

crossbow (pin the arrow on the combine :p )
The_Monkey said:
But then why is he throwing away his shutgun an picks up the rocket launcher in the "Coastline"-video?
They tried it (limited weapon slots), and said they took it away because they didn't like it. IIRC
Esquire said:
Will HL2 have pain skins? Like when a someone gets shot will there be a red spot where the bullet entered their body?

Yeh, they showed this in the E3 2004 when gordon was at the graveyard...
RoguePsi said:
I was refering to the modern FPS actually. :rolleyes: Quake 3 and Painkiller have their own versions of the Sniper Rifle. Whilst not you're typical PSG or so, they are long-range sniping weapons. Ahem...

Quake 3 has the railgun, but none of Painkiller's weapons really emulate the functionality of a sniper rifle. The closest two weapons are the stakegun and the painkiller secondary fire. But the stakegun has a short, parabolic trajectory and the painkiller secondary fire has a fairly limited range. Neither have zoom capability.

Not that I'm complaining, though; Painkiller has a very enviable weapon selection and balance. So will Half-Life 2, I'm sure.
SMT said:
Quake 3 has the railgun, but none of Painkiller's weapons really emulate the functionality of a sniper rifle. The closest two weapons are the stakegun and the painkiller secondary fire. But the stakegun has a short, parabolic trajectory and the painkiller secondary fire has a fairly limited range. Neither have zoom capability.

Not that I'm complaining, though; Painkiller has a very enviable weapon selection and balance. So will Half-Life 2, I'm sure.

I must be mistaken then. I thought Painkiller had a zoomable weapon. But yeah, Quake 3's sniper rifle was the railgun.
The new pistol, as the Glock really gets on my titties, its such a rubbish gun!

The Revolver, looks sexy.

The Manipulator, speaks for itself.

The Physgun, it will get implimented somehow, Im sure of it.

The I-Rifle, because Im a pyromaniac. :)

Be honest who jumped into the Nilianth's head and Crowbared him to death the first time they played HL.

I know I did.
RipperRoo said:
The new pistol, as the Glock really gets on my titties, its such a rubbish gun!

Whuh? I think it's got a pretty sexy punchy sound! :bounce:
I think that we have only seen a small bit of all the weapons that will be in HL2, so it's hard to tell.
I cannot wait to try out the .357 Magnum, love it how it just kills anything in its path. The flanger video showed how insanely awsome it was when it just launched the zombie a good 5 feet back.
I'm sure nothing will top the manipulator, but there's probably some alien guns that are so awesome we can't comprehend them until we've played the game.

Still hoping for a decent flame thrower though...Starting fires in buildings and lighting combine on fire would never be so much fun (well, aside from toppling a home made tower of debris onto one).
i want to use the pistol
it looks soooo gooooooood

...crowbar...( I can spell,Orange) :naughty:
I want the rocket launcher. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfffffffffffffffffffffffffft - BOOM!
Another pistol fan here :)

(i like limited weapon slots too - hope they keep that feature)
I'm all about taxing the combines vehicles (if we can do that). I wanna try driving that SWEET looking combinemobile (the armored one) from the E32004 video that you see for like a split second from the window. In half life 2 with the physics they've implemented everything can be a weapon. I wanna see what I can pull off :D
Warbie said:
Another pistol fan here :)

(i like limited weapon slots too - hope they keep that feature)

What a half life newb...

Anyways... I want a true rail gun that obliterates anything I put my crosshairs on.
Warbie said:
Another pistol fan here :)

(i like limited weapon slots too - hope they keep that feature)

Half-life is no halo. Expect full arsenal goodness.

Half-life is half-life, so I think I wouldn't like the strategic two weapon limit anyway. Valve has confirmed this.