most efficient way to destroy CDR media?


Sep 13, 2003
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im moving soon and i have lots of CDs with sensitive data on them that i need to destroy completely so that no one can read the data on the CDs. evar! I've heard even if you break them and throw them away, some could still read data off the chunks. (the data is mostly botched unattended windows xp test runs which include my CDkey on each cd, but also copies of some personal data on some).

anyone know the most efficient way to totally destroy these cds safely? would burning them(with fire!) be safe, or would that release any harmful gases? and is it possible for my data to be intercepted by wireless hackers if, while the cds are burning, my data wafts skyward off the cds? kidding on the last one. any suggestions?
Just put them in the microwave for 10 secs .... you get one hell of a good lighting display whilst you render the CDs completely un-readable.... and it's 100% safe. Just mind the smell it makes.
The most efficient way is to bend the CD in a pool table corner. Then aim at the CD and shoot the harder you can. The CD will shatter into million of pieces. Nobody will have the courage to reassemble the puzzle, not even you, I speak by experience.
lePobz said:
Just put them in the microwave for 10 secs .... you get one hell of a good lighting display whilst you render the CDs completely un-readable.... and it's 100% safe. Just mind the smell it makes.

That's probably the fastest way to go. If I'm not mistaken the microwaves totally burn any form of readable content. Besides, I very highly doubt that if you just put them on the bottom of a trash bag it'll get stolen. But yeah, I understand your worries, so microwave em!
stack em on the floor and stamp on them, it's the quickest way. although the microwave version is prettier :)

and yes, they will release toxic gases if burnt/microwaved (that's the nasty smell) so don't do too many if you plan to live to one million years old :)
There were also some people that attached CD's to dremel tools and spun them at 35000 RPM (175x speed). When hit with something the CDs went boom.

Depending on the type, some CD's explode into tiny pieces when crushed in your hand (found that out the hard way using a dead disk). Power sanders also work. And don't get me started on fire and explosives. The possibilities are endless!

Have fun and be safe.
haha i like that link lepobz use the destroyed cds and ornaments
lePobz said:
Just put them in the microwave for 10 secs .... you get one hell of a good lighting display whilst you render the CDs completely un-readable.... and it's 100% safe. Just mind the smell it makes.

10 seconds might be a bit much, I've seen it done on TV and it only took 2 seconds. But for more than one CD at a time, maybe more time might be needed, heheh.
Throw them into chernobyls no4 reactor for a few hours.
Or shoot them to dust with a 12gauge with fine bird shot.

.........oh you want the most efficient method :)
Microwave it is then.
Just have a bonfire in your back garden. Chuck them all on and watch them melt!
i suggest a butane gas canister.

heat it up to +100 C and it will explode with the force of 1 stick of dynamite.
Simply write "Hits of Celine Dion" on the front of the discs and leave them behind when you move. You will then have complete peace of mind as anyone who shows interest in the abandoned media will be far too mentally handicapped to ever uncover your sensitive data or exploit your windows ID.
The Dremel CD guy is awesome. Couldn't believe my eyes when it went up the skateboard, bounced back on the floor, and then carried on going! :D
some of u guys seem like ur going to destroy special goverment projects
giant384 said:
some of u guys seem like ur going to destroy special goverment projects

you know too much........


if the amount of cds are HUGE and you need to destroy other stuff as well, i suggest thermonuclear devices like in Opposing Force.

It would be hard to get though...

but, as it seems like you have VERY VERY sensitive data, I have to agree with giant384.
giant384 said:
some of u guys seem like ur going to destroy special goverment projects
In soviet Russia, special government projects destroy you! :smoking:
Actually, all you have to do is take sandpaper and scrape off the top layer (like where you would write on the CD). That's the layer that refelcts the laser, and without it, you can't read nadda. :)