Most memorable characters on


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I don't mean member who've done big things or anything like that, just people you see alot on

When you think, or think of the threads and posts, who comes to mind?

I'd say:

Cpt Stern
VirusType2 (even though he doesn't post often, idk why he's memorable)
Vegeta, Raziaar, Cyberpitz, Darkside, Qonfused, Samon, W4DSY, Stern, Ennui, Sulkdodds, KineticAesthetic, Xendance, Bowsniper(calvary), Zombieturtle, Druckles, Jintor, Asuka, Akira.

I could name many many more, but im done typing.

I'll type some more because I didnt list some big ones. Stigmata, Shamrock, Digi, Tollbooth Willie, Stormy, Solaris.... eh im tired of typing again.
Darkside, Stern, Sulkdodds, Calvary, Zombieturtle, Druckles

Edit: oops, forgot my buddy Raziaar.

Double Edit!: Pitz, my bad. the only necropedobeastialitist that i know! But sometimes i think Derrick ccould be one...

Triple Edit!:Toaster-chan and Darkside55. /facepalm. how'd i forget? oh, and willie.

Edittaculer!: my bad, every time i see lawyer's avatar i giggle.
I always end up missing someone in these types of threads.

When I think, I think:

Vegeta, Stigmata, Ennui, Krynn, Stern, Mechagodzilla, Zombieturtle, Willie, Raziaar, Dumb Dude/Sonic; and buttsechs.
Pitzy, Qon, Atmoic Piggy, Ennui, Stern, zombieturtle, WILLIE!, Raziaar, Iced Eagle, Shamrock, Vegeta and Stig
I always think:

"Wow... those guys on the forums are pretty cool..."
Vegeta, Raziaar, Cyberpitz, Darkside, Qonfused, Samon, W4DSY, Stern, Ennui, Sulkdodds, KineticAesthetic, Xendance, Bowsniper(calvary), Zombieturtle, Druckles, Jintor, Asuka, Akira.

I could name many many more, but im done typing.

Pitzy, Qon, Ennui, Stern, zombieturtle, WILLIE!, Raziaar, Iced Eagle, Shamrock, Vegeta and Stig

The only two people I love! *until someone else adds my name...*

Pfft, Knghenry was silly, Princess Jen was where it's at.
I always end up missing someone in these types of threads.

When I think, I think:

Vegeta, Stigmata, Ennui, Krynn, Stern, Mechagodzilla, Zombieturtle, Willie, Raziaar, Dumb Dude/Sonic; and buttsechs.

God damn right you do :p

These are the members I think of (or thought of right now), in no particular order: Ennui, Munro, Farrowlesparrow, Qonfused, JNightshade, solaris, Dalamari, Phobie, Mechagodzilla, Zombieturtle, Willeh, Raziaar, Krynn, Stern, Veggienumbers, Numbers, Sulkdodds, Naudian, kathaksung, Sam-2k, and Bad^Hat. Many people to be remembered.

[edit] CyberPitz and Shamrock too. I knew I was forgetting a couple people.

[edit2] And Digi and MiccyNarc (I do actually recognise you!) and Darkside (how the hell did I forget him...) and toaster-chan. Too many people D:
See, I miss a lot of people.

I LOVE YOU CYBER AND DIGI...and Bat^Hat...and Darkside...and MiccyNarc...and
A lot of people. In no particular lol order:

**** YOU DIGI!, Stigmata, Qonfy, Krynn, Shammy, Stern, Sulks, Iced_Eagle, Cavalry, Veggies, CyberPitz, Deathmaster, AtomPiggy, Jintor, Zombieturtle (turned me full on bi), Darkside, Samon, Druckles, Raziaar, Ennui, Warbie, Sam-2k, Smoke, Instinct.

I know there's more than that but I can't be arsed to think. I still love you all like I like my women like I like my coffee. COVERED IN ****ING BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!
You guys are all abunch of bastards, I leave this site for a week or so and everyone forgets me. Also when I think of this site, I think of solaris's crotch, so there. Now wheres my damn chocolate milk?:frown:
From the Tibbs.

bah, i was bi when i made out with a guy.

Edit: I lol'd after my Pissed-Bot 3000 drawing i made in class, and i wanted to jump on the Pitz bandwagon, so he got a refit. into Pitz-Bot 3000!!! ALL HAIL MY CREATION!!!
yes. it was my uber-smexyness.

Edit: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Double Edit!: We still do on occaision. Just for kicks.
stig, pitz, veg, sulk, pitz, lawyer, samon, pitz, zombie, smoke, sea, druckles, phobie, toaster, miccy, pitz, pitz, and pitz.
about the only thing we remember about you is your avatar.

Mini-me! Stop humping the "laser"!!!
ahhh... no me... Nobody wikes me... WAHHHHHH!!!!

O.K. I'm better now!
Darkside and Cavalry. There be much more but these are my favorites.
Shasta! Oh hell yeah! That guy was funny. :D

Though I didn't really know him long before he got canned permanently, I just went though his past posts in his profiles and wished he was around longer when I joined.

I believe I got flamed my very first post by Shasta when I came here looking for HL2 technical assistance. :laugh:

BTW: You guys don't like dragonshirt. ;(

Stiggy, Pitz, Qonf

That's about it.

There are the other characters that float around the site, but those are the big three that actually personify the site as a whole.

At least in my eyes they do :/
How hard is it to remember Dan? It's 3 letters.


