Most Memorable Members

Didn't TDE have a spate of posting a couple of weeks ago? Haven't seen him for a while......

Oh, AngryLawyer, didn't you promise some special ZombieMaster info today, Halloween??
this thread makes me sad that so many people have gained lives and disappeared ;(

group hug guys!
bvasgm said:
There's too many awsome people still here to list.
Feel the love. Feel it good.

CptStern said:
I fully endorse this product/event.

nw909 was great - the ultimate spammer with more posts than God.
N0N1337H41 was really really cool, even though his stay seemed brief.
KidRock or whatever - he was a proper wanker. I'm such a hater
RRunner - I remember having an awesome discussion with him about the morality of shooting suspects dead, I believe. Apparently we were "off-topic" (Bah) so it was closed.

And Angry Lawyer. But everyone loves him.
Angry Lawyer said:
Halloween's tomorrow, numbnuts.

-Angry Lawyer

Just wana take this moment to say "Ow shit!" Screwed the date on my watch up while changing the time last night after a couple :cheers:

So, we gonna get some news tomorow then?

(sorry for slight derail)
Something will happen tomorrow, for those who have their eyes open.

-Angry Lawyer
Omfg Omfg Omfg Its The Apocolispe Run For Your Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angry Lawyer said:
Something will happen tomorrow, for those who have their eyes open.

-Angry Lawyer

YAHOOO! :imu:
I remember bliink before I joined and just started lurking on the forums
And that's about it for people :p
And Kamikazie I also remember :p

And for events :
The GTA:SA threads by that guy with a bit of a Japanese nickname
The "Sean Connery Is Dead!" thread, lol :D
Hmm what else :/
Well I wasn't there, but Lemonking's mum sure looked good (read the entire thread :p)

EDIT : Oh and all the goodbye threads ;(
He's not a member, he is the almighty leader

I assure you, Munro fits one definition of "a member" perfectly.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I assure you, Munro fits one definition of "a member" perfectly.
That post forces my mind to think of a member in the sechs definition :|
Chris_D has always intrigued me in some strange way...
Um, guess i'll start off with mentioning the three greats; Brian Damage, Shuzer and nw909.

Santa and the HL2 christmas carols thing we had back in xmas 2003.

Supertrooper, ghetto_fabolous, EvilEwok, valved_ray. NDJ2003, the kid that supposedly "died" in cancer. Thehunter's mom telling us that he was badly hurt in a car accident.

Icarus and everything thats associated to him.

I can't really think of anyone else as being "memorable" in that sense, there's other people who are great guys but still hang around and continue to pest these forums with their presence.

oh and i miss this guy called half-alive :( he was soo cool

I don't remember anybody.
It was all a lie.

Damn government cover-ups.
kngHenry was actually an internet robot created to observe us, and figure out why we all hate Jack Thompson and I've lost my train of thought. Meep.
kngHenry was actually an Internet troll, and lied to you all, and you all believed him when he said he was killing himself.

-Angry Lawyer
hmm. i miss farrow and ritz/burn and a lot of others
I miss Ennui, y'kno, ever since he deseted for i have barely seen him at all :P
Digi is one of the greatest members !

-Angry Lawyer

/hopes no one finds out...