Most overrated band/artist

That doesn't make any goddamn sense. A shitty band could be ****ing pushed through the roof in album reviews, but I can still think they're shitty. Ratings do not mean I'm obligated to sit back and go, "That band is really ****ing shitty, but, you know, they get good reviews so, they're not too bad after all I guess since a lot of people like them." Wait; did I just define over-rated? Shit.
That is exactly what I said, man. I said that you don't have to like someone to understand that they are a good musician. I don't like country music, but I understand that there is plenty of talent in there, obviously. I don't understand how you misinterpreted what I said. I specifically said the taste in music or taste in an artist's style has nothing to do with how over-rated an artist is. When a shitty band is pushed through the roof with album reviews, YES, that's over-rated! You CAN think they are shitty! They most likely are! That's your opinion!

I want to bitch at like everyone in this thread (probably because I'm a huge Aphex Twin, NIN, Radiohead, and Zeppelin fan).
Rage Against The Machine
System Of A Down

Crap names, crap music.
Oh my god, RAGE.

I ****ing HATE Rage Against the Machine. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE. It's the rock equivalent of crunk music. ****ing hate it so much.
Oh my god, RAGE.

I ****ing HATE Rage Against the Machine. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE. It's the rock equivalent of crunk music. ****ing hate it so much.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion. :D

I also can't stand the Gorillaz.
Oh my god, RAGE.

I ****ing HATE Rage Against the Machine. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE. It's the rock equivalent of crunk music. ****ing hate it so much.

I was at a party last night and that's all they played.

Fallout Boy

I constantly hear them at college and I think they are horrible.
System of a Down does suck, but Rage is awesome. This thread is full of haters.
Ladies, ladies... I do believe this song proves without a doubt that Aphex Twin have/has talent.

Oh you bastard! Catchy tune though. What's with the comments?

Case in point:
My girlfriend said the only way I could get her to do a threeway is if I got Rick Astley to join in. The ironic part is I was thinking the same thing.

I think one of the most over-rated artists is Frank Zappa.
Everything in this thread is overrated.

This thread is overrated.
In terms of riffs, Rage are ****ing awsome lol, but the singing aint really my cup of tea.

It's called On

Actually, it isn't.

Found it:


Another one of those songs that's just so beautiful, that I feel like crying when I hear it ;(
Well, "On" was as close as I figured because that "Boy/Girl" video is pretty much a fan film made by David Firth.

One song ponies who at somepoint were considered by a large number of people the best current British band in the world.
The best riffs to listen to while you're driving :P
On sounds like farting over piano.

Apparently Apehx Twin takes potentially good, likeable classical music and ****s it up with shitty, complicated drum beats. But that's just judging from these two videos and a couple others I've seen before.
That is exactly what I said, man. I said that you don't have to like someone to understand that they are a good musician. I don't like country music, but I understand that there is plenty of talent in there, obviously. I don't understand how you misinterpreted what I said. I specifically said the taste in music or taste in an artist's style has nothing to do with how over-rated an artist is. When a shitty band is pushed through the roof with album reviews, YES, that's over-rated! You CAN think they are shitty! They most likely are! That's your opinion!


I never said he was bad and I never said I didn't like him either. It's not my thing, but I can appricate talent - what I don't appricate is nearly every other person on the internet furiously masterbating over Aphex Twin.
yes aphex is definitely overrated in the sense that most ppl who listen to him think hes the end all of music, and its ironic that the same ppl imitate his style when hes all about originality. that aside he kicks ass, but so do a load of acts out there!
I don't think that. I regard Venetian Snares just about as highly as Aphex. Venetian Snares has a way different style than Aphex Twin and I love both.
On sounds like farting over piano.

Apparently Apehx Twin takes potentially good, likeable classical music and ****s it up with shitty, complicated drum beats. But that's just judging from these two videos and a couple others I've seen before.

That's, like, the only one.
I like Aphex Twin but theres also a **** load of tracks out there I dislike of his. I couldn't get into the Richard D. James Album at all, save for the track '4'. ...i care because you do is also pretty 50/50 for me.
I love most of his Aphex releases. It's some of the side stuff that makes me scratch my head.

As a guy who self-admittedly puts out a lot of shit and pulls jokes on his listeners, I guess that's expected. Although I don't know how you can't like "To Cure A Weakling Child". D:
-All post-rock bands are overrated and overplayed.
-Avenged Sevenfold.
-Foo Fighters.
-Every major influential figure pre-70's, quite frankly I find boring.
-Radiohead has some pretty cool stuff but does get bland.
-Muse is pretty overrated, despite having some good tracks.
-Most metalcore bands get more attention than they deserve.
-A lot of guitar virtuoso's are overrated, like Yngwie Malmsteen.
-Ministry isn't terribly exciting a lot of the time.
-Johnny Cash.

Thats about all I can think of at the top of my head.
bon jovi, his new album that is.. It is not at all that fantastic compared to his older ones..
So, basically, this is a "what band do you not like?" thread...

Yay for opinions, I guess...
Joking aside: Timbaland. I don't normally mind the assinine mythology that gets taped onto hip hop producers. He has made some catchy, popular tracks. He knows how to fit different elements together well. But when people I know constantly laud him for being a genius and being teh bestest evar, I start to scoff.

Last year I was asked by a girl what I listen to. 'Mostly techno-type stuff [techno being the choice word because I didn't think she'd understand electronic/trance],' I said, to which she responded, 'Oh, you'll like Way I Are then! It's part techno.' To which I later listened and had a moment of facepalming. A PW-sounding accompaniment synth does not constitute an electronic track. And yet it's that, coupled with people's ignorance, that make people think he's original and incorporates other genres when he introduces one common element from songs in those genres into his own (similar to Usher having Lil Jon in 'Yeah!').

The whole Janne Sunni thing sealed it for me. Again, it's not like other artists haven't stolen before. It was his whole candid attitude, drawling in his barely-English speech about how it doesn't matter that he stole because he's rich. Great, another pretentious, RIAA-protected prick who's crushing smaller artists.
NIN has some good songs, but I dont like them as much as other people do. Personally, I got what I expected from MCR (which basically means I liked them). And I really like Avenged Sevenfold! Since when do they get that much publicity anyways? Ive seen them in one video game liscence. Otherwise, I never wouldve heard of them.

Also, as much as people may hate me for saying this, I like John Mayer, but not as much as other people do. I think he has some really good songs, but seriously I dont think hes all people lead him to be.