Most Overrated Band Ever


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Mediocre at best. Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic was their best album, everything since then has been average. And i hate the guys voice, it just bugs the hell outta me. Flea's cool though, but unfortunatley it sounds like every single song they've written has been based purely around Flea's bass riff's.

Its just my opinion. What do you think is the most overrated band ever?
I'd agree that RHCP are overrated. That's not to say that they're bad, it's just to say that they're not "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IT'S RHCP!!11 BEST BAND EVAH!!!1".

Along with Nirvana. They're good, but they're basically credited with starting and finishing the grunge era, which they didn't. There's a lot better grunge out there.
Yes metallica for sure, ACDC also, and dashboard confessional. They are all over rated (even in their own time, and they all suck) I don't agree about nirvana though, they have a lot of songs i really like (and no im not talking about smells like teen spirit)
Sparta said:
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Mediocre at best. Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic was their best album, everything since then has been average. And i hate the guys voice, it just bugs the hell outta me. Flea's cool though, but unfortunatley it sounds like every single song they've written has been based purely around Flea's bass riff's.

Its just my opinion. What do you think is the most overrated band ever?

While By The Way is indeed a weak album, both Californication and One Hot Minute are solid records. IMO infact One Hot Minute is their best album.

And as to go as far as saying they are the most OVER rated band EVER?!?!?!

Yeah, please take your head out of your ass.
Nah AC/DC are hella kewl :) "If You Want Blood (You Got It)" Is one of the best fun-mincing-around-like-a-cock-rock-tosser-hero songs ever! So very very good.
i'd have to say The Darkness. they're ok but nothing spectacular. a typically 80s inspired band but i suppose some people like that cheesiness factor. watch them die in the next year or so (i don't mean literally die but fade away).
oooh the darkness I forgot about them...
I just can't stand ACDC, no offense if you like them. The guys (both of them, because the guy that sings now sounds like the one that died) that sing drive me nuts with their scratchy voices, the guitart riffs are so vanilla and the rest of the band sounds like everything else that sucked about the 80's.
How about we add the strokes, and every boy band that has ever existed (IE backstreet boys)
Mr.Magnetichead said:
While By The Way is indeed a weak album, both Californication and One Hot Minute are solid records. IMO infact One Hot Minute is their best album.

And as to go as far as saying they are the most OVER rated band EVER?!?!?!

Yeah, please take your head out of your ass.

Thanks dude, like i said it was my opinion, so you shouldn't have to tell me to pull my head out of my ass, you could've just said i disagree.

Also, yeah Metallica are the MOST overrated band ever, i was gonna say them but because of their massive massive legion of fans i was afraid i'd get flamed by tons of people.
And the Darkness are overrated as well, i found this little rant on Something Awful that i totally agree with
I'd have to say Nirvana. Lithium and Come as You Are are good songs.

Smells like Teen Spirit makes me want to smash my face into a wall it's so poor
overrated maybe, but not bad.

AC/DC suck.
Iron Maiden and Judes Priest do so too.
Hammerfall and Manowar.

more to come :p

/me runs fast
Good Charlotte, Worst band ever. But since everyone knows they suck then their not really overrated by that much
REM, (every album sounds exactly the same these days). Twaddle lyrics coupled with MOR backing, strictly for oversensitive urbanite vegan social workers.

Agree with the nirvana stuff also. Great guitar riffs, but not much else going on.

The Darkness........a joke of a band that has had too much airtime already.
Innervision961 said:
oooh the darkness I forgot about them...
I just can't stand ACDC, no offense if you like them. The guys (both of them, because the guy that sings now sounds like the one that died) that sing drive me nuts with their scratchy voices, the guitart riffs are so vanilla and the rest of the band sounds like everything else that sucked about the 80's.
How about we add the strokes, and every boy band that has ever existed (IE backstreet boys)
None taken natch - different strokes for different wallabies, etc.
Personally The Darkness are a laugh if incredibly arrogant. If you hate them, don't worry they won't be around much longer.
And The Strokes are fan-bloody-tastic. In a samey-so-that-the-album-sounds-like-one-40-minute-song. But then I'm a dirty indie kid wrapped up in a lot of the garage rock thang - huzzah for vintage clothes and Converse All Stars :naughty: But not all the time, you understand - all things in moderation.
And yes Good Charlotte are a big pile of dog w*nk. They got bottled on the stage at last year's Reading festival! Hooray!

Oh and may I just add that dirty dirty BITCH Avril fecking Lavig-nay. Stupid tart, fake lying whore. Graaar!
Innervision961 said:
I don't agree about nirvana though, they have a lot of songs i really like (and no im not talking about smells like teen spirit)

They have a lot of songs that I like too, but they are considered the be all and end all of the grunge genre, when they're not. There are a lot of bands that were doing what Nirvana were doing, at the same time, and better.
I'm all for Chuck Taylor shoes but i think the only reason The Strokes are popular is because one of the members has a dad that owns a record label (or so i've been told)
I just reckon their void of any talent, sorry if that pisses you off dude.
Nirvana...What i find annoying about that craze is people who blatantly arent old enough to remember nirvana for what they were, wearing hoodies with a picture of Kurt Kobaine on. Then they rant on about them being the saviours of real music or something...just really gets up my back. But i feel much better when i see them being chased down the street by scallys :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Nirvana...What i find annoying about that craze is people who blatantly arent old enough to remember nirvana for what they were, wearing hoodies with a picture of Kurt Kobaine on. Then they rant on about them being the saviours of real music or something...just really gets up my back. But i feel much better when i see them being chased down the street by scallys :)
Well, I wasn't even sperm when Led Zeppelin or Miles Davis were around but I still adore them...
Yeah i got friends who do that, and then go about and make rip-offs of his music claiming it to be "real" music. Nirvana has almost become a pop-band thanks to those kids. Which would contradict getting confused, i think i've lost whatever it was i was talking about
Thats not my point...Its hard to explain but its these annoying 15 year olds who are just going through that time in life where everything they do is apparently deep and meaningful, and they believe that Nirvana were some kind of messianic band. They were just a band who happened to get grunge music a little more popular. Yeah ok they had talent but they were just a band...nothing more. Whats more, after wearing their hooded tops going on about all this stuff like individuality, they then but on their adidas sports gear...I guess its not just the Nirvana thing, its more about people who are trying to be "different". The more you try the less you become. Instead of just being they try being, which makes them like everyone else. (no i didnt leave words out there...Loooks kinda weird though)
Bah, I don't think most of these are the most overrated bands at all. Most of them have been bands that individuals just don't like for one reason or another, but lots of other people do (and I'm just going to have to kill whoever said REM).
My vote for the MOST overrated ever goes without competition to ICP. Not only do they have legions of rabid fans, but they were voted the worst band EVER. :D
Mmmm, I know what you mean Farrow - I have to admit I did go through that phase myself - but I'm a good person really. I guess it's just one of those things - "rebellion" and teenage angst coming together and Nirvana sort of reflect that, so it's just the obvious choice. You relate and things get out of hand from there on in.
But yeah the whole "I'm such an individual man - I don't conform." F*ck right off - you look exactly the same as your mate right next to you. Same goes for Goths. Fine, you choose your social niche and that's all good, but if you get all hypocrtically self-righteous like that then you are a c*ck plain and simple. Sorry.
Direwolf said:
My vote for the MOST overrated ever goes without competition to ICP. Not only do they have legions of rabid fans, but they were voted the worst band EVER. :D

That's quite an achievement, and I have to admit, I agree with it.
el Chi said:
But yeah the whole "I'm such an individual man - I don't conform."

You just described every old-school punk band in the world. And who the heck is ICP?

i agree with you all ... i saw metallica end of last year and i wasnt impressed

underated band
sonata arctica
fishymumma said:
Busted aren't over-rated, they're just successful - they don't take themselves seriously, that's the good thing. They're vaguely ironic. Unlike McFly. Who (/whom?) I would love to batter with their guitars. That I'm sure they really play...
Metallica definitly had a period where they were far superior than they are now (St Anger anyone?)
I don't think this title should go to bands who have simply faded with time, rather to those that are truelly bad (not just mediocre: BAD).
lol i just hate them.... they sux so much same with mfly gerrrrr such a wast of carbon
St anger is for the money tbh its really nu metal and with all the little kiddies liking nu metal they are all going to go out and buy it and say "wow im a hard core "mosher" i like metallica"
the new metallica record is new-metal? uhm, well, okay. if you think that.

in fact, it is more thrash-metal related than new-metal. it has this rough-sound, this garage-jam-influence, you know what i mean. i dont think this fits into the new-metal category.

oh i forgot.. the 'kiddies'.. so what? the 'kiddies' haven stolen 'your' music? youre not 'leet' anymore because youre music-taste is not 'underground' anymore, heh?
himself said:
the new metallica record is new-metal? uhm, well, okay. if you think that.

in fact, it is more thrash-metal related than new-metal. it has this rough-sound, this garage-jam-influence, you know what i mean. i dont think this fits into the new-metal category.

oh i forgot.. the 'kiddies'.. so what? the 'kiddies' haven stolen 'your' music? youre not 'leet' anymore because youre music-taste is not 'underground' anymore, heh?

no at all... all the kids are really fake and it annoys me ...... they listen to untalinted bands and think they are hardcore metalers and they are just idots
I think the problem is, you get hordes of children that follow a trend. People still do it when they are older, but when they are older they have generally found where they fit...At least, i suppose a lot of people have but then again there are still a lot who go where the flow takes them.
This negativity towards Metallica is disturbing.

/me takes names
Then add mine to the list. I dont think they are that good.

Actually, what is the list for...because if its pain then maybe you shouldnt add me.
Good Charlotte, and most Emo bands are very much overated Poser bands

(I like Metallica, and it hurts when people say St Anger was a good song)