Most Overrated Band Ever

'High Five' isnt that a juice drink?,....

edit: Brian check you PM's
Metallica and Iron Maiden are the most overrated bands ever.
And hold on, since when has Beck been overrated? Most people I talk to don't even know who the hell he is, regardless of what they think of his music.
Direwolf said:
And hold on, since when has Beck been overrated? Most people I talk to don't even know who the hell he is, regardless of what they think of his music.
lol, seriously people.. 90% of the bands you've named are not nearly popular enough to meet the most basic requiremnt of over-ratedness!

'i think Bonnie Price Billy, Sparklehorse, and The Postal Service are all overrated'.. wtf!? i mean, hoenstly, who on these forums has even heard of those thre bands i just named, not to mention can evaluate their music and compare them as musicians to their reputation? just 'cuz you don't like it doesn't make it over-rated.

the best one i've heard so far is radiohead. i personally think weezer is over-rated too.
Nirvana sucks, anyone that knows 4 chords can write better songs that them, screw them.
So basically most of you guys think any band you hear on the radio is overrated? Nice, I guess good bands just simply don't deserve airtime (a few exceptions) Maybe we should vote so they give the airtime to underground garage punk bands that sound like blink 182... Oh wait, they already did.

Metallica among some of the other bands mentioned (RHCP, Radiohead, REM, Pink Floyd) were in fact pretty original in their time and thus gained a large following. They are appreciated by people who enjoy their kind of music and someone who dislikes it cannot truly appreciate their music for what it is.

I don't judge country bands because I don't like their music, therefore I can't say they are overrated because for all I know they could be the best in the genre. So in other words just because you don't like them doesn't mean they suck. I bet half of these kiddies who voted for Metallica or other famous bands just did so because they wanted to "look cool" by going against mainstream society. Like it or not they are here and they are here to stay.
Wow, thanks for clearing that up for me. However I think Fat Tony hit the nail on the head. This is basically a "what bands do u hate" thread.
I like Pink Floyd I just don't understand why they are credited with being such a great band, their music is kind of boring. Anyone want to suggest some good Pink Floyd songs?
Lil' Timmy said:
.. welp, now you really are wrong foxtrot :). pink floyd is one of the greatest rock bands ever. at least as influential as led zeppelin. it'd be really hard to over-state the importance of pink floyd. the number one rock album ever (by most expert opinions) in 'dark side of the moon', some of the most popular radio singles of all time, including the most-often played song in radio history (another brick in the wall pt 2, i believe). the commercial impact alone outs them out of the reach of overratedness, imo. not to mention their innovation is concert performance..

its acutaly money.

if you want a good song fox trot try confertably numb. and if you also watch their rock theather the wall. most depressing movie ever.

and for who said tool i say curse you.

but over rated would have to be and rap or hip hop song that is nothing aobtu bitchs money and murder along with other crap. adn pop and or punk.

one band i miss is beastie boys. but rthere suposed to ahve a new album this year :D

also they are no longer called nickleback, they have conformed with all the other bands that soudn like them and named themself theory of a nickle fault.

also limp bizkit after wes left
nickelback...i have an mp3 of 2 of their songs right on top of each other..same temp, time between lyrics and instruments..all the same
Red Hot Chilli Pepers are not bad
are one of my favorite bands

but of course they are not the OMG OMG OMG BEST EVER!!!!
but I love they'r music
Pink Floyd's entire Dark Side of the Moon album if you are looking for good songs by them, its considered one of the best albums ever made PERIOD. A band that has that distinction cannot be called overrated.
I love what the Gabe of PA says (paraphrase): If you claim that Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings suck, then it says more about you than about the artist.