Mounted machine guns

m00b said:
I presonaly think we shoud have access to HL2 maps like to open them and see how things are done. But now that that isnt the case...
Since this is very difficult to set up properly I ripped the data from the canals_01a map using unly a text editor.
This is the result. A completely functioning turret.

The tutorial map shows how to set up your mounted turrets, but you better just copy the whole thing because there are 1000's of settings to set up and aren't worth the time and nerves.

For the basic one you'll need:
"func_tank" - central functionality unit for a tank turret
"prop_dynamic" - just an animated model with bones
"trigger_multiple" - trigger where you stand
"info_target" - for npc's to be able to find the turret.

AI will use the gun too. Go passed the no tresspassing sign and then get back to the turret and wait for zombies.

In this map you can also see how to set up triggered spawning of zombies, pathing for AI and also the rebels. If you are making an sp map you'll also need "ai_relationship" triggering when the turret is overtaken by the other side (if you plan that look into the text file for clues), but that's another story.

Enjoy, and you're welcome. :D

wicked, nice find :D:D:D
func_tank + model of machingun + firing direction = U R happy
I pretty sure func_tank in HL2DM is broken, has anyone had any luck with it?
Just skimmed through the thread and it looks like m00b has provided information to make a working one, however have just made a mounted machine gun tutorial with lots of info on the parameters, so maybe this will help some:
LOL that's exactly how I made it. Even the wall is the same.


I tried to get the machine gun work in HL2DM and i got the same problem too. I just succeeded in getting the bullets out of the gun but not in aiming it. I tried to invert the parent relationships and i had a certain control of the model but not very effective. Maybe, we can put the funk_tank parent of the turret AND the turret parent of the func_tank but i don't know what will happen.
Ok ... to do this was a gay thing ... the map kill the application (both hammer and DM)
I've got 4 mounted machine guns working in a test map of mine, and npcs use them automatically... There must be some other problem with your setup, or perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.
interlopers tutorial last line: "Also, if theres any problems, get up me in the forums or check the example map, and NO, this does NOT work for HL2 Deathmatch. "

I can get a func_tanklaser to work in deathmatch. Has anyone else tryed this ?
Yeh so ive been working and watching for a while now... heres what I can do. I can load into DM with my gun... i parented the gun with the func_tank... this makes it move with the frigin box, which angers me cuz I had this working on its pivot before and cant get back to how i did that. Now, when i change weapons, it fires whatever weapon i have selected. I haven't tested with other ppl in the map thou... has anyone gotten this far? what is the extent of testing you guys have done?
look in the map sdk_d2_coast_12.vmf that valve provided. they are in there. From looking at that this is basicaly what you do:

Create a 16x16 brush with the invisable texture and tie it to func_tank.
Create a prop_dynamic with the model of a turret.

you may place the prop_dynamic inside the func_tank if you wish.
Create the outputs as following:

attached is a text file on how to do the outputs to read properly stretch the window all the way out sideways on the .txt file

You will have to mess around with the settings for the func_tank on your own, i dont have enough time to post what to do in there. It should be pretty obvioius.

Welli hope this turns out right when i post it and i hope you all can understand what im saying for the time i spend copying it out.. ha.
Well thats the basics for what your going to do... enjoy
The tank entities won't work in CS:S in any case. However, by ripping out the relevant portions of this tutorial and parenting an env_laser to the gun, you can fake it.