Mouse sensativity setting


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
What do setting do you use for your mouse setting?

I use about 10-11 but I read somewhere that a lower setting was better for more accurate head shots.

What do you think?
I was gonna make a poll about this ages ago but forgot. Damn. Mines at about 18.
I use 3

10/11 I used when I first played cs in 1.1 ;p
It's generally considered that lower is better. (I usually start off quite high and gradually decrease the settings over a few weeks/months untill i'm happy with the result - at 3.5 right now)

Mouse acceleration also makes as much a difference (if not more) than sensitivity. Try messing around with both unitll you find something that works for you (as long as you're comfotable with the settings, and having fun, it's all good :))

What mouse you use, and your windows settings, also make quite a differnece. A sensitivity of 3 on one persons machine could be the same as a sensitivity of 6 on someone elses - and can't really be compared (unless they have exactly the same mouse, mouse mat, game and OS settings etc).
i always use 6, dont find any need for lower, i can aim just fine and i can do 180 without slapping my mouse on the desk.
1.8 sensitivity running with cl_updaterate 101 - intellimouse 4.0
Mine's almost all the way up... I hate having to pick up my mouse to turn around and stuff...
Letters said:
Mine's almost all the way up... I hate having to pick up my mouse to turn around and stuff...

That's why we have mouse acceleration :)

The accuracy a low sensitivity provides (which is definately far better) with the ability to turn quickly.
medium in windows, sensitivity 1.4, no mouseaccel, mx300, destruktXL pad, 640x480x32@120hz.
4 in windows 3 in cs source
mx700 + extreme everglide mouse pad xxl
frusion said:
18?!?!?!?!? man....
Yeah, when it set it i wanted to be able to play basically without moving my wrist across the mouse mat at all (same in windows actually, my mouse speed is 8). Its quite hard to aim sometimes which can be annoying, especially over distances but when the sensitivity is low, when me and some guy are shooting at each other and i have to keep lifting the mouse or moving it in uncomfortable positions its even more annoying.
I didnt really think about changing the accelleration settings. Ill try it, but i wish you could do it inside cs and not have to change in windows every time you play and again when you stop.
Hmmm i just checked and i dont even have an option to set acceleration. I used to though (probably when i had w98). Will probably have to install different mouse software or something then. Typical microsoft.. has a setting for scroll wheel acceleration but not for the pointer :rolleyes:
3 in CS:S, full in windows control panel, no accel, mx510,basic mouse pad :thumbs:
13, Microsoft Wireless, no pad.
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.
ZEROarmy said:
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.

We're not all aiming to become pro.
ZEROarmy said:
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.
Mine's at 17, and I'm so pro... GG girlfriend...
6 in windows, 16 in game.

MX510 and Icemat 2

Edit -

ZEROarmy said:
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.

I beg to differ.

Some people play with high/low sensitivity because they have different styles. Playing with a low sensitivity may make you more accurate, but if someone gets the jump on you from behind, you're toast.
i have mine at 7.5, and im a headshot phreek

intellimouse explorer 3, with no mousemat lol. i use it on my desk, so sometimes my cursor decides to dance at the worst times.
Reaktor4 said:
Yeah, when it set it i wanted to be able to play basically without moving my wrist across the mouse mat at all (same in windows actually, my mouse speed is 8). Its quite hard to aim sometimes which can be annoying, especially over distances but when the sensitivity is low, when me and some guy are shooting at each other and i have to keep lifting the mouse or moving it in uncomfortable positions its even more annoying.
I didnt really think about changing the accelleration settings. Ill try it, but i wish you could do it inside cs and not have to change in windows every time you play and again when you stop.
Hmmm i just checked and i dont even have an option to set acceleration. I used to though (probably when i had w98). Will probably have to install different mouse software or something then. Typical microsoft.. has a setting for scroll wheel acceleration but not for the pointer :rolleyes:

try looking in cs options ;p
I use 2.2

I used to use around 8, until i saw this video of this AMAZING CS player who plays with 1.8, he was the best i had ever seen, he made it look so easy, and he was playing in the top CPL matches and stuff. So after that i tried lower and lower, and now i use 2.2 and i saw a MAJOR boost in my gameplay, i thought it would mean spinning my nouse past the pad like 7 times to look right, but its really not that at all. Try lower, it owns
Some people play with high/low sensitivity because they have different styles. Playing with a low sensitivity may make you more accurate, but if someone gets the jump on you from behind, you're toast.

That's what the Steelpad is for, can do a 180 turn with a flick even on low sensitivity.
i like high sens for cs around 3,6
but for unrealtournament i have low sens
ZEROarmy said:
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.

who gives a shit about being pro? i play cs for fun. i dont have the same delusions as you that im some day gonna be a star lol.

as for your second comment people play with whatever sensitivity they like theres no special sensitivity that makes you good. i use 1.37 not because i want to be l33t but because its comfortable to me.

and before you all go out and buy a steelpad cuz it has magical powers i dont use any pad at all just the surface of my desk and i can spin 180 just fine. someone pulls a knife right behind me i turn around and shoot em in the head before they even have a chance to swing the blade.
ZEROarmy said:
If you are above 4.0 then you will forever suck at CS.

ABSOLUTELY NO pros have it over 3.5. Most are below 3.0.

And what windows sensitivity? If you don't know that then you're regurgitating CAL elitist crap.
Demonmerc said:
And what windows sensitivity? If you don't know that then you're regurgitating CAL elitist crap.
Of course he doesn't know, when he downloads their config it doesn't have the windows sensitivity on there.
as long as you're comfortable and used to your sensitivity, it's ok. i prefer 9.0 sensitivity with no acceleration.

(14.0 in cs 1.5)
btw i have an uber mouse. it makes a lot of difference.
1.0, low as she goes, if i could go lower i would, mouse acc. on, and i can spin a 180 if needs be even with the mouse sens down that low.