Mouse sensativity setting

Mouse sensitivity is relative to your XP settings and mouse drivers, so there really is no point stating your CS:S sens without your PC sens, because someones '6' may be the same as your '11'.

A golden rule I've always told people is to have a sens in which you can do a quick 180 degree turn. If you can do that, you can pull off quick reflex turns (shots) in one motion. It will also allow you to do small movements (i.e. aiming at head).

Note that the 180 turn (either way) is the max distance you can turn your wrist, so you know a sharp wrist movement as far as you can go will get you facing backwards. This helps you judge angles < 180 also.

I've done this since Quake1 and its never failed me. Far too many people use a low sensitivity and reply on strafe aiming. This is all good with someone infront of you, or sniping (pff), but in a close firefight you'll lose, because an able aimer will strafe round you quickly and kill easily while you struggle to turn to face him with 2 (or more) complete wrist movements.

I use default mouse drivers, on sens 7/11 (no accel), and CS:S sens 5.

Also, before anyone mentions mouse accel to me, don't because your reflex shots wont be half as good with it turned on, because with it off, your aiming is all down to the *consistent* movements of you wrist.

Try it, with accel OFF, do a sharp, full movement, and you'll always face 180 degress (as long as you have set it properly).

With accel ON, do the same. Because you're not moving your wrist at the *exact* same speed each time you'll find the angle you turn varies (by quite a lot). This is the sole reason your reflex shots will suffer using accel.
here we go now. me, 1.15 (no acc, logi wired Optical mouse). nothing really special, the mousepad is just a regular sized one. Solid green color, with some cup rings on it. =]
6.0, or so, Medium acceleration (MX510). What I don't get is people who play at 20, and I know several people who do. I've tried this and it's impossible for me aim. I barely the the mouse and I'm looking at the ground. Some say having it at 20, there is no recoil, well good for them. Too bad they can't aim in the first place.
I use about 1 with default Razer Diamondback Drivers (Set to about 7 I guess)

And thanks Rawmassen for the tip on accel :D
1.00, default Windows settings, Creative Mouse Optical 3000
First step, get a quality mouse, anywhere from an Intelli to a nice Logitech MX series.

Step number two. Disable Windows Acceleration in games. Go to Control Panel, Mouse settings, and then check the box there.

Step number three. Lower your mouse sensitivity from whereever you were set at (if was higher than) to 3.5, then, as you see fit, gradually lower that number to 2.0. By that time, you'll want to keep your sensitivity anywhere between 2.0 - 2.7.

No matter what you think now, lower is better in CS.

Ever wonder how those really good players landed a headshot on you from the trench at Long A on d2 with just an M4/AK? :rolleyes:
Malfunction said:
Ever wonder how those really good players landed a headshot on you from the trench at Long A on d2 with just an M4/AK? :rolleyes:

No, because I got it first with my 20 sensitivity. Seriously, stop trying to drill it into people's heads that your way is best. It's personal preference, and no one cares that you are captain uber leet of the mouse sensitivity crew.

20 sensitivity, with max acceleration on the MX518.
DreadLord1337 said:
No, because I got it first with my 20 sensitivity. Seriously, stop trying to drill it into people's heads that your way is best. It's personal preference, and no one cares that you are captain uber leet of the mouse sensitivity crew.

20 sensitivity, with max acceleration on the MX518.

:eek: 20 /w max acceleration! Do you consume 10 grams of crack every time you play? :E It must be pretty funny to watch you try and shoot someone at long range.
I have mx510, I use mouseware 9.80, I have the mousepeed in windows on the highest, then mouseaccel box checked 'off'. 'Disable Mouseacc in games' is NOT checked. This way I get a really smooth and nice acceleration for counterstrike. And in css I have mousespeed on 3.9, and just as important, smooth mouse OFF.

Edit: oh yeah, and in cs1.6 I use those commands to make the accel of cs go away (-noforcemparm -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel), and upstairs (on my own pc) I use a steelpad Qck (not +) as a mousepad, and downstairs I use an 'Artec cutting pad'. seriously, I have NEVER ever had a mousepad that felt as good as that cutting pad. I wish I could buy/get more of those.

oh and yes I find mouse control important. I actually switched my new mx518 for my current mx510, just becuase the software of mx518 (Logitech Setpoint) SUCKS at mouseacc.

Edit2: oh and I DON'T use mouseacc for most other games.
I used to use 25. That was still too slow. But I am at 4 now. Thats my cs play at least, everythign else is hella high.
Use Razer Diamondback at System 4 sensitivity, and in CSS it's at 1 Sensitivity. I just turned off MouseAccel and I'll tell you the results :P
Malfunction said:
:eek: 20 /w max acceleration! Do you consume 10 grams of crack every time you play? :E It must be pretty funny to watch you try and shoot someone at long range.

Hardly, I'm a hard-core scout whore and I do quite well for myself. I used 20 sensitivity in DoD for 3 years, and I only used sniper class then too.

Like I said it's preference. But if you have quick reaction times and good aim, 20 sensitivity has huge benefits.
DreadLord1337 said:
Hardly, I'm a hard-core scout whore and I do quite well for myself. I used 20 sensitivity in DoD for 3 years, and I only used sniper class then too.

Like I said it's preference. But if you have quick reaction times and good aim, 20 sensitivity has huge benefits.

Yeah, I guess, but if asked any player in CAL about what mouse sensitivity to use, you'd get a response quite similar to the one I gave.
It is hugely dependant on what mouse you have. I have a razer diamondback, which has a 1600 dpi sensitivity. This means that it is more sensitive at the same settings than most mice which have an 800 dpi sensitivity (although the top logitech mice also have 1600 dpi)

I have my mouse set at full sensitivity in the drivers, high in windows, but 2.4 in game. I find that this is enough to spin 180 without falling off of the edge of the pad, plus provides very high accuracy over distance. It just means that i'm working harder at close range because it requires a greater input to turn the same distance as somebody with a higher sensitivity.

Everyone has a personal preference that works for them, and if they can play with a higher sensitivity, then good on them ! But if i turn my sensitivity up to 15-20 in game, i do 360 degrees as soon as my hand moves, no joke, it is that sensitive !

Malfunction said:
Yeah, I guess, but if asked any player in CAL about what mouse sensitivity to use, you'd get a response quite similar to the one I gave.

Good flame bait. GG.
The higher the sensitivity the less accurate you will be.

I like a low sensitivity (0.7) with high accel. Pinpoint accuracy at long distance whilst still being able to turn quickly. Going up to a sen 3 now makes my aiming considerably worse.
i like to use 6.8 dont ask why its 6.8 i dont even know uts just better than 6.9 and better then 6.7 if you play at a high sensitivity and do well it just means your fine motor skills are simply better then others are
i use 1.64 with a Razor Diamondback, plus i linked one of the razors side buttons to a script that toggles my sensitivity to 1.0, for those long distance headshots, etc.
i used to use 20 in 1.6 now i use like 3.00 its perfect for me