Moving Dead Bodies in HL1


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
taken from "w/e happened to tf2" thread in gen disc

Originally posted by Alau
Whenever it comes out, it better not be too serious! One of TFC's big attractions was all the stupid stuff that happens. Does anybody remember the trick you could do to make dead bodies move around? Those were some of the best times in HL...

anyone know how to do this?
1) go medic

2) stand directly over a body, looking straight into the ground

3) pull out the med kit and use it on the body

4) hold down your walk key while walking in the direction the body's head is facing

5) congratulate yourself if you managed doing this without getting killed.
In HLDM you bind a key to "kill" , stand over a medpack and hit kill while moving forward. You'll stay dead and moving until you stop moving, if you try to move again you'll respawn.