MP5 Family


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Just a quick post.

Poly count is 4000 unotimzed on the standard MP5 A4 all the others are lower. All modelled by me in about 2 days. Still all wips but comments welcome.

Mp5 A4 and A5


Mp5 SD6 and a Beretta Elite no reason for it.


Mp5k A4 PDW and A4


Please dont comment about the wire, i know theres lots to be done.


Mp5 Family


Happy New Year, Fuse
Nice stuff from Chaos-Ops.

Father my children!!!
Looks beautifull. see if you can make MP7, someone should model that :)
Tork said:
Looks beautifull. see if you can make MP7, someone should model that :)

Mp7's are already modelled on the HL2 aren't they ??
So with the SDK you should be able to reproduce it easily if you made alll those Mp5' in 2 days.
Chaos ops was just added to Inc's list of 'must try mods'

or perhaps chaos op needs a skinner? ;)
love these modles to bits m8 realy nice work :)

I only have one problem when dooing the MP5 modles my self.
Mp5 A4 and A5. on the very front of the weapon grip were it were it sort of moulds and smooths on the grip near the stud..who the hel is that done properly. Acctualy come to think of it ive made 2 or 3 attempt at the front grip but not haveing much succsess the wat the grip moulds for the hand.
can do the main hand grip (pistol grip) and make a nice job but that other grip gives me such a bloody head ache. Can you give me any pointers Short fuse .! Please..;)
Offtopic: Nos, Raven Shield is the devil in the r6 series, first the game was made by UBI, and not Redstorm. And default shows the gun (witch is bad in r6 games) and its slowmotion all the time for us old skool Rogue Spear players. But yeah, they sure can fit into it.

Ontopic: Models looks great, but I got to ask one question: Why make like mp5a4 and a5 or mp5 sd5 and sd6, the only diferent thing I know about them is the stock. And on the a5 and sd6, it can be made longer. Will there be any ingame difference? (like shooting, weight etc.)
Cheers for the comments guys. I think that gun on the HL2 videos is an MP7 with an aim point on the top, although dont qoute me :P

Stolve your absolutly right it would be damn hard to balance these as they are very similar. I just made them there not necessary gonna be in the mod, so we'll see what happens.

Gooch hard to explain how i did it without showing you but i'll try explain. I made the basic grip shape ignoring the indent for hte time being. Once i was happy with the grip shape, i used the cut tool to outline the outside curve of the indent, and the same for the inside curve. Then selected the inside curve vertex's and moved them in, then selected the faceted polys and added a smooth group to em, done easy :P
Looking great, as always, Short_Fuse! :)

Models look exellent, I would love to see them optomized too. :D

[start joking jab] st0lve, how else are they gonna feature 70+ real world weapons? [/joking jab]

(just kidding, jsut kidding :) )
Thanx for the reply Short fuse..

So basicley you do the grip as normal then after thats done then you start on the indent :)

Sounds like its not as hard as i was makeing it for my self m8

Ill give that a go i think see how it turns out. Thanx again m8 :)
They look great, but one thing that stands out is an inaccuracy on the trigger group.
I could seriousley cry...

Ive just spent the last 4 hours dooing an MP5 modle and i did the front like Fuse.. said

And 3dmax crashed i did save it but thats now gone as well :(

good god im pissed off......
High quality stuff.
The Beretta is my favorite.. got any more renders of it?
Ankalar, that is something that is very small and won't be seen in game. Very nice models as always Short Fuse. How do you do it?
Quite simply. Sart with a box convert to editable poly. Couple Chamfers Extrusions Welds Deletes Creates Collapses here and there. Move vertices around for the next 8 hours. Whack some smooth groups on and its done :)
Cheers for the crit ank, i gotta find some reference pics so i can see what you mean :smoking:
ray_MAN said:
Ankalar, that is something that is very small and won't be seen in game.
So why not just take out the indent all together? Better to be accurate with less detail than inaccurate with more.
This is the Short_Fuse limited edition Mp5 series, i think your getting them confused with the actual MP5s. So there are minor differences. :p
god i love these models more and more everytime i see them. short you definatley have develoed a unique look and style to your weapons.
Short_Fuse can you PLEASE make a tutorial? I love your style. All of your models ROCK. Great job. :bounce:
I may get round to making some tutorials, now that i know the progs to use (cheers ank). But personally id rather be making models :P
Wow, those models look good. Only crit I have is that the guy operating the weapon would not be able to reload:) The part where you put in the clip has a square cut-out where the release trigger is. Fix that and I'm a happy man.
The bolt on the buttcap is also a bit small I think.
Mikademius said:
Wow, those models look good. Only crit I have is that the guy operating the weapon would not be able to reload:) The part where you put in the clip has a square cut-out where the release trigger is. Fix that and I'm a happy man.
The bolt on the buttcap is also a bit small I think.

Not to sure what you mean there ??????? Explain.
Acctualy i have a question, Im currentley heveing issues with the MP5 im dooing one of them is the front sight. I have a tube placed in the right place now how do i get to slice a segment out and have the pollys put back in the right place.?
Can someone explaine ? please.:)
Thinking about it; this is for ingame so you shouldn't pay attention to it cause of the polycount... but heck. I'll explain what I mean.
i see your point, but thats such small detail that ingame it wouldn't matter would it?
hey short fuse GR8 models man. im just thinking though, that you can weld alot of that crap togheter. just my 2 cents.
Like i said in my first post these renders where of the not optimized versions. Ive optimized now so they should be good no more wastage.

Mikademius: Hey i never noticed that there, but yeah its a bit to small of a detail im sure you'll be the only one that notices ingame :P

GOoch: Not sure what you mean but i'll just mention this tool might help. Editable Poly delete a poly then under face sub object go create. Then click the vertices where you want the face to go.

And the Tutorials many eople seem to be asking about. At the moment im pretty busy but i might get around to making some smaller ones on small objects like clips or stocks and such.
Well, that's what happens when you look at mp5 referanceimages for too long :) Created a high poly model of an mp5a3 a while ago ( witch you are missing here:( )About the tutorials; I think the wires give away much useful information, people:must...use.....imagination...
Mikademius said:
Well, that's what happens when you look at mp5 referanceimages for too long :) Created a high poly model of an mp5a3 a while ago ( witch you are missing here:( )About the tutorials; I think the wires give away much useful information, people:must...use.....imagination...

To true if i can teach myself to model anyone can. I have the shortest attention span and fuse (hence the name). Just use google find tuts stick at it and bam, if you cant be bothered doing that then your not 3d modelling material. Try 2d :P