MSN Messenger problems?


Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I cant get on messenger is it just me or is there something wrong?
Ah ok i saw that the server was busy.
Thanks for the quick reply
Mine is f-ed up too...and for all my friends too...
Tropico said:
I cant get on messenger is it just me or is there something wrong?
Servers have been down most of the afternoon, probably being fiddled with on their end.
I think it might be only those in certain areas as I know a couple have been having problems at the same time as me, who live near me. But a couple of friends who live quite far away like in Holland and stuff don't seem to be effected
Lol. I entered this topic and it signs me out...
Druckles said:
I think it might be only those in certain areas as I know a couple have been having problems at the same time as me, who live near me. But a couple of friends who live quite far away like in Holland and stuff don't seem to be effected
It's different servers rather than locale. I've two acounts that randomly work and don't work independantly of each other.
So you're saying some email addresses don't work, some do?
Druckles said:
So you're saying some email addresses don't work, some do?
Your on drugs

I said servers, its whatever sever it connects to, some go up some go down. Never said nothing about no email addresses.
Yep, crack always helps
Can we change the server it connects to?
meh i got ona while ago but it fubored again

So yea sheck out art design forums for a guessing game!! :p
Working for me now, totally pointless post, but if yours wasnt, try again now.