Mugger Fund


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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I want your opinions on this.

I'm going to go to the bank today to withdraw $40 to add to my wallet as a fund for muggers in the event that I ever get mugged.

I've read too many stories about people being seriously maimed or killed by muggers who got pissed off that the person they were mugging had no money on them. I never carry around cash since I have a debit card with me to make my purchases, and I figured I might regret it in the future if I'm ever mugged and encounter somebody who does get angry if their effort doesn't pay off. Granted... I'll have my watch as well they'll definitely want to take, but cash might be better and they might even overlook my watch(it's just a $150 gshock).

What do you guys think? Have any of you ever been mugged?

Think it might be a tiny bit different in America where your muggers are more likely to have a gun than a knife?
Never been mugged, but if someone is a mugger, then I would assume it's pretty much a tossup as to whether they're going to stab/main/shoot you regardless of if they get any money from you.
Some might even do it so you can't ID them later, for instance. I would spend a little of that $40 on something like a rape whistle, or mace, and just try not to get mugged.
Why $40? Break that shit down until you have a $5. All they want is something.

Or carry a decoy wallet with counterfeit cash. Get them in real trouble.
Spend $10 on a pocket knife.
Why $40? Break that shit down until you have a $5. All they want is something.

Or carry a decoy wallet with counterfeit cash. Get them in real trouble.

Well it's also a "if my debit card doesn't swipe right". Funnily enough, that happened right at subway after I got the 40 dollars. She manually punched it in though. But god damn, I knew it would happen at a subway. It always happens at a subway. I guess they have shitty swipers.
Spend $10 on a pocket knife.

I own a pocket knife.

See the thing is, that's a whole other conversation. I've read so much stuff about having a knife making it far more likely for you to be stabbed yourself, and a victim of a violent crime.

Plus in America, most of the time you end up bringing a knife to a gun fight.
If I was that worried about getting mugged I'd carry a fake wallet with a fiver in it and some expired debit/membership cards.
Haha. That Decoy wallet idea is a fantastic idea. I have pants that have this awesome hidden pocket beneath the main one with a concealed zipper. I could have two wallets in that same region of the leg without anybody being the wiser.

Having counterfeit cash though... that has the potential to backfire with the law. Heh. Where the hell would I get realistic looking counterfeit cash? Yeah... that sounds like something I shouldn't talk about on the interwebs.
No no no. They'll see right through the decoy wallet. Get yourself a decoy-decoy wallet.

If they're not tricked by the first, then they'll probably be tricked by the second one.

In the case that they're not tricked by the decoy-decoy, just make sure your decoy-decoy-decoy is ready.

But why stop there? Take it a step further.

Start carrying around a duffle-bag full of wallets. Fill them with monopoly money, library cards, and old receipts.

If the mugger wants the cash, he has to find the right wallet. The correct wallet contains nothing but a note with an address on it.

The mugger will follow the address to try and collect his reward.

(Muggers are really stupid, so after he leaves to go to the address, this is where you make your escape to safety.)

Then it gets taken another step further.

He will find himself at some abandoned warehouses. Or so he thinks.

After entering the building marked on the note, he will be met with a room full of wallets. Thousands upon thousands of wallets are ready to be searched. These wallets are filled with chocolate coins, fake spiders, and booby-traps.

The final and winning wallet will contain a coupon for 10% off a bottle of shampoo at Walmart, with a note that reads "gotcha".

At this point the mugger will be so distraught that he'll give up mugging all-together.

That's just how I deal with them though.
BRB, investing in wallet factories.

Don't be afraid Raz. They can smell fear.
I prefer not to pay a mugger for the privilege of living my life. If it comes down to it I'd rather go out fighting than just sit back and take it like that. I carry a knife on me for this reason. Use that 40$ to buy one.
i'M NOT GONNA LIE HERE. iT'S ALMOST 5AM. I'm high as hell right now. I'm listening to brazilian thrash metal. I think Sepultura is thrash metal. I have no idea right now. It just sounds baller as hell though. ANyway.

I saw the tityle of this thread. I misread it. I misread the hell out of it. You know why? Because I thought it said

and don't read this if you're an uptight f*ckwad who flies off the handle at everything because your mom beat your f*ggot ass as a child and you turned out to be a stupid little homo with no good in your life so you became the admin of a site dedicated to Halo


Anyway Raz why don't you invest in a knife and take the balls of anyone who threatens you as a trophy and eat it to gain their power bro like just saying lmaoooo?
I always keep a spare pocket empty, for putting mugger's wallets in.

I was going to make some stupid joke about you taking your avatar way too seriously...

...but then I realized that you actually do look like a balding 40-something year old Max PIne
I was going to make some stupid joke about you taking your avatar way too seriously...

...but then I realized that you actually do look like a balding 40-something year old Max PIne

Max PIne: Spruce Goose.
and don't read this if you're an uptight f*ckwad who flies off the handle at everything because your mom beat your f*ggot ass as a child and you turned out to be a stupid little homo with no good in your life so you became the admin of a site dedicated to Halo
What made you decide to do this Raz, did you have an unpleasant experience or something?

Since I got my tooth punched out while coming home from a club at 3am (not mugging-related BTW), I carry pepper-spray in my jacket's pocket. But then again the low-lifes here don't carry guns.
What made you decide to do this Raz, did you have an unpleasant experience or something?

Since I got my tooth punched out while coming home from a club at 3am (not mugging-related BTW), I carry pepper-spray in my jacket's pocket. But then again the low-lifes here don't carry guns.

I actually thought about it when I was doing the paper delivery route job over a year back.
i personally carry my asian fists around, but i draw the line at guns.
Carry a handgun that loads shotgun shells and fires buckshot:


Cue debate about handguns. And no, I'm not serious... anyone that is willing or able to carry is going to do so without any input.