Multiplayer Mod Idea - Looking for a team.



Two teams fighting strategically in a ‘nature’ environment (think Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) have to control one or more bases in the area. The time setting is not the modern ‘now’ setting but instead I was thinking about a futuristic setting. Not to futuristic of course. If anyone has played the SpecForce Demo (the game sucks I know), it’s something like that I’m thinking about. The teams have to use stealth and work as a team in order to survive. I’m aiming to try and have an actual ‘thinking’ gameplay, instead of just running and gunning. I want to find a way for players to work as a team when trying to get to the base.

A normal battle would take place in the following stages:

- Team 1 and 2 are set in specified points of the map. (I’ll use a forest in this example.)
- The teams work their way through the forest, always being cautious because the other team could be watching. They also have the ability to place traps. (More about that later.)
- One of the teams reaches the base and sets up a defence which includes stationary weapons and shields. The team will then try to hold the base for a preset time. (Default will possibly be 5 minutes.)
- The team that is not in control of the base will have to work together in order to try and take the base.
- If the team that was controlling the base loses it, they will be sent back to their starting point and the other team will be able to control the base.
- The team that can hold the base for the time that is set on the server will win the round and then everything will restart.

Now for more information on the features:

- Respawning: The players will only respawn when the whole team dies. If a team dies, they will move to their starting position and if they were controlling a base, they will lose the control.

- HUD: Health and Shield indicators. Current weapon, total ammo available, ammo in clip. Minimap which displays the team’s position as well as enemies IF they are visible to the player’s eyes. Crosshair, obviously.

- Traps: Well, I’ve thought of three possible traps up until now. The first one is a classical tripwire. The one in Half-Life 1 is a good example. Explodes when someone touches the beam. The second one is a little contraption that emits a very small beam that alerts the user who placed it if anyone steps on it. If this sounds confusing then just imagine this: Player X places the trap between 2 trees. He then proceeds to move to another place. Player Y crosses the trees. Player X can now see on the Minimap that the trap was crossed. He now knows the location of an enemy. The third trap I had in mind was a landmine. This landmine however, will not explode on impact. If a player steps on a mine, he will die if he steps out of it. He will have to remain still and call for support from a proper class in order for them to defuse the mine. I haven’t I opted for a simple ‘explode on touch’ mine? I’m trying to get players to move slowly and cautiously. Knowing that you stepped on a mine and you can’t move (therefore, you are vulnerable) ought to be a cool experience.

- Classes: As I hinted above, I’m thinking about different classes:

Assault: A simple soldier 100% of the shield.. Fast assault rifle, pistol and grenades for backup. They’ll have trap number 1 described above as well. Useful in groups of 3-4 when invading a small base.

Sniper: The sniper will have only 50% of the shield. He’ll have a long rage weapon (with a maximum of 10x zoom) and a sidearm (probably a pistol). Will also have the alert traps (trap 2 above). Useful to set on hills and cover a team.

Medic: A medic has 100% of the shields and carries a sub-machine gun as well as a pistol. He’ll also carry medipacks which can be dropped on the ground for players to use. These’ll heal the players.

Heavygear: Has 100% of shields and a big machine gun. Has no pistol sidearm but does have grenades and landmines. They’ll be used to support assault soldiers.

Disarmer: Has 75% of shields and is the only class capable of disarming traps. He’ll have a sub-machine gun and a pistol, as well as 1 or 2 grenades. Very useful when in a trap infested area.

Well, these are the classes that I have thought about right now.

Weapons: I haven’t yet decided on specific weapons. I want to have every conventional weapon (assault rifle, machine gun, sub-machine gun, pistol, grenades, etc.) in a futuristic look. Not too futuristic as in all plasma and stuff like that. Something that fires actual bullets but has HUDs on the weapons. It’s hard to explain but if you look at some games like SpecForce you’ll understand.

Team Coordination: In order for a team to be successful, it needs one member to be a commander. A commander can set orders for his soldiers to execute. If a soldier doesn’t execute the order, the commander can punish him (still thinking about this, either not play the next round, or start it with severe penalties as in low ammo and low health). However, I am sure there are abusers in commander position so if at least 3 soldiers report a commander, he will be kicked from that position. This is to ensure that everyone is working nicely and cooperatively. The commander position can be applied for if no one is there and the other team members will vote YES or NO if they want that person to be the commander.

Other ideas I’ve been researching: The ability to have more teams and work as allies. As in Team 1 and 3 are allies and Team 2 and 4 are their enemies. This would allow for bigger maps with more bases. It’s something I’m researching.

Well, I think this covers the main idea. If you have any questions or if you didn’t understand something then please tell me.

Anyway, if anyone liked the idea and is interested in joining, please contact me either by e-mail ([email protected]) or by private message on this forum. If you know anyone who would possibly be interested then please redirect them to this thread.
I myself can do some mapping, although I must say I’m not an excellent mapper. I can get some work done anyway ;)

I’m looking for coders, mappers, sound editors, modellers and skinners, texture artists, etc. Basically, people to start a team. I would REALLY like to know if any coders are interested in this project, since that is what I find hardest to get.

I think I’ve said it all. Sorry if I made a mistake somewhere in the post, I’m doing this quite in a rush. Hope you enjoy the idea!
Very nice 'help wanted thread'. I wish you luck on this project.
I have to say, its a step away from the pack in concept. I like the concept, but for coders to join, you really need to write out a seperate document that describes EVERYTHING in really fine detail.
Like, with the shields. You need to explain exactly how the formula behind them will work. Like "When the Shield % is above 0, damage is equally distributed between the shield and the players hitpoints". Really in-depth stuff.

-Angry Lawyer
Always nice to see someone who realy spend some time making the concept. Still you need to make a complete detailed designer document. Give me a PM when you have :)
nice idea just one thing though:

(the game sucks I know), it’s something like that I’m thinking about.
so the game sucks and you want to make a mod similar to it? lol.

angry lawyer you charge for your services. maybe people could pay you in marvel collectable cards like that guy posted in the thread.
crackhead said:
angry lawyer you charge for your services. maybe people could pay you in marvel collectable cards like that guy posted in the thread.

Yeah, I do outsource, but its going to take a lot more than collectable cards. I've either gotta really respect you (as in the case of Ennui's mod, and Samon's mod), or you've gotta offer me a lot of cash - up front.

-Angry Lawyer
This sounds great, I love the idea of traps in a multiplayer mod too. One thing though, I don't really understand how the gameplay works. Can you explain exactly how a round will play out? Are the two teams racing to get to the base? If so, how will one team have time to set up traps and set up defenses?
Anyway I really wish you luck with this project, Hopefully you will find some talented people to work with you.
Ben Esposito said:
This sounds great, I love the idea of traps in a multiplayer mod too. One thing though, I don't really understand how the gameplay works. Can you explain exactly how a round will play out? Are the two teams racing to get to the base? If so, how will one team have time to set up traps and set up defenses?
Anyway I really wish you luck with this project, Hopefully you will find some talented people to work with you.
That, and the idea of you and your teammates respawning if and only if everyone on your team is dead, are the only real gripes I have with the concept as of yet. Mainly because one of your teammates could be AFK, or could end up being a huge wuss and spends ten minutes hiding behind a tree while the rest of his team is waiting in limbo.

It's not the most professional Help Wanted thread, but that's a pretty nice concept you've got there. If you manage to fill out your team, I'll be watching this mod :)
I'm going to try and reply to everyone individually...

SixThree: All I can say is thanks.

Angry Lawyer: Yes, I understand what you're saying. The reason I haven't done something similiar is because I'm trying to actually see if anyone is interested the idea to begin with. If enough people gain interest, I'll take this a step forward. Thanks for liking the idea anyway.

KoreBolteR: Same as SixThree, thanks.

Veggi: I'll be sure to do that. There are still things I'm thinking about, and things I would like to discuss with team members. That's why I've only presented the concept.

crackhead: The SpecForce gameplay has NOTHING to do with the gameplay I'm aiming for. What ruins SpecForce in my opinion is the gameplay, I really like the setting. Anyway, I was only aiming for weapon inspiration in SpecForce.

Ben Eposito: Well, in order for the trap ideas to work, you need a slow stealth/sneaking gameplay. The two teams aren't just RACING for the base. They're trying to get their first and they want to slow the other team down. Traps will help do that. They can even get killed BEFORE they reach the base. They'll have to be alert all the team and look in all directions. This would play great with, for example, 4 teams per map. They'de have to watch all around them and try to slow down the teams in order to get to the base. Hope you understood the idea better. And thanks for the support.

stigmata: Yes, I've been thinking about that lately, even before reading your post. Maybe I'll change that into a kind of "Every 5/10/whatever minutes, reinforcments come." (Which means, dead players come back to life.) What do you people think?

I'd like to thank all of you for the support.

I've thought about another feature as well:

Camouflage: The player will be able to choose from a wide array of camouflage in order to blend into the area. This will enhance the stealth gameplay.
Youve obviously thought it out properlly,

Good luck getting some team members, becuase thats an excellant concept youve got.
Only problem I see in the whole plan is the way the rounds are played out in respect to deaths.

For instance, if you have to kill all the players on the other team before they lose control of the base, then any random player could run off and 'camp' somewhere. I'd suggest something along the lines of having a backup of all the remaining players on the attacking team needing to stand in a defined area for a set time (Think defusing a bomb in CSS, but involving the whole team) before they can capture it.

Also another problem that can arise is AFK'ers. If everyone else is dead then they won't be able to respawn with an AFK'er.

I love the idea though. Very Metal-gear solid like :).
ChrisL and solaris152000: Thanks for the support.
dekstar: That’s something I missed due to the rush I guess. The players will also lose control of the base if they wander out of it. Say only one player on the defending team is alive, then if he wanders off in order to conceal himself, the base control will be lost. As for respawning when the whole team has died, read my reply to stigmata above. Thanks for the support as well.

I've been thinking about some weapons. Here's what I've come up with.
I'm still thinking about their looks, these are just their characteristics.

Assault Rifle
40 Rounds
Secondary - Switch firing modes - Single, Burst or Full

Sniper Rifle
5 Rounds
Secondary - Zoom - 2x to 10x, changed with Mouse Wheel

18 Rounds
Secondary - Scanning Laser - Detects hidden soldiers

Sub-Machine Gun
30 Rounds
Secondary - Grenade - Holds up to 3 grenades

Machine Gun
100 Rounds
Secondary - Thermal Panel - Brings up a thermal panel that can detect hidden soldiers in a large area

Primary - Slash
Secondary - Execution - Only works from behind

Grenade (Explosive)
2 Max
Primary - Throw Over
Secondary - Throw Under

Grenade (Blinding)
2 Max
Primary - Throw Over
Secondary - Throw Under

Grenade (Smoking)
2 Max
Primary - Throw Over
Secondary - Throw Under

Primary - Activate Thermal
Secondary - Activate Night

Explosive Tripwire
2 Max

Scanning Tripwire
2 Max

Land Mine
2 Max

I have also been thinking about a new class:

Storer: The Storer will carry a backpack with a lot of the weapons (the player is able to choose which to carry) but he is not able to use them himself. He can only use a pistol. He is sent to the field in order for players to stock up on weapons and traps when needed. He NEEDS to be well protected since he is vital to the survival of the team.
Just a few things...

The capture and hold scenario you're describing sounds a lot like PlanetSide. Only on a smaller scale, and a clearer win scenario.

I think you have too many classes. It's better to have fewer classes with more versatility in each class. With fewer more versitile classes you're better able to assemble a small squad with the proper equipment for the current task. More flexability also allows for more creativity and strategy from the player (aka more thinking). Your game is also more friendly to low player numbers if you have fewer more versatile classes. You don't want to make a mod that depends on having a large number of players per team in order for it to be fun. If the game isn't fun with about 5 players per team, you'll probably have trouble getting the game off the ground because your fans will have a hard time finding enough people to play with at any given time.

Giving any one player too much power, like the commander, is a bad idea. It's ok for organized clan games, but in public games it will ruin things more frequently than it will improve it. If you have a "commander" position, his power should be limited to suggestion. Your gameplay should make it inherently clear that it's a better idea to follow the squad than to be the lone wolf. You should not need to give the commander the power to punish people for not listening. Their uselessness in a lone wolf situation should be their punishment.
Cyanide: I've never played PlanetSide, so I don't really know anything about it. As for the rest of the suggestions, I must say they are both very good ones. I'll definately take into consideration the one about the commander. As for the one about the classes, I'll try to find a way to eliminate unnecessary classes and be able to do the job as well. Thanks for the suggestions, very nice stuff. :)
Cyanide said:
I think you have too many classes. It's better to have fewer classes with more versatility in each class. With fewer more versitile classes you're better able to assemble a small squad with the proper equipment for the current task. More flexability also allows for more creativity and strategy from the player (aka more thinking). Your game is also more friendly to low player numbers if you have fewer more versatile classes. You don't want to make a mod that depends on having a large number of players per team in order for it to be fun. If the game isn't fun with about 5 players per team, you'll probably have trouble getting the game off the ground because your fans will have a hard time finding enough people to play with at any given time.
that paragraph there applies to every mod involving team play. It's just perfect. Not many mods out there are going to have a large player base off the bat, and so you need to cater to the first players to make sure it's fun and that they'll spread the word.

Inspiration in a can is what it is. Nicely done Cyanide.
really like the idea its different and not to complicated if you need a concept artist or a gfx artist im all for helping check out my portfolio and if you want add me to msn [email protected]
*puts the stamp of "Not particularly difficult to code" on the mod*

Would be a good learning experience for new coders.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh heres a new concept i just you know what i can do :)

armanguy: Sent you a PM and added you on MSN. I really like your work ;)

Angry Lawyer: Thanks for the stamp xD
I pm'd both of you for no reason and then added you to msn, deleted armanguy by accident and then re-added him.
me and rdoroana have been making some prgress with the mod right now. were trying to get the concept of the ground:) and its looking good. if anyone wants to model detailed characters please dont hesitate in pming me or roroana:)
I second what armanguy said about PMing us if you're interested. Right now I'm writing a .doc with lots of information. I'll send it to you soon armanguy.

Again, if anyone wants to help us, please inform us.
If you're serious about this, I suggest you get a website. A lot of people will pass you up if you don't have one.
i will be making a site for the mod soon but i need to discuss this further with the mod leader:)
Yeah, we've already decided to get a website but we're trying to get some content to show people, an empty website isn't the best thing.

On a side note: Still looking for team members! If anyone is interested PM me or armanguy :)
I can see the inspiration from MGS3:Snake Eater coming into play such as the camouflage system, good luck on this mod
thanks i got like 10 concepts done so far but all of them need reworking and the assault character looks l33t imo. but yeah i have like 3 different concepts for the assault character and i still need to fix him up a little more ill post him as soon as i get the thumbs up from rdoana to color him in. and make him shiny :)
That concept looks like it's influenced by animé. Are you thinking of making this mod cel-shaded? Because that would be the coolest thing ever :)
Get photoshop. Or at least photoshop elements. Shading = teh win. ;)
true my photoshop is messed up i contacted adobe and they dont know whats wrong :(
The logo was done by a friend of mine with Photoshop.
The concept was done by armanguy, as it says on the top. It does look kind of anime-ish, which I like hehe.

As for the cel-shading question, nah, I don't think we'll do it. However, I'll discuss it with the team. The thing that worries me is that cel-shading is hated by A LOT of people (not me, I love it) so I don't know if it would be a good idea... I mean, look at what people say about Wind Waker without even giving it a chance? (It's an excellent game.)
i loved wind waker, also when i try to open ps it say c:/error excuting command problem opening program somthin like that then my comp shuts down it totally messed up.