Multiplayer "Supported"?


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Clarky003 said:
The Source engine contains support for multiplayer gaming, and Valve
plans to release several multiplayer games at the time HL2 is made
available. We've announced Counter-Strike: Source. We will be more
releasing information on the other games and how they will be made
available to gamers in the coming weeks.


Hmm.... so there is no specific Half-Life multiplayer? Just a bunch of "professional mods"?

I mean, it's not like it's a big loss... (who played HLDM (/me runs from hldm fans) anyway?)

What do you guys think?
This is an evasive response, but it doesn't mean what you think it means either.

There will be some sort of included MP game in the full retail package, but they are keeping mum on what it will be.
Well, my hopeful side says that all those mods will also be included, but the main MP modes will be unique. Like CTF with vehicles on large scale maps, or dune buggy racing, stuff like that. But, again, hopeful.

Although i wouldn't be surprised if all the multiplayer is is just a rehash of all the old mods redone on source and has 'HL2 MP' stamped onto it. Would I be angry? hell yeah. But then i would wait a few months and play TS: source, or Sven coop: source. If the included MP is crap, just give it time, good multiplayer mods will come out.
I hope its not some death match crap. I hate death match :(

I prefer team oriented things with goals other than kill everybody.
The Specialists on Source... now that would be kickass!
The only thing that is going to kick ass on source (mods that is) are DOD, CS for a little while until it gets really boring, HL2 DM (hoping they have something) and of course TF2. Although Natural Selection could be ok, but according to TF2, that is what it will be like, a commander building ammo deposits, health deposits, weapons, etc....a real time fps-strategy game.
It wouldn't bother me if there wasn't an official multiplayer component to HL2. I think I only played one game of HLDM and then promptly forgot about it and started playing TFC. HL2 singleplayer should keep me occupied until the community mods start to pour in.

I'd also like to see the Specialists on Source. :E
We all know that HL2's MP is TFC2 :)
i want a professionally made game which is mixture of dod and battlefield. will that be dod 2 ???
i just want the manipulator in MP. but i cant see how it could fit into CS, DOD or TF2.
I think i know what valve is doing. They will charge for CS:S, TFC:S, DOD:S, etc...and of course HL2. Then include TF2 as the big suprise for HL2 while still making money on CS:S cause they know tons of ppl will buy it through steam/retail. It all balances out. Secondly, why the hell would the refuse to talk about TF2 at all, and keep saying they will bring more information about the HL2 release, that's pointless...unless it's the big multiplayer secret or if they wanted all the hype staying on HL2 and not talking about a new product until later on.....something very strange is going on.

edit: TF2 is also in finishing stages, but they wont release one damn screen shot or say one word about it, so weird. I sent an email in asking about a few different things, i hope they respond back.
If HL2 had no multiplayer, Valve would say so. If HL2 had a bog standard DM/TDM multiplayer, Valve would say so. The reason why they haven't said anything yet is because they have something up their sleeve (not necessarily something innovative, but something different).

I think that Valve reckon the multiplayer not be a hit (perhaps too radical?) so they're updating the older MP games to supplement this.
I think the cyrpticness of all their replies about multiplayer kinda implies they got a secret. ;) At least I hope so, I love all the multiplayer mod's and all, but I still want something new and set in the HL universe.
Some people seem to take think Valve try to avoid questions because they've got something to hide, or don't want to give away the real answer.

Remember when they thought Half-Life 2 didn't have dynamic lighting just because Gabe replied saying "I'm not sure where people get the idea that HL-2 doesn't support dynamic lighting."?

I do.

And there have been other instances.
I think the secret is they have Richochet 2 in the works -shhhhhwang!-

bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I think the secret is they have Richochet 2 in the works -shhhhhwang!-


Lord have mercy on those that don't know what that is and load it up. Brave souls.
I loved Ricochet, just because it tried to do something different. It was exactly what it was meant to be. A little fun game to play to pass the time.


Feath said:
I loved Ricochet, just because it tried to do something different. It was exactly what it was meant to be. A little fun game to play to pass the time.



The real problem with that game was the absolute lack of violence. "Oh no! I got bumped off a strawberry thing into the abyss by a friendly frisbie disc thing". Not to mention all the cs freaks whining about the other things changed in the CS update that ricochet clung on to.
SidewinderX143 said:
... (who played HLDM (/me runs from hldm fans) anyway?)

You are very right to hide. I love HLDM. I still play it quite often. Along with TS too :)

But just the normal death match has to come with HL2. Its just way to simple to not have in the game. And it WILL be fun. I promise you that.
SidewinderX143 said:
Hmm.... so there is no specific Half-Life multiplayer? Just a bunch of "professional mods"?

I mean, it's not like it's a big loss... (who played HLDM (/me runs from hldm fans) anyway?)

What do you guys think?

This isn't HL, this is HL2 and it can be a big loss.
I played Ricochet for the first time the other day out of boredom. I thought I was playing an early early version of Tron 2.0! Suffice to say, I won't be playing it again.

I need sleep but I keep having nightmares of the G-man waking me up and telling me to smell his 'ashes'. :x
I dunno guys, DeathMatch is pretty dead nowadays. As cool as a HL2DM would be, manipulator and all, it'd get pretty old pretty fast. If there is a HL2-specific MP mode, I hope they were looking forward and made a UT-esque assault or onslaught mode.

Really though, they last thing we need is another game of hopping around in circles while shooting rockets at the floor. Not that such games don't have their place, they do; it's just happens to be in the past.
I really really really REALLY hope that it comes with unique multiplayer. I will die if it's CS:Source only. :(
Guys, DM isn't just about killing the other people all the time. Haven't you gus ever gone into a LAN with some friends and made towers or walls out of tripmines using impulse 101. Just imagine how cool that would be with HL2 deathmatch. Making skyscrapers with barrels and forts and stuff. Even though I don't know if there will be objects in multiplayer.
PatPwnt said:
Guys, DM isn't just about killing the other people all the time.
Yes, it is.

Haven't you gus ever gone into a LAN with some friends and made towers or walls out of tripmines using impulse 101. Just imagine how cool that would be with HL2 deathmatch.
Yeah guys, we've been going the wrong way about this. Sure, straight deathmatch will most likely be boring, but it's up to US to fix it. With cheats and boredom-induced horseplay. :dork:

Making skyscrapers with barrels and forts and stuff. Even though I don't know if there will be objects in multiplayer.

In other words, my JOB. Just the perfect way to unwind after 10 hours of thankless manual labor - the ability to simulate it online with strangers, who most likely are trying to kill me before I can finish my project. Sounds gold!


We could maybe play something different, perhaps even new and unique.
said it once, Im gonna say it again.

there better damn well be something special as MP as Gabe said he has been playing it for months and its awesome.
what has he been doing sitting in front of his computer twiddling his thumbs, making ping ping, peeooo sounds?

honestly I would be pretty damn pissed off, if after almost 6 years they cant even throw together some rudimentary MP of their own.

there has to be though, I mean they are selling HL in different ways, one of those ways is SP + MP, now unless for some retarded reason the MP in that package is rehashed crap mods everyone is bored with (and only playing because there is nothing better) one would assume it to be HL2's unique MP... otherwise why market it as such?

Valve's PR people shot be shot... or maybe they were thats why we know about as much as a blind man trying to read a road map.
Mr. Redundant said:
there better damn well be something special as MP as Gabe said he has been playing it for months and its awesome.
what has he been doing sitting in front of his computer twiddling his thumbs, making ping ping, peeooo sounds?

Maybe that was just a funny way to hint at CS:S?
as Gabe said he has been playing it for months and its awesome.

Hey, you remember this quote too? I've been looking for it: do you remember where you saw it or know where to find it again? I thought it was in the info thread, but I can't seem to find it.
i dont think itll be any of the old games redone. itll be new, and i doubt it being TF2. i think theyll release that after HL2. im hoping the included multiplayer is a grand scale combine vs. resistance in cool locations with even cooler features.
tokin said:
I think i know what valve is doing. They will charge for CS:S, TFC:S, DOD:S, etc...and of course HL2. Then include TF2 as the big suprise for HL2 while still making money on CS:S cause they know tons of ppl will buy it through steam/retail. It all balances out. Secondly, why the hell would the refuse to talk about TF2 at all, and keep saying they will bring more information about the HL2 release, that's pointless...unless it's the big multiplayer secret or if they wanted all the hype staying on HL2 and not talking about a new product until later on.....something very strange is going on.

edit: TF2 is also in finishing stages, but they wont release one damn screen shot or say one word about it, so weird. I sent an email in asking about a few different things, i hope they respond back.

maybe because they haven't released hl2 yet. i can't believe people still believe that tf2 will be included. IT WON"T. JUST GIVE UP. We have to keep reiterating that Valve said themselves they will talk about tf2 AFTER they release hl2. if tf2 is hl2 mp, it would be during not AFTER. as much as i would like it to be, it makes no sense to include it together. there's probably going to be some hl2dm. and that's it.
They are misleading us again for some marketing reason, there must be a new MP part in the game with veichles and new stuff.-
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'm going to be absolutely pissed off if after 6 years the only multiplayer we get is a bunch of games we've already been playing for 3+ years.
FLeK0 said:
They are misleading us again for some marketing reason, there must be a new MP part in the game with veichles and new stuff.-

Wow, you've been a member since this site opened and only have 11 posts....i wonder if anyone can beat that? LoL watch some guy message back with his first post and a member since May 03.
iamaelephant said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'm going to be absolutely pissed off if after 6 years the only multiplayer we get is a bunch of games we've already been playing for 3+ years.

Well we just might, because valve might not be looking at it that way. Probably this is greatest idea to do for MP, hahaha we dont need to do anything original now! I wouldn't worry though, surely they did something, whether its DM/TDM or TF2. It's one or the other.
Yeah, they probably shut up about it, because when they said: "Here's CS: Source!" they expected "OMG WOW!" and instead got: "This better not be HL2 multiplayer!"

So, it's back to the drawing board.. ;)

BTW has summer started yet? It amazes me looking at my clock reading "10th of June, 2004", and I thought I was going to be getting HL2 last September..