Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

Originally posted by BarnaclePete

2. Valve has already bought the domain name

That doesn't really tell us anything. They registered as well.
Originally posted by BarnaclePete

1. Team Fortress 2 is standalone

Again at this point its all speculation no one knows for sure. BUT, if we are talkin about smart marketting decisions. Valve would most likely want to make it NOT FREE but also not STAND ALONE. They would most likely have you to require to have HL2 first to play TF2. That way they will keep HL2 selling in the future because it would be required to play TF2 because that game will most likely survive a long while.

We know that TF2 will be more "real" looking. What about the Classic TFC? I mean can you imagine an Updated HeavyGunner? Demoman? Medic? The "cool" of the new engine with "cartoon" like characters. THAT would be interesting.
Hey valved ray try quoting my whole reply you dumb ****! I never said anything about it being absolutely true or not true. I said that I heard that there will be a DOD2 but never say any real info about it. My CS idea was.. just an idea!
Originally posted by MIWojo11
Hey valved ray try quoting my whole reply you dumb ****! I never said anything about it being absolutely true or not true. I said that I heard that there will be a DOD2 but never say any real info about it. My CS idea was.. just an idea!

Sadly, Valved Ray is no longer with us.
*The Mullinator brings out the party poppers, beer, confetti, cake, and hangs up the banner "Goodbye ValVed RaY"*

lol, j/k :E
Valved Ray is a cool dude. That is when he's not on forums. Like me, he doesnt take forums seriously because, well, its not a place to really take seriously. Especially these forums since its all mad speculation right now.
people that like certain things want those things to be done and when they are not the tell everyone that it will and when they get proven wrong or people disagree with their ideas, they pee their pants and deny it.