Multiple Topics.

Should Half-Life 2 be scary??

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 13 16.7%

  • Total voters


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
One thing I hope about Half-Life is to have a scary factor in parts of it. I'll admit I love scary games (thought I dont have nearly enough). And when I first played Half-Life it scared me so much. One of the reasons im looking forward to DOOM3 is because it has sucha scary atmosphere built into it. i was also hoping HL2 would be a little scarey. Also, remember in Half-Life Gordon had a little friend following him around on the back of his head at all times? Yes im reffering to Gordon's Pony tail. Think the pony tail will make it too HL, or is that too 60's ish?
I love to be scared out of my wits, providing I know no real harm can come to me. Movies, thrill rides, games, etc. One thing HL was good at was scaring the crap out of me in vents with those damn headcrabs. I believe there is one part, where you are jumping up some vents with barnicles above, and it's where you first see a skull. In the vent later, there is a drop down, and right where you can't see, there is a headcrab just waiting for you. First time, I screamed and jumped. Gotta love it. :)
The atmosphere, headcrabs, and icthiasuars were what scared me so much. In oposing force the evolved zombies scare the crap out of me. I'll really be interested in seeing the Gordon model for HL. The ammount of detail they could put into him, would be amazing.
here it is


  • ponytail.jpg
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just imagine sitting in front of 22" screen, all lights out, surrounded sound, and then...... out of nowhere, a headcrab jumps on your face...
why shouldn't it be scary! its all about adrenalin rush.....
If Half-Life 2 is a scary-theme game, that could make the game longer.
You get scared, fall of your chair and get unconscience, wait for a while to get your balance back and repeat.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
If Half-Life 2 is a scary-theme game, that could make the game longer.
You get scared, fall of your chair and get unconscience, wait for a while to get your balance back and repeat.
Or pee your pants, have to pause, clean up, and continue.
I can see valve now.... "Oh shit, they want they game to be scary?? Looks like we are going to have to start from the top"

What this poll amounts to is "will you be disappointed or happy with the scaryness of Half-life 2." And the fact of the matter is, no one knows yet. But given the first game, it will have its scary moments, but it will be more action packed as opposed to crawling through dark creepy corridors in a space marine suit looking for the lost plot.

I dont want HL to be a silent hill kinda game where its a freak me out fest. it wouldnt feel like hl then. I just want it to have its parts where im like AHH!!! THATS SCARED THE NOODLES OUT OF ME!
I just love the thrill of letting my friends play after i've played and watching them get shocked or terrified by things in the game.. lol just the movies made their jaws drop... ;)

i think it should have a few shocking moments such as when the headcrabs jump at you in the airducts.... but if they make it into a game thats all about scaring you well...:flame:
I don't like scary games, neither games with no-humans. I like the game to be... like Deus Ex, but without the monsters.
It was never really scary in HL1, it was like "Damn, that was cool!, but shocking ;)"
Originally posted by The Duke
Just curious, which games do you guys consider to be "scary"?
Silent Hill 1&2 (im sure the third will be too), Resident Evil Games (especially the new one for the Game Cube). And sometimes Unreal 1
EDIT- How could I forget AVP2 on the Human Campaign.
I don't think HL2 can be as "scary" as any of those games. Because those games scared through anticipation. Of course HL2 will have some "fightening" moments, but it cannot have the same atmosphere. It's not that kind of game.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Don't forget Undying
Sadly, I still ahvent played that game. I been trying hard to get my hands on a copy or borrow it from a friend or something. But i cant find it, and all my friends lost theirs.
Omg i played the demo for undying, i remember this one part where u look in to a mirror and u see a guy standing write over u... (i was like he's probably not really behind me) i turn around and he's right in my face... i had to turn off the game after that. it was really freaky deaky.
Originally posted by Loshadka
I don't like scary games, neither games with no-humans. I like the game to be... like Deus Ex, but without the monsters.

Deus Ex scared the crap out of me at times, when I first was in the MJ12 lab, I accidentally released those Karkians... had a fun time running away from them :/
Since HL1 was basically a one-man-run, I don't think the fright-factor will be at all the same. We'll have to make more use out of our friendly NPCs throughout the game, or they wouldn't have bothered to make the AI so good. I still think there'll be lots and lots of scary scenes. remember the docks? with the zombies? although not too scary, that scene can easily evolve into you being chased through dark alleyways while headcrabs jump out of corners you never noticed.
Originally posted by The Duke
Just curious, which games do you guys consider to be "scary"?

Well, theres different types of 'scary.'

Theres like surprising/shocking scary, like "AHH!!! THATS SCARED THE NOODLES OUT OF ME! "

Then there's creepy scary, where you get all tense cause you know theres an enemy right around the corner.

And then theres, idunno, like, 'impending doom' type of scary where you know somethings gonna get ripped to pieces (this type of scary seems to be more in movies, not something i get in games much).

hmmm. anyway.

scary games: doom, doom2, system-shock2, AvP2, HL1, and, um, howabout Waxworks (i was like 12, and that game freaked me out).

aww man, System Shock 2 was a good game - it scared the hell outta me too. Hearing the crazy zombies saying what they did, and I remembered that first zombie chasing that screaming woman right at the beginning. That always creeped me out. HL1 didn't every really creep me out, but there were times when I jumped because a headcrab surprised me. I'm not expecting anything more than that as far as scary things in HL2, but if it were "creepier" at times, I would definitely welcome it.
Half-Life 2 also seems to ahve a greater level of immersion, and detail, thus making it easier to scare you.
Now that I think about it again. I always felt kind of alone when playing half-life. There were so many times where you were the only human in vacant military/research installations, and that did make them game slightly creepy at times. I know that in Half-Life 2 you will be fighting alongside intelligent NPC's and I hope you don't do that too often because the parts where you were alone in Half-Life were some of my favorite moments.
Originally posted by dis
Now that I think about it again. I always felt kind of alone when playing half-life. There were so many times where you were the only human in vacant military/research installations, and that did make them game slightly creepy at times. I know that in Half-Life 2 you will be fighting alongside intelligent NPC's and I hope you don't do that too often because the parts where you were alone in Half-Life were some of my favorite moments.
I agree. But we have only seen about 20 minutes of Half-Life 2, and the game itself lasts about 20 hours. Perhaps we wont see as muhc of the NPC's as we would think according to the videos. Your alone in all of the videos except for kleiners lab, barney, and the strider video. (and most of tunnels)
Half Life had the hopeless, isolation, trapped kind of scary. I think Half Life 2's scary will be different. It will be more of an enemy invasion, terrorism like scary. Just take a look at this: . I mean, that's just scary, Combine soldiers lining up innocent people to be tortured, converted into mindless Combine soldiers, etc etc. It's sort of scary the way the nazis were.
I dunno, judging by some of the screenshots, your going to get ALL kinds of scary.

your in a city, so you hear the screams as headcrabs and zombies terrorize the masses, you MEET alot of zombies....seriously, I think this game is gunna ROCK. :)
You know, surprisingly enough, there were some creepy moments in Thief 2 that got the adrenaline going the first time I played it through... sneaking around... and those robotic things and their religeous chanting.. I think one level was inside a bank or something, and there were all sorts of security systems and robot things in place, and at one point there was even a turret that shot saw blades at you.. Some of those levels just created a great atmosphere, and that's what draws you in enough to be freaked out by things.

HL was definately good at creating that atmosphere, especially if you genuinely fear for your life while playing.

I think valve are keeping a lot of aces up their sleeves in terms of things that are going to "scare the noodles out of us", which is a very, very good thing. The main reason I got so deeply immersed (and regularly shocked) in HL was that I didn't know what to expect - I hadn't seen any preview screens or footage.
After all the e3 vids im prolly gonna say goodbye to these forums and many of the hl2 sites i visit. I really dont wanna spoil the game more than I have to. I do want it to scare me. I dont want to expect anything. I dont wanna go "oh i remember there was a screenshot of this part." Or "oh this is that part of the e3 video". Supprises are best, and all I really wanna keep track of is the release date here after.
As much as I completely agree with you, it's going to be hard to stop myself from checking to see if there's any new hl2 media every now and again :) I don't want to spoil it either, but HL was truly incredible, so my anticipation towards HL2 is extremely high...
Originally posted by Logic
As much as I completely agree with you, it's going to be hard to stop myself from checking to see if there's any new hl2 media every now and again :) I don't want to spoil it either, but HL was truly incredible, so my anticipation towards HL2 is extremely high...
Same here, I hope I can hold up. Im gonna hvae to deal with it for over a month :-\
This is the biggest hyped game for me, so I wanna look at everything i possibly can, but I also dont want to. After the last e3 vid comes out, that will be it for me. Anything until then is game. This is my resolution I hope to keep.
Originally posted by The Duke
Just curious, which games do you guys consider to be "scary"?

silent hill 1....holy crap did that game ever scare the crap outa me. last year at school our power whent out and there was still a real dense fog lingering around at noon...that whole time i was going through the halls thinking "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit, please dont let those little zombie kids be wandering around here"

undying seemd scary in the demo but i never bought the game

resident evil for game cube, not RE: 0


return to castle wolf. in some places

doom 3, some of those screen shots have almost scared the shit outa me

they hunger, omg that mod of half life scared the crap outa me, that 3rd episode was the worst...i think ill have to re-install that some time

but then theres that scare factor in any game where your running low on health/ammo and you just know your gonna run into a huge pack of enemies. or then theres the run for your life type of scare thats in some games
I think RE for the GCN was the scarriest game ive ever played. I'll check into the undying demo tommorow. I still ahvent played RE0 tho.
if you like scary games, play Undying. It is a brilliant and really scary game. The bosses are just superbly done. I can't praise this game enough. You can definetely get it online somewhere for about 10 bucks.
I am the first to admit that I am terrible at games. It took me a year before finaly playing quake 2 because I though it was too scary. H-L had the perfect mix for me, then just recently I went way over my cap with that doom 3 alpha, whoa I can't begin to explain how scared a was, coarse it was dark too. I think I'll be ready for H-L 2's scare factor, but I still don't know about Doom 3, maybe out on the porch on a bright afternoon :p