Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

Im not into Cartoonish games either but WoW and WC3 are majorly forgiven, just because the gameplay is so good. Also the graphics being cartoony or blocky make up for the lack of realism, the fantasy setting. If you had orcs looking real, (like lotr) people would take the game far too seriously. its the cartoony graphics that make it more fun in a way.

I hope they will take every card under the sun, i cant wait til they take my hard earned cash :p
i'm still confused as to how a game set in a fantasy realm can be criticised for not being 'realistic'.

its just a question of whether you prefer quest based/story driven MMOs or whether you just want hackneyed gameplay with pretty graphics.
Dalamari said:
WoW is just too cartoonish for me, I like a feel of realism with my games, not happy little dwarves hugging bears and dancing around a pink tree.
as stated buy another member
not reality
I just bought WoW today, installed it, and when i went to create a new account.......MY FREAKiN AUTH. KEY WAS TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!! WTF???!!!
Well, I suggest checking out Blizzard Support.
poo poo head said:
Wal-Mart, everywhere else was sold out...

Do wal-mart do return policies? I mean, if you return the game with the reciept do they give you a refund...? NEVER buy MMO Games from shops that do this- the key could have allready been used (even if the person cancels their subscription, their account is still active, so the CDkey will no longer work).
Baal said:
Well, I suggest checking out Blizzard Support.

I did.

When i went to wal-mart, they were saying how popular that game was because it was stocked about an hour earlier and i got the last one, and when i got it, the box had no damage, no openings, no problems at all...
Dalamari said:
WoW is just too cartoonish for me, I like a feel of realism with my games, not happy little dwarves hugging bears and dancing around a pink tree.

Screenshots will make you think that. In game, WoW looks beautiful imo. Watching a sunset along the zoram strand made my mouth drop it looked so amazing.

WoW isn't technically amazing. In fact the only thing technically impressive is how they implement specular highlights. No longer do we have specular highlights that are bright and unrealistic, the specular highlights in WoW are soft, dull and subtle. Its refreshingly realistic. Not even Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 can compete with WoW on that graphical feature.
WoW would'nt be the same game if it had graphics like EQ2. And i think some of you would be surprised how beautiful WoW can be in places regardless of it not having 35000000x35000000 textures and super duper graphics,.....It Has An Outstanding Atmosphere!! :D
the screenshots do not do WoW justice, it looks amazing when you are actually playing it, and the game is amazing!
GOD F*&%%^&*%!!!!!!!

How could my holiday season get worse. First my gramps goes to the hospital, half my family is sick, i get the least amount of presents in the family, one whole side of my family forgot i existed...

Now i gotta return WoW or send it in through the mail just to get a new CD key because for some F***** reason my auth. key doesn't work...F***.
holy crap holy crap holy crap!!!! awesome screens. wish they'd start final beta ;(
Blizzard has never made a very technically feature.
They have always(for the pc anyway) made very very very fun games.
this game is amazing! I can play and play and never know Im hungry or anything, this game could cause death lol!

Some info on my character

Name: Kathis
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Level: 10
Server: Mannoroth (PVP)
Name: Myden
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Level: 11
Server: Magtheridon (PvP)
Guild: Vincere Vel Mori

Hope to see you guys there, too bad the servers are down right now.
am i missing something? is there a graphics option somewhere? or are everyones graphics the same? like wheres the option to change res and video settings...........?????

edit: btw is anyone experiencing connection problems. i can't connect.
yes, go into your video options menu and change them.

and yes, the servers are all down cuz some people are having billing problems
ohhh in game. i get it now. i just got it last night.
Can i switch houses with one of you? i wanna live in america so i can play WOW!!!
you can come live with me suicide, but I have a pretty shitty dsl connection. Spud calls it lol. I hope you dont mind a bad connection and living in the middle of ****ing no where!
Delicious Bass said:
you can come live with me suicide, but I have a pretty shitty dsl connection. Spud calls it lol. I hope you dont mind a bad connection and living in the middle of ****ing no where!

As long as i have WOW... anything is bearable.
Name: Brodeh
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Level: 10
Server: Bloodhoof (Normal)
today was the first time a criticalled for over 100! i was so happy when i did that, not once but 3 times today! i am loving every second being a rogue, and leatherworking is an awesome way to make cash.

Too bad SpuD is starting over because one of our friends is starting WoW tomarrow. Lots of grinding for them
There's so much to do in this's literally insane.

I could waste away a whole day on WoW without doing anything productive in game at all, but yet still have so much fun.

It's kind of sad, but so so fun. It's even better playing with other people you know, especially if you're on ventrilo or teamspeak.
i've now had this game for 3 days and i don't like it i just don't see what's so special about it, just my opinion though..... going back to dark age of camelot now.
Anyone here that got the collectors edition and isn't using the guest pass can pm it to me? I want to get this, but im not sure if it's worth the 15 bucks a month and i don't wont to spend 50 dollars to find out i dont like it.
Epyon said:
Anyone here that got the collectors edition and isn't using the guest pass can pm it to me? I want to get this, but im not sure if it's worth the 15 bucks a month and i don't wont to spend 50 dollars to find out i dont like it.
Just buy the game and play for the free month.

I've never played any MMORPG game ever before. As a matter of fact, i've only played one RPG and that was Knights of the Old Republic.

But i dont see any reason why you shouldn't like this. Its simple, fun and addictive. And its pretty cool to go about wandering in the World of Warcraft.
Yea, $50 just to play a game for a month to see if you like it is rediculous, not everybody just has cash lieing around man.
Even if you have a job, theres still bills to attend to.
If you're so strapped for cash that you have to worry about spending an extra $15 per month for a game then you need to seriously reconsider your career and move to a new apartment that's cheaper.

hehe little picture i took, he was a lvl16 and my buddy beat him

btw im now
lvl17 :farmer: