Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

argh! I'm canadian NOT "american" ...well actually I'm also european cuz my parents are ..well they're from spain your 20 X great father could have raped and pillaged my ancestors village in spain ..or vice versa! ...still doesnt help me get in the guild
Do you live in on an american continent?(any continent with america in it). Thus you are an american. You are not a United Statsian. BTW, yes I am from the USA. So yes you are!
Not that still dosn't help you get in.
I hope the beta doesnt last long... i really want this here game :D
bring on Febuary !!!!
Why is it taking so long for it to come to Europe, apart from languages and setting up servers?
Lemme throw in that I have never had so much fun in just running from one place to another. Blizzard really outdid itself in the art department.

And I slew many dwarves and humans yesterday :) Huge battle in Tarren Mill on Silverhand
can't... stop... playing.... beta!!!

that sums up the past 2 days minus school. :)
Okay, I'll err, get working on a guild motto.

i'm having trouble deciding if i wanna be a warrior still, end-game group pvp they're not really balanced for.
Suicide42 said:
can't... stop... playing.... beta!!!

that sums up the past 2 days minus school. :)

you've probably played more in the last 2 days then I have in the last week ...not for the lack of trying I'm leveling painfully slow ...almost a month of playing and I'm only at lvl 19 ..but I'm having a blast getting there :)
I have never played an mmorpg ever :(
I honestly have no clue what I am missing.
What your missing with this particular MMORPG is like HL1+HL2+FF7 = WoW tbh :p FF7 was my all time favourite game until WoW.
The "Order of the Crowbar" Guild is up and running!

OOTC is not the "official guild" or anything, it's simply a Half-Life inspired guild- which means that all you guys have to join it ;)

check out here to see the policies. WOWforums is a great place to talk about WOW too, so feel free to post there :)

Oh and we're playing on PvP server 7 if you must know :) It's a European beta server, so unfortunately you americans are left out :(
I'd like to join Suicide, when i get my hands on the game :) OOTC sounds like fun :) Raids galore!
meh, you brits suck's a deliberate attempt at excluding canadians!!! We like crowbars too!!!!
Minerel said:
Do you live in on an american continent?(any continent with america in it). Thus you are an american. You are not a United Statsian. BTW, yes I am from the USA. So yes you are!
Not that still dosn't help you get in.
*goes to play WoW
Dedalus said:
told you! you should move to europe! or maybe you can open the North American Chapter of the Order of the Crowbar or something :D

nah, I dont like .....americans

*runs away, starts packing bags*
Minerel said:
Do you live in on an american continent?(any continent with america in it). Thus you are an american. You are not a United Statsian. BTW, yes I am from the USA. So yes you are!
Not that still dosn't help you get in.

ummmm no, I'm north american, not american ..the term american is used to describe people from the US
Canada sucks, europe sucks(mostly france and finland), and japan sucks.
Homer said:
Canada sucks, europe sucks(mostly france and finland), and japan sucks.
HERE HERE! Wait I like canada and finland and france too!
Actually I just hate japan and any weird crap to come out of it. Which is unfortunately why my console game selection is extremely lacking. This list includes but is not limited to; "anime" and final fantasy (ALL OF THEM).
Homer said:
and japan sucks.

/me slices homer's head off with a katana

My blade sliced through the yellowing skin like a sharp ambition through the minds of those who are igonrant. My vision was a haze of blood, of the greif and despair that i had caused. The head dropped in the pool of radiating blood and rolled tawards me like it was still being controlled by the relentless anger of the deceased. It's eyes bore into my mind, corrupting my thoughts and losening my grip, so the sword fell to the ground with an awaking clatter. This awoke me from my thoughts and i became immedately engrossed in the realism of my doings- the wailing screams of those who witnessed the atrocity and the stain that would never wipe from my hands.The body continued to empty, and falling from my cheeks i too secreted a liquid from me, but this was of pure discust for myself. Looking back at the lolling boddy i realised that the blood was discusted with me as well... It's red emotion creating a true reflection of me- showing myself what i had become, just a warped, distorted image of someone who used to be so fragile, so furtive. Weeping sloly, the tears fell to the floor and embraced the hard concrete with a drip. I hardly noticed the blade cut through me as i relieved myself of this pain; seeking the only true refuge i would ever be able to find from now on. Death is as swift as it is crushing.
B.Calhoun said:
This is still a WoW thread right?

While on the ouside- yes, this appears to be a thread for us lonely souls to engross our minds in pointless discussions about a "virual" existance that we barely control- but underneath is is really a metaphor for just how trapped we are... it symbolises how that despite all the freedom we appear to have, the only true way we can relieve ourselves of the burden and society we live in is to copy our existance into an alternate reality that is designed by another man's inner thoughts and inspirations. This is a thread to show that people these days connot express themselves in their own way- so instead resort to burying themselves in someone else's creativity, and disquising the fact that it is all a big act, and they are at home in neither existances, and are instead completely pointless.

I wish i was writing a story atm- i'd be on a roll!

*edit* It seems that you forumites do not share my enthusiasm or inspiration tawards what would otherwise be riveting writing- but due to the small fact that i am simply displaying the emotions that flash through my mind in an instant (and are therefore extremely hard to capture and re-create through writing) i feel that my creativity is stunted by my obvious boldness on forums, which may possibly grow from my lack of charisma in the real world.

Ok this is weird.

What the heck is wrong with the name "Sonydiscman"? I was playing last night and a game master told me that my name would be changed because it is "inappropriate"? What the heck is wrong with Sonydiscman?
They apparently don't like names based on celebrities, copyrighted products, and other well-known things from the real world... not just vulgar, racist, or otherwise offensive names.
Sparta said:
Ok this is weird.

What the heck is wrong with the name "Sonydiscman"? I was playing last night and a game master told me that my name would be changed because it is "inappropriate"? What the heck is wrong with Sonydiscman?
And you dont get to chose the name they assign you....
BTW: The naming policy page (as listed in the manual in the "Naming Your Character" section) is

B.Calhoun said:
And you dont get to chose the name they assign you....
Blizzard said:
Players found to be in violation of the above policies may be assigned a randomly generated temporary name for their character, guild, or pet. An E-mail will be sent to the account's registered E-mail address with instructions on how to change his/her temporary name to one of their choice.
Does anybody know where the Timberline Arms in Stormwind is if it's there at all? I have this hankering to learn how to shoot a gun, but I need to learn how first.
Well, first, you're either a Hunter or a Warrior, right? If not, don't bother... you can't even use guns.

I haven't been able to find that Bulywick guy either (I'm starting to think he doesn't exist) and the way the Dwarves leave all of those useful signs off of their buildings doesn't help. How the hell are we supposed to know what the names of the places are if they don't tell us?
heh I've been searching for "Onu ...the Unbecoming" or something like that ..for 2 freakin days now! plus I cant find some of the guys that gave me the quest in the first place is finished but I cant cash it it!!! why oh why doesnt the map show you where the quests are! I'll tell you why! cuz players spending time searching for items makes blizzard accountants very happy


me loves this game .......searching.....searching ..... "have you seen Onu the Unbecoming?"
CptStern said:
heh I've been searching for "Onu ...the Unbecoming" or something like that ..for 2 freakin days now! plus I cant find some of the guys that gave me the quest in the first place is finished but I cant cash it it!!! why oh why doesnt the map show you where the quests are! I'll tell you why! cuz players spending time searching for items makes blizzard accountants very happy


me loves this game .......searching.....searching ..... "have you seen Onu the Unbecoming?"

hmmm... i'm pretty sure i've done that quest at some point, but i can't remember what... i just remember searching for someone "unbecoming..." :)

where abouts is it? that might give my memory a jolt :)
Is WoW realy that good? I've played a few MMORPGs before and always got bored with them after a month and a half or so. I want to like MMORPGs but I just get so bored of leveling after just a little while.

First, I played a game called 10six and it was good. But some friends of mine played EQ so I switched to that. Got bored after 2 or 3 months. Then I played CoH and got bored of it too even though everyone said it was so good... The only MMORPG type of game I've liked was 10six. Damn, 10six kicked ass. Too bad its not online anymore.

For the first couple months before I get bored, they all seem realy fun. Up untill leveling gets harder and it all slows down.
Suicide42 said:
hmmm... i'm pretty sure i've done that quest at some point, but i can't remember what... i just remember searching for someone "unbecoming..." :)

where abouts is it? that might give my memory a jolt :)

hehe I made the "unbecoming" part up means "ugly" :E
Sparta said:
Ok this is weird.

What the heck is wrong with the name "Sonydiscman"? I was playing last night and a game master told me that my name would be changed because it is "inappropriate"? What the heck is wrong with Sonydiscman?

It's retarded, that's what's wrong with it...
OCybrManO said:
Well, first, you're either a Hunter or a Warrior, right? If not, don't bother... you can't even use guns.

Really? I've looked in the manual, the patch log and the WoW website and there's nothing that says I can't use guns. In fact the only weapon a Warrior can't use is a Wand. Not that I really care about using those.
JamesPicard_007 said:
Really? I've looked in the manual, the patch log and the WoW website and there's nothing that says I can't use guns. In fact the only weapon a Warrior can't use is a Wand. Not that I really care about using those.
What? Isn't that what I said? If you're not a warrior or hunter you can't use guns...