My 1,000 post: X800 pro and ATi's new drivers vs. 6800GT


May 28, 2004
Reaction score
Finally, I have my 1,000 post. Funny, when I first joined I new nothing about computers and this was my computer's specs:

Dell Dimension 2350
P4 2.2ghz
Geforce FX5200 PCI
256mb pc2100 ram
30gb hdd

Wow, I've come a long way since then. Anyway, this Christmas I'm getting a new video card and right now it's between the 6800GT and X800 pro. Originally I figured it would be the 6800GT because it was better in benchmarks and had more piplines, it beat the x800 pro. But now with the new drivers from ATi, could the X800 pro pull ahead of the 6800GT, are there any benchmarks yet? After seeing the boost the X800XT PE got over the 6800U in 3DMark 05, I thought the X800 pro could overtake the 6800GT.
Maybe you should remember, nvidia dumps out performace boosting drivers, constanly.
Yes I remember, I got the 61.77 drivers when Doom 3 came out and it boosted my performance in Doom 3 from 640x480 low bad fps to 800x600 medium good fps.
that why you need to get a 6800 GT NOW!!!!!!!! :P
its the best card for the money and nvidias 66.** driver will beat the shit out of ati :smoking:
Unfortunately I can't get it until Christmas. Sorry, but I used my money I earned over the summer upgrading to prepare for the video card, got a new mobo, case and psu, and new cpu cooling fan. Can't get a real job until I turn 16 in February. I can wait. In fact if I'm lucky and can find a Radeon 9000/9100 or Geforce 4 TI card for $20 or under I could probably get one of those to use for now. Don't think I'd find any though.
Gunsnroses said:
Maybe you should remember, nvidia dumps out performace boosting drivers, constanly.
Ah but they hardly ever release WHQL certified drivers anymore! Always beta. :( Shame on them.

Get whichever you can. They both rock. Of course a X800 Pro Vivo edition would be the best. :bounce:
Yeah I was kinda thinking about that. If I were to get an X800 pro VIVO, like say the $425 Sapphire one on newegg, what exactly are the chances of softmodding to an X800XT PE. Cause it sounds like a lot of people have had success.
chances are pretty high, but why would you take the chance with a brand spankin new card?
doesn't the PE stand for PCI-E ? or is there a clock difference between the x800XT AGP and PE editions?
The PE in X800XT PE stands for Platinum Edition. It has higher clock speeds in both the core and memory than the X800XT although the same pipelines and architecture along with relatively close performance.
I don't understand what the difference is between the XT and the PE. I own a X800XT (apg) and it runs at 520 mhz stock speed. Wheras the PE cards that I've seen in Australia at least run at 500 mhz and are PCI.
This is true, gameplay is going to be different from 3Dmark2005.
Although optimizations are not valid in 3Dmark2005 either...
the new beta catalysts (8.07) boosted my 3dmarks (05) from 4300 - 5600 .. that's quite an increase.
you might not get that different of results between the two since your cpu will be bottlenecking both of them.
poseyjmac said:
you might not get that different of results between the two since your cpu will be bottlenecking both of them.

no. 3Dmark is almost totally video card dependant... if it were CPU bottlenecked, the 6800u/x800xt wouldn't perform better than the 6800gt/x800p
SidewinderX said:
no. 3Dmark is almost totally video card dependant... if it were CPU bottlenecked, the 6800u/x800xt wouldn't perform better than the 6800gt/x800p
Wasn't he talking about real world game performance though?

In that case the CPU is quite important.
Bottlenecked means choked. There are many cases where a 9800Pro performs like a X800 or 6800 just becaues it's CPU bottlenecked. UT2004 is a good example for this. Example

Normally, scores will be different across a number of cards and of course if you put in a faster CPU the scores will increase.
Well you know what by Christmas if the X800 pro is at least just as fast as the 6800GT I think I'm gonna get a Sapphire X800 pro VIVO.
SidewinderX said:
no. 3Dmark is almost totally video card dependant... if it were CPU bottlenecked, the 6800u/x800xt wouldn't perform better than the 6800gt/x800p

what jimmeh said. i was talking about the applications that matter. games. :)