My annoyance with HL2 mods


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Firslty is this in the right place? ****ed if I know :) Anyway...

I don't usually get annoyed as much as this but enough is enough. Everywhere I look now there seems to be this new "Awesome kick ass super Half-Life 2 MOD!! Click here to look at the 'screenshots'"

Ok, so I click the link happily (this was when they 1st started appearing) and browse the 'screenshots' "Hmm, nice model, model, another model, some more models, another model over there, and a model here, and a model up there, ooooh another model render!"

Now a few weeks forward I come across yet more "Half-Life 2 mods" and guess whats on their media page, more model renders ! Now I'm never one to moan about models and mods and such...

But there comes a time when a record is to be broken. And I'm sure that my vote will go towards all those teams out there that enjoy flooding us with Mods that we won't be playing anytime soon. I don't understand the idea of making a mod for a game that hasen't even been released to the public yet! What is the point in that?

Its more like;

"Hey, I'm pretty skilled in what I do. I see you need new members for your HL2 mod, can I join?"

"Sure, welcome aboard"

"I noticed that you don't have any mappers yet, when do I get started?"

"Erm you don't, do you know how to use any modelling programs??"

Now its been about 3 months now and all I see is "New Generic HL2 MOD has new Model Renders!! Go check thme out!"

and "Shit boring Half-Life 1 mod with awesome attention to detail in their maps is out *yawn*"

"But don't threat! here are some more model and concept art shots for a HL2 mod!!!"

Just take alook here if you don't believe me and go through a few of thier news pages. Amazingly they've posted a few Half-life mod maps shots wich is amazing in itself.
That's exactly the reason why I'm not really interested in mods until they actually have a playable release.

I know there are probably 5-7 people working on the next AK-47 model for the next CS clone this minute, but really looking at their renders is of no use to me.
Thats why we dont have mod news on the main page
Originally posted by SpuD
Thats why we dont have mod news on the main page

Damn, that would be a lot of work. leave that to phl and stuff.
its a catch 22 you have to have to have some content to raise the awarness of your mod and so that you can ffill your open positions. but the only thing you can do right now (legally) is the brainstorming. creating models, and doing the website because theres no official/legal way to go any farther. With the exception of mapping on the hl1 hammer editoer, but theres a risk to doing that because of player scale, and other stat based info that has not been solidly confirmed.

and if you dont have content you look like another mod destined to fail....
so basically

wait till the game comes out, THEN make the mod. simple
I like seeing much off the concept art. I dont even see it as stuff for mods, just concept art in general :)
INCorporated looks prettier than Halflife2 itself! :eek:

Anyway, the problem is, many mods update with very small updates. Even I did that mistake once, wont do it again (wont do it at all, TL work is halted due to the release confusion, I wont mod for HL2 until it comes out).

You also have to realise that many people counted on the game to be out by now, and be modding a long time ago using the SDK. I am one of them, the reason I started modding at all... We *knew* when HL2 was to come out, and thus started the concepting and modelling. Now when its delayed, one dont want to stop so lightly. Hence mod development continues for many mods.
You can really complain about the fact that there are lots of models. What else is there? You should be glad that people are getting all this modeling out of the way now, it just measn less of it when Hl2 is finaly out.

By the way, im a mapper and im already in a mod team :p

Ive been thinking up lots of ideas and im ding drawings, they simply arent on the site and i havent yet shown anything to the reast of the team.
Im from the Malin mod, and we will only show in-game pics (well, thats my plan). First of all, the mod use Cel-Shader so you cant really do a good render of it. Second, like some people said, weapons/player renders isnt so impressive anymore.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You should be glad that people are getting all this modeling out of the way now, it just measn less of it when Hl2 is finaly out.

That said, there are so many hl2 mods that do that, that it just gets on my nerves. Its all they can do, and frankly its boring now. I was impressed by the quality of the models being released at the time. But now its just getting on my tits. Yes I do try to avoid it all. But being a fan of HL2 and a modder its quite hard to avoid seing them.

It would be nice if they stopped getting in such a twizzle over it all. Stopped - and waited for it to be released, if it ever is released. Heh, if HL2 never got released I really would laugh. Sorry, but its true. :p

All that hard modelling for nothing. :)
Originally posted by Dux

All that hard modelling for nothing. :)

very true dat...but you could easily move the models to another modable game :|, ah well lol
There are some VERY impressive models being made, for one mod i have seen a player model that looks even more impressive then the ones made by Valve.