My best moment!


Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Now I know some of you are better than I am at TF2, but I was proud of myself at this moment:


Post your best moments please!

Oh and CyberPitz is not allowed to post in this thread. :)
I pyro rushed an entire team on Hydro during sudden death and killed 10 of them. :p
Parallel to yours Psycho, eight players on the BLU team was capping A on Dustbowl (I think it is... the one map with A, B, and C points with C being a wooden tower). As a Pyro, I zoomed around into A holding down my mouse button hoping to just delay them. After about an four second critical and eight kills later, I was officially deemed a hacker.

That's Gravelpit. ;)
Qonfused said:
I was officially deemed a hacker.


Hahaha, there's nothing quite so satisfying as being so good that people claim you're hacking. I used to get that playing on the Deadwood map in F.E.A.R a lot.

My best would probably my 10 headshots in a row.
I kind of suck, but similar to Ham I got 9 headshots as sniper, which is probably my best moment considering it's not a class I'm usually good at. My stats say I got 34 kills in one life as engineer once, but I don't ever remember that and suspect it's a glitch.
Oh and CyberPitz is not allowed to post in this thread. :)

But..but...I have a picture of me doing just exactly what your doing! :(
Going into the enemy base in dustbowl as a pyro, approaching silently, then, BURN BURN BURN HAHA !!!

Also communicating with the team and then owning the enemy together, rushing their base doing what we need to and kill them all again..

Screenshots :

I have tons of moments like this :

And lol it's called "Cyberpitz is looking good !"

Also :

well I think that's enough of me ;D sorry for the dumb watermark too.
I don't know, sitting outside the spawn point in 2fort where you can go to battlements or down the hole to the lower level...sticky bombing the door and getting about 15 kills before someone decided to attack me from the other side...
"Fisting" (Heavy) 4 enemy players in one of the houses in Dustbowl, almost cried with laughter afterwards.
Just recently started playing demoman a bit and had a fast success.
I joined a game with the CP_well Map (train station).
My team less people and loosing. last controlpoint under heavy attack.
first thing to cover everything around the CP with sticky bombs and blow some scouts to hell.
Recaptured, time added, next CP point, i chose position next to the re-supply , again sticky bombs all over the CP. But then i decided to hide in the resupply, just waiting for the message that the CP is under Attack.
could not believe it, 5 kills in one.
Then i run out and finish the rest off including an engineer and his sentry he just tried to set up in our entrance...
We even managed to capture the middle point but then we run out of time and it ended in stale mate.
24 points for the round, beginners luck i would say.

"Fisting" (Heavy) 4 enemy players in one of the houses in Dustbowl, almost cried with laughter afterwards.

That reminds of a classic moment I got a chance to see the other week on Dustbowl.

There was a heavy standing at the first CP after we captured it and in front of him was a sniper trying to kill him with his melee weapon. The heavy just looked at him for about 2 seconds then did a critical uppercut and sent the poor sniper flying across the map. :LOL:

Not bad for only one round out of the *6?* that dustbowl has!

By cyberpitz at 2007-10-27
If only you lived in the UK Pitzy I would ask you for a demomen duel! :D



I farking suck at being a demo. That domination doesn't count due to unfair circumstances.
Hm not really owning at this game (yet! :D), but I enjoyed dominating 5 people in one round. Posted earlier BTW.

Looks like I have alot to catch up with when I finally get playing!
I'm just wondering who in their right minds would try and go melee on a heavy. It's like smacking a toothbrush against a sherman tank.

You just don't do it.
I just did 5 dominations with Demoman, 3 of them in one turn.
I'll post screenshot later maybe..
I'm just wondering who in their right minds would try and go melee on a heavy. It's like smacking a toothbrush against a sherman tank.

You just don't do it.

Well, if you're lucky enough to come from behind a busy Heavy, there's a good chance a crit melee will take him out in one or two hits.

My team did some crazy defense on the trench point - Blue barely even made it out by the end of the round. :D
At the end of second stage push in Dustbowl I somehow managed to get to the bit of the path past the defenders spawn, killed 3 from the next wave, a healer joined me, killed 5 from the next wave and then round won as my team-mates capped just as they finally got me.

Also the time I had impenetrable defense on Dustbowl by camping the first cap point house stairs as pyro with a dispenser and two sentries past me up the stairs. Spies couldn't get to them and nothing else stood a chance.
I've had lots of good moments so far, but I think my most enjoyable was a sudden death moment today on the HL2 UK server... Killed half the team as a scout.

I love being scout when I can focus on killing people instead of capping flags. :dork:
I'm just wondering who in their right minds would try and go melee on a heavy. It's like smacking a toothbrush against a sherman tank.

You just don't do it.

It works about 50-50 for me. When I die it's usually because someone else comes and hits me :p
It works about 50-50 for me. When I die it's usually because someone else comes and hits me :p

I remember being a demo, and coming up behind some heavy, and getting a crit hit, and knocked him the fuck out. Was hilarious.
I melee heavies all the time. Many are too dumb to realize what's happening until about 1/4 health. Don't be afraid!
I love being scout when I can focus on killing people instead of capping flags. :dork:

Scouts cap flags twice as fast as other classes. They are a very good class for rushing a map, Hydro and Granary especially.
I had a good moment today on gravel pit on the defense, when blue had captured A and were working on B and I managed to run my heavy around the back of them as they were capturing the point and take out all 6 of them unawares and stop the capture :E

Funniest thing I saw though (whilst dead) on gravel pit was when a blue medic ubered a red spy in B and the spy proceeded to then start stabbing all the blue players in the point, really wish I'd got a screen shot of that (shaker saw it as well). :LOL:
Funniest thing I saw though (whilst dead) on gravel pit was when a blue medic ubered a red spy in B and the spy proceeded to then start stabbing all the blue players in the point, really wish I'd got a screen shot of that (shaker saw it as well). :LOL:

That was so funny. There should actually be an achievement for that. There already is one for being healed by an enemy medic so that's only fair.
Valve should get a suggestion box. :D
Scouts cap flags twice as fast as other classes. They are a very good class for rushing a map, Hydro and Granary especially.

I know, but that's my least favorite aspects of scouts. I love harrassing soldiers and demomen and anything else but heavies(sometimes even them from a long distance with some cover), and killing them. I seem to excel at it. Capping flags is always so hit and miss, with defenses and everything.
My best moment was when I killed Raziaar.
Still working on Pitz, though.
I think today we were playing a defense map and I killed 3 spies at once with my flamer. Woot! Good times.
I know, but that's my least favorite aspects of scouts. I love harrassing soldiers and demomen and anything else but heavies(sometimes even them from a long distance with some cover), and killing them. I seem to excel at it. Capping flags is always so hit and miss, with defenses and everything.

If the Heavy is just inside a doorway he is as good as dead if I'm a scout. Your gun will hurt him more than his sparse hits on you will.
If the Heavy is just inside a doorway he is as good as dead if I'm a scout. Your gun will hurt him more than his sparse hits on you will.

I don't know, if I'm even TRYING to kill something, a scout is the least of my worries. Sure their shotgun does freaking d20x5 damage, but if they are circling me, my reflexes kick in, and they get one shot max on me, before they are mowed down.

Now catching me by surprise is a whole different matter....
Scouts are so lightweight. Game-balancing but annoying. And since I don't have the twitch factor, I move to fast for myself to aim.
Scouts are so lightweight. Game-balancing but annoying. And since I don't have the twitch factor, I move to fast for myself to aim.

Hahaha, oh yeah, I have those moments a lot. They are definitely annoying to most classes :p