My bet....


Nov 12, 2006
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My (future) step-dad and I are having a bet over Half Life 2 turning into a film. He keeps telling me how films such as Doom and Tomb Raider made great hits as films. I told him how Half Life 2 as a film would completly ruin it for most players.
18 months time, who do you think will win? Who ever loses hands over a tenner.
I'm sorry, but Tomb Raider and Doom made great hits as films?

Balls comes to mind.
I'm sorry, but Tomb Raider and Doom made great hits as films?

Balls comes to mind.

lol, my thoughts exactly.

I bet no it wont, i think theres a thread about a HL Movie in rumors and speculation.
You just made a tenner mate. Unlike just about any other game developer in the history, valve actually care about both thier customers and thier products. They have already stated that they have recieved scripts on the half life series, and have rejected them all because they would not improve the series.
I doubt they'll see a good script in the next 18 months, so you'll get ya tenner I would guess.

Oh, TR and Doom made SHITTY films by the by.
The only thing good about Tomb Raider was pointless firefights. And Rimmer as a butler.
lol yeah Rimmer as a butler was comical

Tomb Raider and Doom are two of the worse films I have ever seen, and this topic has been discussed to bits in another area of the forums so lets not get into it again. Basically, its highly unlikely that Valve will authorise Half-Life to be made into a film, unless they get some absultely incredible scipt that cannot fail, which generally just wont happen imo.

End discussion
most games that are turned into a movie are done horriblly unless there are many main characters. o god a world of warcraft movie is coming!!!! the world will end now.
I'm sorry, but Tomb Raider and Doom made great hits as films?

Balls comes to mind.

Tomb Raider was a pretty good movie (the original), but Doom was possibly one of the worst movies Ive ever seen...and I saw the Spice Girls movie...
...and I saw the Spice Girls movie...
That's pretty
Doom is the worst game movie ever. The FPS-sequence was the best part, and even that sucked.
The FPS-sequence was the best part, and even that sucked.

You're kidding, that sequence was so bad it was hilarious, with those zombies charging like idiots LOL. *Blearghhh.... MORE BRAINS!!!*
Doom is the worst game movie ever. The FPS-sequence was the best part, and even that sucked.
Are you serious? The only good part of that was the pinky part, the rest of the FPS sequence was worse than the rest of that god-aweful film.
Chris barrie was in tomb raider? which ones? I actually want to see it now.

Chris Barrie was in the first one which was IMHO a decent movie I don't know why everybody loves to bash it so much, oh well.
But it kept on going and going and going...
second one was better imo, they both ruined the genuine story, but at least it had more action

also, its the same guy who makes all these game movies, alone in the dark, resident evil, bloodrayne etc, cant think of his name though
second one was better imo, they both ruined the genuine story, but at least it had more action

also, its the same guy who makes all these game movies, alone in the dark, resident evil, bloodrayne etc, cant think of his name though

Uwe Boll?
yeah Uwe Boll i think thats the one

and Shift, how can you say either resident evil film were true to the games? because they werent in the slightest.
It had zombies, it was caused by a virus, there was the umbrella corperation.

That's pretty slight.
yeah Uwe Boll i think thats the one

and Shift, how can you say either resident evil film were true to the games? because they werent in the slightest.

WHEN did i say the resident evil films were true to the games??
No I was basically saying the second was not the better one and the action was just comical, i dont disagree with the fact that it ruined the story, even though Resident Evil never really had much a story. Basically, umbrella corp makes a virus, it gets released, everyone turns to zombies, STARS sends the gang over the kill them, contain virus, stop it from spreading etc etc.
Theres a little more to it than that, you can do that to the plot of any story of any game, any book, any film etc
gResident Evil movie was pretty bad, but getting on to the Doom movie they just completly f*cked up the original plot. I thought the Doom 3 story pretty decent not quite Half-Life esque but still pretty decent in that reguard.

In the Doom movie: Where was hell? Where were the big bad monsters like Cyber Demon? Extra cromosome? Now that's just retarded. I don't think I remember the IMP's being able to throw flame, contrary to the game which it indeed did.

This just points out that history shows that hollywood has a way of f*cking up the story pretty bad. Giving a good game (or at least decent video game) a bad name.
Uh yeah make Doom's real story into a movie, soooo many people will go to see it right? Wrong...
I think that most of action genre movies are rather lame... and all fps' turn into them...
IMO resident evil 1 and 2 were the best films made from games...
The best of the worst... how ironic.