My email to Lars Larson

Ive been reading alot about them, and how Tesla discovered Scalar waves, 102 years ago!.. he discovered electricity propagated as waves from a lighting bolt , through the earth and atmosphere, all the way around the earth... in an instantanious occurance, he discovered through electricity this static wave form dubbed scalar waves.

he discovered he could detect and therefore recieve this energy in electrical form using the earth as a conveyor.. so he planned to build an emitter powered by an electrical condenser to simulate repeated electrical strikes using radiant energy.. the emitter was never completed due to investor's finding out about its purpose after Tesla lied about it, saying it was to be a giant radio transmitter..... this is all documented fact.

Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower,
Tesla's behemoth tower, to be used for trans-Atlantic wireless communications and the demonstration of wireless power transmission, was erected in 1901 at Wardenclyffe (now Shoreham) on Long Island. Built almost entirely of wood, with a 55-ton skeleton spheroid of steel at the top, it was designed so that every spar could be taken out at any time and replaced if necessary. Photo by Lillian McChesney, circa 1916.

interesting he had concieved that he could use this propagation of scalar waves to end all wars, with his amptly named 'death ray',... now known as scalar inferometry, or the Scalar electromagnetic weapon.

you can use them to do anything infact, scalar energy is like the control medium for all manifested reality, manipulate the frequencey of these waves in a certain area, and you can add or suck energy from the environment, to change weather, create invisible walls, or emplosion's or explosion's,, also you can target specific matter by tuning into its individual frequencey signature, in health for example you could target and disrupt cancer cells, destroying them and leaving the normal tissue untouched.. It's fascinating.

it would be interesting to email a government official with this too, see what they have to say ,lol or even a military official.
Very good email Gh0st. Nice to see someone asking the hard questions instead of blindly following party rhetoric.

And Foxtrot - I don't agree with Gh0st here. I don't think using nukes on NK would have been a good idea. How many would have died in the ensuing nuclear war?
Pogrom said:
And Foxtrot - I don't agree with Gh0st here. I don't think using nukes on NK would have been a good idea. How many would have died in the ensuing nuclear war?
You mean you agree with me then.
Nukes are the most peace-enforcing beauty humanity ever thought of :)
I think we should prenuke oursleves (to halt research of all this dangerous inventions we are creating)!
Sprafa said:
Nukes are the most peace-enforcing beauty humanity ever thought of :)

They do preserve peace, but the network of alliances in Europe during the earing 20th century provided peace for a time, then lead to the first World War.

Personally, I'm not so confident that nuclear weapons really will preserve long term peace. It's simply a matter of time before someone summons up the balls to use one. The whole situation will only become less stable as smaller countries start to gather up larger arsenals and consider using them for small, regional conflicts (I'm not reffering to Iraq pre the invasion here)
The_Monkey said:
So you're not a conservative at all?
No I am, but I think you'd all find my actual feelings a lot more reasonable than you might have thought.
But wait eisenhower was maybe a rightwinger but he was pretty progressive, and you admire him, doesn't that mean your a progressive rep.
Grey Fox said:
But wait eisenhower was maybe a rightwinger but he was pretty progressive, and you admire him, doesn't that mean your a progressive rep.
I dont think he's progressive, at least in the traditional sense of the word, but he's rather moderate in his stance, like me. Check out modern republicanism. Basically its pushing for a strong military for use as a deterrant but also adopts a more liberal stance toward domestic issues, especially social and economic programs. Its important to note though that I never think that adjustments should be made to the economy, especially by the central government.
gh0st said:
I dont think he's progressive, at least in the traditional sense of the word, but he's rather moderate in his stance, like me. Check out modern republicanism. Basically its pushing for a strong military for use as a deterrant but also adopts a more liberal stance toward domestic issues, especially social and economic programs. Its important to note though that I never think that adjustments should be made to the economy, especially by the central government.
A little off topic, but what do you think about legalizing weed in regards to the economy? I think it should be legalized, just to help out the economy, but those stoner bastards really piss me off.
Foxtrot said:
A little off topic, but what do you think about legalizing weed in regards to the economy? I think it should be legalized, just to help out the economy, but those stoner bastards really piss me off.
Dont ask dont tell? Legalize it but dont involve the government in its manufacture or distribution, just apply certain standards to what is sold. Get me? So put the FDA in charge of enforcing it being not... well, ****ed up, as it sometimes is, and put a tax on it. I'd say... something similar to alcohol.

Important edit: Those people who have purchased it would not be eligible for government assistance in any way shape or form, particularly welfare. Thats my conservative addition.
gh0st said:
Important edit: Those people who have purchased it would not be eligible for government assistance in any way shape or form, particularly welfare. Thats my conservative addition.
Ooooh! I love it! And I'm a liberal. If they want to waste their money on risky mind-altering substances, why should the American taxpayers give them any of our money? Nice. :thumbs:
gh0st said:
You mean you agree with me then.

:rolling: Oops, had a brain explosion there.

What I meant to say was: I do agree with gh0st.

Must remember to preview post...
Steve_O said:
Ooooh! I love it! And I'm a liberal. If they want to waste their money on risky mind-altering substances, why should the American taxpayers give them any of our money? Nice. :thumbs:
I've always pondered that when welfare is either massively reformed to most effectively prevent abuse or done away with, marijuana could be legalized. Like gh0st said.

I despise welfare though, I've only ever seen it abused (and that's a lot of people I'm talking about, too. I'm not speaking on something like "the 5 people I know it") - the area I live in is very bad about it and is one of the meth producing capitals of the nation. Government funded meth production that is, through welfare.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I despise welfare though, I've only ever seen it abused (and that's a lot of people I'm talking about, too. I'm not speaking on something like "the 5 people I know it") - the area I live in is very bad about it and is one of the meth producing capitals of the nation. Government funded meth production that is, through welfare.
Welfare in the traditional sense should be reformed drastically... there are some people who genuinely need government assisstance (single mothers with X amount of kids, work injuries, etc), but the system as it is right now is absurdly easy to abuse - its a waste.
gh0st said:
Welfare in the traditional sense should be reformed drastically... there are some people who genuinely need government assisstance (single mothers with X amount of kids, work injuries, etc), but the system as it is right now is absurdly easy to abuse - its a waste.
Everything welfare wise all the way down to the most basic food stamps needs reform.

My sister (disowned by family, I care nothing for her) would pay her other druggie friends in food stamps to leave her kids at their place so she could party all night. Thankfully we took the kids away from her and got custody- she's still using and abusing welfare though, I wish people like her would get cut off plain and simple.
gh0st said:
*edited out because i dont want to expose anyone else to this*

I say this with the uptmost sincerety, you are pathetic in every single aspect of your existance. It would be for the good of our species that you were struck by lightning and erased from society. i can only imagine the sort of existance that would breed such ignorance as this. your free time must be all encompassing, try doing things that normal people do. your ultra conservative drivel is really quite sad, its relevance to someone like you should be next to nothing. go play catch or see a movie with friends. writing letters to "lars larson" lets be honest.


RakuraiTenjin said:
Everything welfare wise all the way down to the most basic food stamps needs reform.

My sister (disowned by family, I care nothing for her) would pay her other druggie friends in food stamps to leave her kids at their place so she could party all night. Thankfully we took the kids away from her and got custody- she's still using and abusing welfare though, I wish people like her would get cut off plain and simple.

wow, thats a pretty sad story, though i really dont respect someone who turns their back an a family member (especially a sister) like that. there is nothing stronger than family in this world, and it should be preserved at all costs.

i do agree that welfare needs reform, but you cant just cut people off, as that breeds more problems.
kmack said:
I say this with the uptmost sincerety, you are pathetic in every single aspect of your existance. It would be for the good of our species that you were struck by lightning and erased from society. i can only imagine the sort of existance that would breed such ignorance as this. your free time must be all encompassing, try doing things that normal people do. your ultra conservative drivel is really quite sad, its relevance to someone like you should be next to nothing. go play catch or see a movie with friends. writing letters to "lars larson" lets be honest.
Yeah I honestly stopped reading your trash after about the third word. I say this with the utmost sincerity (it is spelled sincerity, not "sincerety", I guess they didnt teach you how to spell, even with your pampered massachusetts upbringing), that you are a total homo. Just kill yourself.

gh0st said:
Yeah I honestly stopped reading your trash after about the third word. I say this with the utmost sincerity (it is spelled sincerity, not "sincerety", I guess they didnt teach you how to spell, even with your pampered massachusetts upbringing), that you are a total homo. Just kill yourself.


third word wasnt sincerity, sincerity was the seventh (I guess they havent taught you how to count yet) so you honestly must have continued to read past the third word. nice picture! but instead of making that why dont you do something in real life? :thumbs:
kmack said:
third word wasnt sincerity :thumbs:
I also used the word about. I guess massachusetts doesnt teach comprehension either :dork:
gh0st the bottom line is you not only committed the shameful act of writing an e-mail to Lars Larson, but then (oh so proud of your achievement) post about it here is absolutely pathetic in every possible aspect. sorry, just pointing it out.

"My email to Lars Larson" :laugh: congratulations! you are an assclown.

gh0st said:
Yeah I honestly stopped reading your trash after about the third word.

and as for that, check my sig.
Well, this thread was going swimmingly...

gh0st, you get a reply from this jockey yet, or what? :)

EDIT: Oh, and what are you two arguing about....what did gh0st edit out? Curious as to the ruckus goin' on
jondyfun said:
Well, this thread was going swimmingly...

gh0st, you get a reply from this jockey yet, or what? :)
Nope sure havent.
EDIT: Oh, and what are you two arguing about....what did gh0st edit out? Curious as to the ruckus goin' on
I didnt edit out anything, kmack has some deep philosophical problem with me, and gets off by trolling message boards :laugh:
gh0st said:
I didnt edit out anything, kmack has some deep philosophical problem with me, and gets off by trolling message boards :laugh:

Oh... ok. :D
kmack said:
wow, thats a pretty sad story, though i really dont respect someone who turns their back an a family member (especially a sister) like that. there is nothing stronger than family in this world, and it should be preserved at all costs.

i do agree that welfare needs reform, but you cant just cut people off, as that breeds more problems.
Wow I in no way ever turned my back on that person. Enough chances were given, and she is nothing now, no family of mine. Anyone who'd do those things to children should be thrown in prison, and I wish she would be. No 'especially a sister', that means nothing.

Cut the people off who deserve to be cut off, such as known and convicted abusers (it should be made a crime) and then use better programs than simple "HERE'S A CHECK AND SOME MONEY, SEE YOU NEXT MONTH" <- That's the thing that should not exist.

FDR's welfare is the only kind I support, and THAT can be argued to simply be as increasing federal workers and building more federal facilities, public parks, bridges, etc. The workers are the ones being benefited, doing work, they aren't really getting 'dole checks' but they are federal employees getting payed the same. And the works are actually not thievery like welfare, as bridges and such are necessary for the nation.
gh0st do you mind if I use this in the future on another site? Kind of a trump card if you ask me. :p
-Viper- said:
gh0st do you mind if I use this in the future on another site? Kind of a trump card if you ask me. :p
Not like I can stop you :burp:
kmack said:
gh0st the bottom line is you not only committed the shameful act of writing an e-mail to Lars Larson, but then (oh so proud of your achievement) post about it here is absolutely pathetic in every possible aspect. sorry, just pointing it out.

"My email to Lars Larson" :laugh: congratulations! you are an assclown.

You never actually read the first post in this thread did you?
Neutrino said:
You never actually read the first post in this thread did you?
No, I don't think he did. Or he suspects ghost is toying with the libs on this board. Dunno, but this:

kmack said:
It would be for the good of our species that you were struck by lightning and erased from society.

would seem to be WAY out of line.