My final HL/CS map (pics) ;)

My first visit to the custom map forum and this is what I see! I should come here more often. :)

That looks most impresive, I definatly have to give it a try. It looks very clean and professional. The outside of the level of DE_DAM reminds me of the Airpot level from Perfect Dark. In fact, It looks way better. Downloading now.
Holy mother! I can see you have put hours of work on this one (Months?), i'm impressed.

I'm new here so big HI to everyone.
Awesome map m8! im very impressed with the texture work and overall map style
No offence to people, but this thread is like 2 months old.
explains why the pics are down
Have you got anything like a overhead map?
Excellent Map....i Liked The Picture Of Dam.that Was Awsome.
lol, can't belive this post is still near the top :X Im just testing my sig btw :P

some pics if anyone else wants the map...




