My first model & Wings 3D


Jul 19, 2003
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I'v tried all the major and alot of the minor 3D apps and this is the first one where I can make a cube do what i want :p Most of the apps I'v tried I couldn't get anything to work how i wanted it to and the one's where I could actually do something. I got stuck makeing anything more complicated than a rock.

Wings 3d is different, it took me 20 seconds to work out all the camera controls on my own and another 20 to find where all the basic operations were. It's the best application in existence for newbees and it seems alot of mederates and pro's like it too.

It's only downfall is it's renderer isn't as good as it's real time one :LOL: but finding a dedicated renderer isn't so hard, although I havn't got one to work yet.



I started off trying to make a wizards staff and ended up makeing a AI controlled helicopter. I know the gun would hit the floor if it landed but I'm think about giveing it a mechanicle leg to stop that happening.

NOTE: It looks like is cutting half the picture off (for me anyway), go here stuff/
for a first model thats pretty cool :)

Edit: and yeah you shouldn't be linking to such large images, cut them up and display them in sequence.
cool,, I really like wings3D too,, it's a very clean program,, and only 2mb! :D

Um i don't suppose anyone knows of a freeware renderer that doesn't require me to script the scenes myself, There are plenty of plugins for wings that do it for you but they either don't work or don't work properly.

Don't say blender.
great job for your first model, tempts me to give Wings a go myself. Does it export to 3d studio?
Pretty good for a first model, but if you plan on smoothing it you should add extra edges too keep the sharp parts. Keep it up.
Onions said:
great job for your first model, tempts me to give Wings a go myself. Does it export to 3d studio?



I'm trying to avoid useing more edges to keep sharp parts, it's a waste of polygons. I just smoothed the whole model for the sake of it really, I think if I actually wanted to use it for something I would try selectively smoothing the parts that needed it and just beveling the other edges manually.

Anyway I can't stress enough how easy wings is to use, it lacks many features but somone like me would never use all the fancy crap anyway (except for the renderer).
Wow, thats a cool heli! It could use a few more details though.
I think Wings is awesome. I plan to do all my basic models in Wings, then export them to XSI|EXP:HL2 for processing. Maybe use ZBrush for the High-Poly details, if I can find a copy...
wings seems to permanently screw up the smoothing groups when I export to maya,,, just a heads up
What do you mean by smoothing group?

If it's a problem with the object data then maybe you could copy the actuall geometry, creating a new object with maya's default object properties (in maya of course) but with the imported objects geometry..

Just a blind stab in the dark.