My first time

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
... clubbing :)

Was proper fun, even if not all of us got in, we had the VIP bit :D

I got:

+ A fit girl's number
+ An invitation to aformentioned girl's house after the party
+ Invite to some afterparty in town
+ Very drunk
+ Danced with :p

- Glass in my shoes
- Loads of random shiny things in a service station we stopped at on the way home :E
- A beast of a hangover waiting to happen

I'm sooooo going again! I ran into a few people I knew from just around, some very nice girls :)

So what about you guys?
ComradeBadger said:
- Loads of random shiny things in a service station we stopped at on the way home :E
As far as I'm concerned, it's not a night out unless I blow my last couple of quid on random foodstuffs: sausage rolls, cereal, Yop or my particular favourite, Dairuylea dunkers. It leaves me feeling ill, poorer and a part of me has died. Usually my stomach lining.

I think the first club I went to was an '80s night in a grubby underground club in Camden. It was su-f*cking-perb :)
<Sighs> I love Camden.
I was out 4 times last week, which is more than i was out the whole last year..clubbing can be fun..but i usually just make a fool of myself and gets thrown out :]
:thumbs: There's plenty of 16 and up clubs around here, been to some a couple of times, wasn't THAT great. Of course, the 21 and up clubs are better. Knowing the right people, sneaking into clubs when you're underage can be so easy. One of my friends wants to bring me sometime, I don't know though.
Some clubs really really don't seem to care. There are people getting in who're blatantly underage and it's very odd sometimes.
Probably the most disturbing was this club I go to sometimes, which has a pole :| What ensued was pissed 15-16 year olds (I have nothing against 16 year olds, they're legal but that's my sister's age, so it's just a bit weird and below that is just horrible) - there could even have been some 14-year olds there, but I wouldn't like to speculate. Anyway, they were dancing on the pole and taking their tops off, revealing their training bras to the world and to some extremely letcherous guys who must've been in their late 20s-30s.
Oh, it was awful...
I normally go clubbing about twice a week on a thursday and saturday, i prefer my trance music though.

What about you ppl

bye the way how old r you guys, ime 18 :LOL:
i like clubbing too, great tbh, tho i havnt been in half a yr :'(
im 17, i like Trance while clubbing..
but i like ALL kinds of music at home or whatever punk, chillout, trance :eek:
ailevation said:
:thumbs: There's plenty of 16 and up clubs around here, been to some a couple of times, wasn't THAT great. Of course, the 21 and up clubs are better. Knowing the right people, sneaking into clubs when you're underage can be so easy. One of my friends wants to bring me sometime, I don't know though.
This was a 21 and up club :p
Hmm... clubs are boring... unless they have computers in it...
Actually went out on christmas eve, partied on christmas day, partied on boxing day. Not feeling to well anyway.

Last night i was just hanging out with this girl... :)P) for the night...Nothing happened though, no, seriously! shes my step brothers cousin who was completely hammered and is only 16 and i'm 20 so i don't know if thats right anymore. This time last week when i was 19, maybe...but 20...don't know.

I intend to go clubbing on new years eve...hopefully one that isn't full of tits underage drinking wearing rockports and joggers.
The only club I go to is bible club...


No, I remember my first time out clubbing. It was rather fun indeed but its not something I like doing that often...I guess that makes it more fun for me.

In manchester, very few clubs if any will let you in if you're underage. There is a place called ashton, where basically all the scallies go which apaprently let anyone in fact one has recently shut down because of their policy on underage drinkers i.e. sell them more drinks. I'm happy to say I've never ever been out in ashton, apart from to a wetherspoons.
Too young imo. My personal rulel is 1 year older and 1 year younger..

But I don't disapprove of 2 years either way.
I don't like loud music...or dancing...or people. So clubbing is out for me. Did go out to a bar with some friends last night, though. That was fun.
ComradeBadger said:
Too young imo. My personal rulel is 1 year older and 1 year younger..

But I don't disapprove of 2 years either way.

Heh, my Mom and Dad are 5 years apart, which means when my mom became a freshman in high school, my dad had already graduated. :eek:
Your so lucky, all the clubs around me check ID's alot and are very thorough about it too. Unless I can find someone who looks alot like me I will have to wait until next september before I can finally go clubbing.
Lethal8472 said:
Heh, my Mom and Dad are 5 years apart, which means when my mom became a freshman in high school, my dad had already graduated. :eek:
Yeah, but 16 and 20 is more of a difference than 30 and 35.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Yeah, but 16 and 20 is more of a difference than 30 and 35.
Ya, generally the rule is the older you get the greater the age difference between you and a partner can be.
el Chi said:
I think the first club I went to was an '80s night in a grubby underground club in Camden. It was su-f*cking-perb :)
<Sighs> I love Camden.

easy el Chi, i think ur giving away ur age :p :E
Going clubbing sounds like the most boring thing, ever. Never been, never want to :p
Fair enough, it's not for everyone tbh :D

I left and my ears were.. dead :p but they're ok now :)
Loud music is the best...i'm sat here now with my music on really loud because i buzz of it and slightly because i don't want my mum talking to me so this is an easy way to avoid people. It just so happens that the music they play in clubs is the same music i sit and listen too everyday so win win!.

This girl is 17 in january and i'm going out with her on her birthday...its a bitch because i do actually like her and i know she likes me but i'm to scared to make a move on her without feeling like a paedo or something or wondering what other people will say. I'll have to see what happens i guess, sorry for OT :p
It's fun, but it can get boring fast. Lincoln seemed pretty ok for a night out before uni, but now it's so boring it's laughable :(

Oh well, off to Chesterfield tomorrow to see my uni friends for a birthday :D

I was in Ashton yesterday monsieur farrow, scally paradise (although I did blend in by wearing a cap) :D
I don't particularly like clubbing for several reasons, probably the most important reason is because I don't particularly enjoy getting so pissed that I can hardly stand, and if I can't get that pissed I can't stand the music or the dancing.
Meh never appealed to me, crap music generally, too loud and too scarey :eek:
ComradeBadger said:
Fair enough, it's not for everyone tbh :D

I left and my ears were.. dead :p but they're ok now :)
Yeah it's not a good night out unless you can't hear or speak the next day or two *

*NB: This may or may not be utter bollocks.
Heh. My mouth is still reeling from the awesome foodstuffs I bought:

Ginster's Pie
Lime and Orange Tic Tacs
Mountain Fresh Extra (god never buy this)

All eaten at the same time :|
mortiz said:
I don't particularly like clubbing for several reasons, probably the most important reason is because I don't particularly enjoy getting so pissed that I can hardly stand, and if I can't get that pissed I can't stand the music or the dancing.

Is that any music and all types of dancing, or a certain style?
I dont really like going clubbing, I prefer having a good old banter in the pub with my mates.

Clubs are only fun when you're really quite drunk, and you meet people you havent met for a long time. Good night out in HQ like.
I prefer talking. When the loud music makes it impossible to hold a decent conversation, that's when I start to get annoyed.

And as for dancing, don't even get me started on that... There is no way for any male to look even reasonably good in any sense of the word when taking part in the activity. I hate the posers that do it but I can forgive the guys who are just out there enjoying themselves.

Give me hanging out at someone's house or a decent gig any day but each to their own :)
Mr.Wotsit said:
I prefer talking. When the loud music makes it impossible to hold a decent conversation, that's when I start to get annoyed.

And as for dancing, don't even get me started on that... There is no way for any male to look even reasonably good in any sense of the word when taking part in the activity. I hate the posers that do it but I can forgive the guys who are just out there enjoying themselves.

Give me hanging out at someone's house or a decent gig any day but each to their own :)

LOL i hate dancing too, i feel so stupid when i dance! I probably look like an idiot too. :eek:
ComradeBadger said:
- Glass in my shoes
- Loads of random shiny things in a service station we stopped at on the way home :E
- A beast of a hangover waiting to happen
  • Don't take of shoes in glassy area :p
  • Spend all money at club (and take less)
  • Drink lots of water when you get back

Problems solved! :D

h00dlum said:
LOL i hate dancing too, i feel so stupid when i dance! I probably look like an idiot too. :eek:
Just remember, in the eyes of other drunks drunken dancing is cool. :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wow, one day a man has everything...,then the following day he blows up a $40 billion space station, and the next day he has nothing. It really makes you think.
No it doesn't. ;)
Farrowlesparrow said:
You just replied to my sig.

And you made a double post.
Whats this world coming to...? :O
Farrowlesparrow said:
You just replied to my sig. Its a quote from Futurama
I know and I know (That was the next line).

And you made a double post.

Oops, sorry - i realized but since we can't delete our posts could do bugger all about it. :(