My future dictatorship (manifesto)

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Apr 23, 2008
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I used to believe in democracy, but JUST LOOK at all the media where some ignorant voter (for example) gives some really lame reasons for why they like or don't like some candidate. Democracy is the rule of the ignorant masses that know nothing and are only guided by their simplemindedness. I feel that totalitarian dictatorship is the best answer to worlds troubles and I AM GOING TO BE THE DICTATOR. First i plan to seize the EU and then start a great and glorious war against all nations outside it. Infact i have lots of secret supporters and even a workable plan (I am not going to reveal it however). Lets look at how the society would function under my wise rule. Join me in my cause to liberate the earth!

State and Economy:

- The state will be ruled by me.

- There will be an inner circle of advisors. These 20 - 30 people will be chosen by me from the autistic portions of society, because they cannot be corrupted by fashion or popular opinions.

- The members of the party handpicked by me. These people will be specialists in different aspects of society, such as medicare, technology and poetry. They will have authority over these issues, but i have a constitutional authority to sentence them to death by slow torture if i don't agree with them.

- Corporate interests are protected and workers are mostly under their employers command.



- Military service wouldn't be compulsory, but there would be an incentive to join it: Luxurious living, freedom from taxation and a miniscule say in the Great Nation's politics.

- Every military commander must report a traitor from his ranks every two days. Otherwise he/she is considered a traitor as well.

- Cadets would have to give the following oath when they graduate:
"I, [subject name here] promise to obey you and to die for you, the great leader, wise secular philosopher, brilliant statesman, magnificent general, talented orator and beloved liberator [insert my name here], whatever my personal opinions of you are...(blah, blah...)"

Law and order:

Execution method is carried out by a four man firing squad:
-1st shot: left arm
-2nd shot: right arm
-3rd shot: left lung
-4th shot: head
The interval between each shot is 6 seconds.

- The authorities are allowed to use torture in their interrogations.

- Internet will be censored and carefully controlled to portray the Great Nation in good light.

- All media will be in government control.

- Freedom of speech exists but anyone critizising me, the great leader, wise secular philosopher, brilliant statesman, magnificent general, talented orator and beloved liberator [insert my name here], is punished by slow and agonizing torture leading to death.

- Murder is punished by death.

- Executions are carried out in the nearest large city's square and these proceedings will be public.

- The homeless people are put to death in order to avoid crime.

- Drug users will be put to compulsory rehabilitation and the drug sellers will be executed. The police will have special units who will infiltrate narcotic rings.

- A punishment zone: It is secret and it changes on the will of the secret police daily. It is always in some "strange" place and anyone who steps on it is publically tortured. This will fill the masses with fear and they will want to avoid going to such places...


Mandatory homosexuality in males:

There is in fact alot of proof that heterosexuality is evil and causes multitude of problems:

1. First of all heterosexual mating rituals have always evolved into destructive wars that kill millions.

2. Heterosexual men make mixed gender activities problematic because they contribute in the division among humans by gender.

3. Homosexual men do not contribute to repressive actions against women, or to overpopulation.

4. As we all know, males have extremely low quality friendships due to their inclination to commit violence against other men. If homosexuality were to be made compulsory, males would start to feel greater empathy toward others of their gender and better friendship relations would form between them.

If it is found out that man and woman have engaged in a sexual act (and even something like watching each other lustfully), they will both be executed or tortured to death (depends on the severity). Furthermore all meetings between men and women should be accompanied by a third party that makes sure these rules are not violated. And also remember: YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE WATCHFUL EYE OF THE SECRET POLICE!

You might be asking how reproduction would take place after gender equality is reached through these proceedings. Quite simple really: sperm would be extracted from men and it would be used to impregnate women. This institutionalised reproduction has a clear advantage to our current "method": Overpopulation could be prevented completely without such inhumane things like eugenics and forced sterilisations.


- The children will live with their mothers until they are two years old. After that they will be taken to the state-owned institutions and if the mother resists, she will be sent to die in a forced labour camp.

- All children will live in the state-owned institutions until the age of 15, after which they will start to pursue whatever professions they want.


- All modern religions are banned. Instead there will be a state-planned religion, which obviously doesn't have anything to do with reality. Everyone must own a holy book, which is designed to portray the state system as natural and divine. Nonbelievers and those who don't have the book are tortured to death. Church attendance is supervised by the military.


- The patients must pay for their treatment, except if their issue has something to do with reproduction.

- All dead bodies that don't carry diseases will be sent to food factories. There they will be packaged and distributed to stores. The same thing will be done to the bodies of the executed. This way we can prevent the horrific and cruel slaughter of animals that goes on in our society.

- Medical experiments are done in hospitals on criminal elements of society.


- Everyone except me are forced to eat fast food at least for one meal per day. This ensures that the rich, fat and lazy elite that has nothing better to do than eating and which co-rules with me will die quickly. Why is this necessary?:
1. They will not have a chance to take my position.
2. Wealth will circulate back to the people

- Just in case someone is interested, we are also going to dump tons of sodium fluoride into the tapwater. This will make people more suspectible to our propaganda, because large quantities of it destroys brain cells and breaks our willpower.

I have some other plans too, but that's the basics. Any questions? Ideas for improvement?
Numbers why did you make a second account, were you banned?
if you put the business end of a gun to your temple that would vastly improve your future ..I'm sort of clairvoyent ..I see nothing but grey skies and darkness for you

in fact for the good of mankind I may help you put cold metal to your soft warm temple
This thread is so epic.

Are we talking about a socialist state here? Will everyone get paid the same?

And how high will the taxes be.
This thread is so epic.

Are we talking about a socialist state here? Will everyone get paid the same?

And how high will the taxes be.

Hardly socialist. As i said, "corporate interests are protected...". As for the taxes, that depends on how it all works out. But they will be required.

And my axe!
My Manifesto: I will eat people to keep them in line.

What's that? Idi Amin already did that?
One thing I don't understand is why Hillary is posting this here?
Dictatorships may be effective, but mark my words, a population ruled by fear will only kick you when your down on your luck. Take Saddam Hussein for example.

respect > fear.

Oh yeah and...
Mandatory homosexuality in males:

There is in fact alot of proof that heterosexuality is evil and causes multitude of problems:

1. First of all heterosexual mating rituals have always evolved into destructive wars that kill millions.

2. Heterosexual men make mixed gender activities problematic because they contribute in the division among humans by gender.

3. Homosexual men do not contribute to repressive actions against women, or to overpopulation.

4. As we all know, males have extremely low quality friendships due to their inclination to commit violence against other men. If homosexuality were to be made compulsory, males would start to feel greater empathy toward others of their gender and better friendship relations would form between them.

If it is found out that man and woman have engaged in a sexual act (and even something like watching each other lustfully), they will both be executed or tortured to death (depends on the severity). Furthermore all meetings between men and women should be accompanied by a third party that makes sure these rules are not violated. And also remember: YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE WATCHFUL EYE OF THE SECRET POLICE!

You might be asking how reproduction would take place after gender equality is reached through these proceedings. Quite simple really: sperm would be extracted from men and it would be used to impregnate women. This institutionalised reproduction has a clear advantage to our current "method": Overpopulation could be prevented completely without such inhumane things like eugenics and forced sterilisations.
...kiss my ass. I could tolerate your "little" regime up to this point. :p
I think it's time to reveal something about the secret society of me and my supporters.

I come from Finland (It's part of EU, if some dumb and badly educated americans are reading this). Our meeting place is an underground network of tunnels built during the cold war underneath most of eastern Europe and the former USSR (it extends under my country too because of the war reparations several decades ago). You would propably be fascinated by this secret place! We have lots of nukes, diseases ,chemicals and top-secret military androids stored there.

The USA vice-president Dick Cheney is one of my most loyal supporters and a personal friend. His mission is to transform that country into a fascist dictatorship through the help of the puppet president George W. Bush (He has partially succeeded with this already). Together we are going to conquer the world under our bening rule by using the weapons stored in the tunnels. I will get Europe, Australia, north Africa and Asia, and my dear friend Cheney will get both American continents, middle east and southern Africa. A new era of peace and happiness will blanket the earth!
I was inclined to be your supporter, but......I'm sorry. I just can't consent to be ruled by someone who can't spell.

So, i am not credible if i can't always get the spelling of foreign languages right? That tells me you are a very racist person. Would you consider ACTUALLY meeting some foreigners and learn that we are not evil people?

Talking about Cheney: I considered giving him France, as they refused to go along with his glorious and great war of middle east liberation. The jury is still out on this one however.

By the way, our organisation has also been giving support for the islamist extremists in order to justify this emerging neo-fascism. We certainly are living in interesting times, aren't we?

This is a list of the people who will be put to death camps when i get to power (note that Cheney's list somewhat differs from mine):

- All who will refuse to abandon their religions. Jehova's witnesses will suffer the most as we all hate how they are constantly trying to destroy civilization by knocking on our doors and brainwashing our children. And my graduation from music school was prevented by a committee consisting completely of them! THEY ARE EVIL! DON'T LISTEN TO THEIR LIES!

- communists and anarchists.

- All foreign leaders.

- Prisoners.

- Those who deny global warming.

And please, could someone comment on my plans in a more "direct" way? It would help if i heard your opinions about specific issues i'm proposing.
We have lots of nukes, diseases ,chemicals and top-secret military androids stored there.
I can't join you now. I'm more of a cybernetic organism kinda guy. You know, the type that target racists like Sulkdodds.

Impossible to take this seriously. :bonce:
Where are the female sex slaves? No sex slaves=bullshit
Where are the female sex slaves? No sex slaves=bullshit

Why would my society use such barbaric practices? Of course not! Besides, heterosexuality is forbidden in the constitution of the Great Nation.

I feel i should mention: this secret society has existed long before i learned of it (I had to find a way to punish those Jehova's witnesses...:flame:). They however found me to be extremely loyal when i suggested that we would crash those planes to the WTC towers and have Cheney make up stories about this "Osama" terrorist through Bush, starting the active phase of our operation. It was so successfull in fact, that it was decided that i would rule the earth with Cheney. As for "Osama": He is just an ordinary, pleasant guy occassionally visiting our tunnel network and performing in our sound stage as this fictious character in order to scare westerners and justify things like the patriot act. He is homeless and abandoned by his family you see, and we pay him alot for this job. The islamist extremists ARE real, but in the end they are just insignificant pawns in our glorious plans for better future.
you contradict yourself ..captial punishment is a barbaric practice far your nation fails

But my "barbaric practices" are used to better mankind. I care about the equality of the sexes! It is the very reason why I developed my theory of forced male homosexuality in the first place if you remember! Jehova's witnesses are the only group we should consider to be inferior. It is your own hypocritical analysis which fails...
:upstare: ..yes hanging someone by a noose till their neck breaks is indeed for the betterment of man as is forced homosexuality ..ya I can see how man stands to benefit with 50% of the population completely ignoring the other 50% except when they want opinions on shoes

as a joke your thread fails, as a serious political ideology it fails miserably ..know when to quit while your ahead or in you're case simply quit :E

MariJuhana said:
So, i am not credible if i can't always get the spelling of foreign languages right?

lol, benign is not a foreign word it's an english word
:upstare: ..yes hanging someone by a noose till their neck breaks is indeed for the betterment of man as is forced homosexuality ..ya I can see how man stands to benefit with 50% of the population completely ignoring the other 50% except when they want opinions on shoes

as a joke your thread fails, as a serious political ideology it fails miserably ..know when to quit while your ahead or in you're case simply quit :E

lol, benign is not a foreign word it's an english word

THIS IS NOT A JOKE! We should all be fighting for a future where humanity is ONE and animals are not cruelly slaughtered by us;(;(;(;(;(

So join me in my holy cause to set humanity on the right path and toward a greater future!
A future without Jehova's witnesses! MAY THE GREAT NATION BE REMEMBERED FOREVER!

ps. Benign is an english word, but i am not from there, so your argument falls apart again. and you forgot that executions are either carried out by four-man firing squads or severe torture, NOT by hanging. If you are not well versed in my political theory, you shouldn't be making these silly and convoluted arguments. Perhaps you are an evil agent of the monsterous Jehova's witnesses? If so, THE SECRET POLICE WILL ARREST YOU WHEN CHENEY AND I GET TO POWER!!!
THIS IS NOT A JOKE! We should all be fighting for a future where humanity is ONE and animals are not cruelly slaughtered by us;(;(;(;(;(

So join me in my holy cause to set humanity on the right path and toward a greater future!
A future without Jehova's witnesses! MAY THE GREAT NATION BE REMEMBERED FOREVER!

ps. Benign is an english word, but i am not from there, so your argument falls apart again.

you're on a english speaking forum say it's a foreign language is misleading as we dont know/care where you're from or even if engrish is your first or second language

and capital punishment is barbaric ..I mean look at this map ..the US is the only 1st world country represented ..everywhere else is a political hotbed of corrupt, oppressive regimes with shitty human rights records

anyways why did you put this thread in the politics section? it's not even remotely feasible
So, i am not credible if i can't always get the spelling of foreign languages right? That tells me you are a very racist person. Would you consider ACTUALLY meeting some foreigners and learn that we are not evil people?
idk, maybe if you stopped raping the english language in your occasionally-laughable attempts to wrap your flapping gums around our superior syllables, I would consider you more than simple savages. As it is, sir, I venture that you seem incapable of ever organising an entire state from the top down (see also: overuse of smileys, indication of madness?). If you wish for the respect of an Englishman, sir, you must earn it.
you're on a english speaking forum say it's a foreign language is misleading as we dont know/care where you're from or even if engrish is your first or second language

and capital punishment is barbaric ..I mean look at this map ..the US is the only 1st world country represented ..everywhere else is a political hotbed of corrupt, oppressive regimes with shitty human rights records

anyways why did you put this thread in the politics section? it's not even remotely feasible

Because what i am telling you is THE TRUTH! And human rights are a limiting concept when we are talking about preserving and improving our race. I see that THEY have truly managed to corrupt you!:O:eek::borg:
lol sulkdodds you're in top form today <clap clap clap>

now do me ;)
Because what i am telling you is THE TRUTH! And human rights are a limiting concept when we are talking about preserving and improving our race. I see that THEY have truly managed to corrupt you!:O:eek::borg:

"for the betterment of man" and "And human rights are a limiting concept" does not compute

obviously you havent thought this through .. probably because the straps are on too tight preventing you from writing this all down
"for the betterment of man" and "And human rights are a limiting concept" does not compute

obviously you havent thought this through .. probably because the straps are on too tight preventing you from writing this all down

So you revert to insults in order to tear my argument down? This is why democracy sucks! People are all just like you, ignorant and only seeking comforts. Face it: totalitarianism is the only way towards advancement.

Unless you might be able to give me some better arguments...

Tell me your version of how to save the human race(something "scientific" would be in order)! Because i doubt you can think of one.
I want you to manifesto all over my cock.

Ooh, **** yeah.
So you revert to insults in order to tear my argument down? This is why democracy sucks! People are all just like you, ignorant and only seeking comforts.

<puts on blinders, wraps blanket around shoulders>

hey I'm not the one who forgot to take his meds this morning

Face it: totalitarianism is the only way towards advancement.

ya well history disagrees with you:

hey look there's Benito just hanging around

oh and look there's Adolf relaxing in his underground bunker

but you go girl!!! the city could use another human pinata

Unless you might be able to give me some better arguments...

Tell me your version of how to save the human race(something "scientific" would be in order)! Because i doubt you can think of one.

well the first thing I'd do is round up all the right wing ninnies and shoot them in a public square ..and then it's human pinata time
<puts on blinders, wraps blanket around shoulders>

hey I'm not the one who forgot to take his meds this morning

ya well history disagrees with you:

hey look there's Benito just hanging around

oh and look there's Adolf relaxing in his underground bunker

but you go girl!!! the city could use another human pinata

well the first thing I'd do is round up all the right wing ninnies and shoot them in a public square ..and then it's human pinata time

I have a suggestion: Quote every paragraph of my original post and tell me what is right/wrong with those ideas. Perhaps i could start to understand your attitude. Besides, i am not a female.
my sarcastic comments went right over your head ..sarcasim going unnoticed on the interwebs? nooooo! say it isnt so

btw I'm willing to bet half the people here cringed when they read this:

Mari-Juhana said:
Quote every paragraph of my original post

you dont want me to quote you :)
The fact that most of your ideas violate basic humans rights doesn't seem like something wrong?

You're just a boring troll now.
Don't challenge stern to a quote-off.
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