My future dictatorship (manifesto)

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my sarcastic comments went right over your head ..sarcasim going unnoticed on the interwebs? nooooo! say it isnt so

btw I'm willing to bet half the people here cringed when they read this:

you dont want me to quote you :)

Please, i just want to understand your viewpoint. Perhaps you would be able to convince me that my idea is bad, because you are certainly not accomplishing it this way. So start quoting!
I will try not to loose my temper.
How again do you plan to overthrow some of the most powerful nations in the world and successfully defeat them all in a war?

Can i have some of whatever you are :farmer:
How again do you plan to overthrow some of the most powerful nations in the world and successfully defeat them all in a war?

Can i have some of whatever you are :farmer:

Trust me, I do have a plan. Besides, uncle Cheney and the rest of my organisation will help.

I'd prefer not to give an answer to your sexual suggestion however.
It's only a sexual suggestion if you smoke cock...
Could someone please quote and comment my original post paragraph by paragraph?

I am just curious what you think about it in a detailed sense. Perhaps you could offer better solutions to those issues while doing so, because many people here just say something like: "Disdain for human rights. next".
Your ideas aren't WORTH constructive criticism...

Look everyone! I'm trolling a troll.
Please, i just want to understand your viewpoint. Perhaps you would be able to convince me that my idea is bad, because you are certainly not accomplishing it this way. So start quoting!
I will try not to loose my temper.

ya it might get loose so make sure you dont lose it because loose tempers lead to fallen arches

you want to understand my viewpoint? on forced homosexuality? are you naked atm? cuz I dont go for those backdoor shenanigans
ya it might get loose so make sure you dont lose it because loose tempers lead to fallen arches

you want to understand my viewpoint? on forced homosexuality? are you naked atm?

Please get on with the quoting already. I won't get upset and if by some chance i do, i am able to deal with it privately, without harming others. but remember: EVERY paragraph. And please, the whole post, not just that part.

I don't understand the last question...


or else what tough guy?'ll get naked again?

Well, it is likely that you will be arrested by the secret police when i get to power, but you might be able to prevent that by convincing me of your viewpoint while i'm not yet in that position.
Well, it is likely that you will be arrested by the secret police when i get to power

riiight, you cant even spell benign!!! oh right, forgot about the dictatorship, you have no use for the word, whether spelled correctly or not

"from now on I decree every male to be homersexual on pain of death .... starting with me NOMNOMNOM"

but you might be able to prevent that by convincing me of your viewpoint while i'm not yet in that position.

convince you? I thought I made it clear this is how I deal with your kind

cptstern said:
well the first thing I'd do is round up all the right wing ninnies and shoot them in a public square ..and then it's human pinata time

Maybe bening was a typo. Nope, can't convince even myself.
Maybe bening was a typo. Nope, can't convince even myself.

Mistakes happen sometimes. i'm sure you have sometimes done typos yourself.

I could happily leave you all alone, but first: Offer your opinions on every paragraph through quotation. Please.
ffs if I quote you will you shut up?

JuMama said:
There will be an inner circle of advisors. These 20 - 30 people will be chosen by me from the autistic portions of society, because they cannot be corrupted by fashion or popular opinions

you are retarded

really I dont have to quote the rest of your comments because my response will be the same every time
ffs if I quote you will you shut up?

you are retarded

really I dont have to quote the rest of your comments because my response will be the same every time

You have not analysed anything or given social-philosophic reasonings to me. Critisise the system, not the man behind it. Do that to all the paragraphs and i will shut up.

For example:

Me: "Children should form the parliament"
You: = This couldn't work, because children are not capable of making political decicions.

THIS is what i am talking about.
You have not analysed anything or given social-philosophic reasonings to me. Critisise the system, not the man behind it. Do that to all the paragraphs and i will shut up.

For example:

Me: "Children should form the parliament"
You: = This couldn't work, because children are not capable of making political decicions.

THIS is what i am talking about.
You just owned yourself kid. Bigtime.
You have not analysed anything or given social-philosophic reasonings to me. Critisise the system, not the man behind it. Do that to all the paragraphs and i will shut up.

For example:

Me: "Children should form the parliament"
You: = This couldn't work, because children are not capable of making political decicions.

THIS is what i am talking about.

why the **** do I have to explain as to why it's completely idiotic to pick ministers for the sole reason that they're autistic

"Minister of Finance please bring us up to speed on the state of the economy"

"<drool> I like bendy straws, it is nice"

"ok that was a bit esoteric , why the **** didnt I pick ministers from a group of mensa members? oh right, I'm an idiot"
why the **** do I have to explain as to why it's completely idiotic to pick ministers for the sole reason that they're autistic

"Minister of Finance please bring us up to speed on the state of the economy"

"<drool> I like bendy straws, it is nice"

"ok that was a bit esoteric , why the **** didnt I pick ministers from a group of mensa members? oh right, I'm an idiot"

Something like that, yes. Just explain your viewpoints of ALL the paragraphs that way and you will never hear from me again.
I really dont care what you do ..however egging you on is kind of fun no
I really dont care what you do ..however egging you on is kind of fun no

Well, then i will stop being your egging target, if you do nothing to explain your viewpoints.

Osama called a few minutes ago. He had to be hospitalised and will not be able to perform in the next "threat message" to the western states. Instead we will use an alternative plan.

Let me tell you something else about our cave network. It has self-sustainable ecosystem. The holy men of the future's false religion are training there. We will occassionally kidnap outsiders and sacrifice them in gruesomelly beautiful rituals by these black-robed people. We are building a great army there. It consists mainly of my supporters and the forementioned military androids. There is no way we can conquer the world on our own, but we will manipulate the socioeconomic situations so that it will be very easy to do (Infact the coming global depression will be largely influenced by our actions). With uncle Cheney's help of course.
On that note, I think this thread is better off closed.
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