My glasses borked at work!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I was at work, and the lense constantly slightly pops out, so i gotta pop it back into place *left lense.* So I do it this time, but a screw just explodes from my rims on that side, and the lense falls out. I lose the screw..its now I have no glasses! I'm only 2-3 feet from my moniter, and i can't read most of anything :( It's depressing. I gotta sit in a funny position to read comfortably.....uncomfertably..yeah no?

Anyway, Care Police gave me $3. I gotta go get em fixed tomarrow...better be free --;
Egad, at least you had a screw to begin with.
Murray said:
Egad, at least you had a screw to begin with.
Heh, screw at first, then about a couple weeks after getting the glasses *they are only at MAX a year old* A screw was too small, and it would keep falling out. So I taped teh shit together. I felt so fuggin stupid...
I find selotape useful in these situations.

EDIT: Is that how you spell selotape? :O
Heh, When my glasses got 'borked', the lens rolled all the way down a storm drain. :)
My lenses never fall out. Of course they are attached by pretty strong ligaments, but thats besides the point.
Only broke my glasses once, that was when they came flying off (I forget how) next to some door, someone slammed the door open and crushed them. :|
Does everyone have glasses on this forum?

I don't, so I haver never known this problem, although one of my teachers suddenly lost his lense when a screw fell out today.
Beerdude26 said:
Does everyone have glasses on this forum?

I don't, so I haver never known this problem, although one of my teachers suddenly lost his lense when a screw fell out today.
I'm gonna go back to get them replaced. They should do it for free, because its the left side that's had that problem every time. Maybe if I throw in a little "My first pair of glasses from here and it's turning into shitty quality rims..." they'll do it BETTER!
I would be scared shitless if my glasses borked at me.
Crushenator 500 said:
I don't, or braces or anything :)
I wish I had something to fix my teeth. But as of now, and forever, I have a huge front tooth. in the middle of my top row. Notice the singular "a" in there. I feel so douchebaggy. And now I've got cavities that I have no money to repair, so I'm probably going to lose 1/2 my teeth. Damnit.
i like shippi's avatar, oh and on the topic, i should wear glasses but i don't, i don't like the way my glasses look on me!
my glasses rocks theyr brand is jeep
Wow, a lot of people wear glasses here. I had perfect 20/20 vision last time I had mine checked, but to be honest I don't know how many years ago that was now :|
I've always had crap vision. I've noticed it getting worse recently, too :( I can't read the computer screen from my chair without them. I wear contacts from time to time, but they tire my eyes out so I usually just stick with my glasses. I hate them but it's better than not being able to see
SHIPPI said:
I've always had crap vision. I've noticed it getting worse recently, too :( I can't read the computer screen from my chair without them. I wear contacts from time to time, but they tire my eyes out so I usually just stick with my glasses. I hate them but it's better than not being able to see
I just coudln't put contacts in. I'd bawl. If I see someone putting them in, my eyes just tear up hardcore. So I'll stick with glasses. Beside, teh first girl to hold a steady converstaion with me was in 8th grade, the same day I got my glasses. So it's a self-esteem issue with em :P
Glasses suck. Been wearing them since I was 5. :| I've broke about.... 3 pairs? Last one was a few years ago, I was running down a hallway at school and they flew off my face and I stepped on them.
diluted said:
Glasses suck. Been wearing them since I was 5. :| I've broke about.... 3 pairs? Last one was a few years ago, I was running down a hallway at school and they flew off my face and I stepped on them.
Don't run ;P
haha that's not good, still amazing how you could type in the forums since you didn't see a shit. bought new lences or got some new glasses? haha! :p
CyberPitz said:
I just coudln't put contacts in. I'd bawl. If I see someone putting them in, my eyes just tear up hardcore. So I'll stick with glasses. Beside, teh first girl to hold a steady converstaion with me was in 8th grade, the same day I got my glasses. So it's a self-esteem issue with em :P

Heh it takes a while to get used to the contacts. The worst thing is when you forget you've been wearing them, it's like 2am, they've kind of 'stuck' to your eye, and it's impossible to get a grip on them so you end up poking yourself in the eye repeatedly until they eventually fall out.

Or maybe that's just me

And I just plain hate how my glasses look on me. No one's ever bothered me about them. In primary school I had a friend who got bullied for wearing glasses :(, but they never said a thing unkind to me *shrugs* I just don't think they look right. You're lucky you like your glasses, would save me a lot of eye poking if I did too :P
Salad22 said:
haha that's not good, still amazing how you could type in the forums since you didn't see a shit. bought new lences or got some new glasses? haha! :p
I'm 3 inches from my screen :D and ctrl+ makes text alot easier to read :D
I will soon be poking my eyes out on a regulary basis. :(
Just got back. Got them all fixed up. Now lets see how long it takes for them to break again! :(

Feels good to be able to read again.
SHIPPI said:
I've always had crap vision. I've noticed it getting worse recently, too :( I can't read the computer screen from my chair without them. I wear contacts from time to time, but they tire my eyes out so I usually just stick with my glasses. I hate them but it's better than not being able to see
Wow, that sucks, I couldn't imagine having eyes so bad that I needed false lenses just to see a foot infront of me :(
Crushenator 500 said:
Wow, that sucks, I couldn't imagine having eyes so bad that I needed false lenses just to see a foot infront of me :(

I have uber-contacts. Air permeable, and all that fun jazz, although I'm legally blind without them. Hmm, time for a "What is your prescription?" thread?
Greatgat said:
I have uber-contacts. Air permeable, and all that fun jazz, although I'm legally blind without them. Hmm, time for a "What is your prescription?" thread?
Time for the answer "I DONT KNOW!" : (

Feels good to be able to see again...You never truely appreciate your glasses/contacts until you have to do without.

I went a few months without my glasses a while back. Dear god, it sucked. headaches all the time, not being able to see peoples faces until they are a couple feet in front. It sucks....damn gimme old people eye surgery.
SHIPPI said:
I've always had crap vision. I've noticed it getting worse recently, too :( I can't read the computer screen from my chair without them. I wear contacts from time to time, but they tire my eyes out so I usually just stick with my glasses. I hate them but it's better than not being able to see
Yeah, my non-glasses vision sucks. Couldn't read this text from my chair without my glasses. Never worn contacts, I find glasses actually save me from being poked in the eye quite a lot. :E

On a side note, do any of you get people waving their hands in front of your face saying 'can you see this?' whenever you dont have glasses on? And do you feel an urge to demonstrate your vision by punching them?
jabberwock95 said:
Yeah, my non-glasses vision sucks. Couldn't read this text from my chair without my glasses. Never worn contacts, I find glasses actually save me from being poked in the eye quite a lot. :E

On a side note, do any of you get people waving their hands in front of your face saying 'can you see this?' whenever you dont have glasses on? And do you feel an urge to demonstrate your vision by punching them?
Usually it's numbers on fingers....I just say some random line with g0atse in it, and they say mumble off to themselves and leave me :D
I snapped my glasses in half at the welding point when I was cleaning them.
Im colour blind...

Anyway, i really need an eye test, sight seems to be going rapidly :( But not sure if glasses suit me, and i can't be arsed with contacts either
oh YEAH? well i have 20 vision in one eye and 250 or something insane like that in the other, and I don't need glasses. The good eye sees far things, the bad eye sees close things.

Makes checking my left blind spot a bit blurry though.
SHIPPI said:
I'm ever so slightly colourblind. Enough to mean I can never get a job in the military as any kind of pilot, but i've only noticed it when I have to choose pencil crayons and can't tell the difference between dark green and brown. Heh, as soon as anyone finds this out they insist on asking me what colour everything is :P

Aye, same here. Quite annoying when all of a sudden you have people asking what colour some EMO's hair is, obviously black nimrods! :rolling:
Evo said:
Aye, same here. Quite annoying when all of a sudden you have people asking what colour some EMO's hair is, obviously black nimrods! :rolling:
because having black hair is the only way they can still feel.
