My glasses borked at work!


does me having black spikey hair affect my standing here? I guess if i posted some EMO lyircs it would be bad for me...

"I have lost the will to live,
simply nothing more to give,
there is nothing more for me,
need the end to set me free!"
Evo said:

does me having black spikey hair affect my standing here? I guess if i posted some EMO lyircs it would be bad for me...

"I have lost the will to live,
simply nothing more to give,
there is nothing more for me,
need the end to set me free!"
that's still an awesome song though... :D
Oh hell yeah it is awesome, live version circa 1992 is the bomb!
It's really fun at work, I tell people I'm a few things I'm not, to see how gullible they are.

1.) I'm colorblind. After 20 years, you are able to depict what colors are what, because it's been so long, you're used to it! Now I'm not sure if that's how it works..but they believe me.
2.) I'm 90% deaf in my right ear, 50% in my left. Although that's not totally false. I have lots of troubles hearing things, but I blame my dads rock concerts when I was a kid.

It's quite fun, because I've heard "NUH UH!" "yeah..." "Oh wow, thats cool!"

*sigh* gogo off topic :P