My interpretation of portal



i'll start out with some quotes from the final song GLaDOS sings.

"so i'm glad i got burned, think of all the things we learned, for the people who are still alive."

another favourite part is "but there's no sense crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying till you run out of cake, and the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive"

and also this: "as they burned it hurt because, i was so happy for you!" with a big v/ (checkmark) in the video at that point, meaning success! the AI is happy that the test subject made it through the test as planned (it was ALL a test apparently, including the part where you found out the cake was a lie)


i mean to, but i'll help you put the pieces together and figure it out, so read on cake lover.

test outline:

"can a test subject _use the portal gun_ to escape from the direst of circumstances eg. being trapped in an underground facility with a menacing AI, that switches to full test mode after initiating the test subject into usage of the portal gun, and _how fast_ can a test subject (a random person) be trained in the use of the portal gun to enable him/her to achieve such a feat, and is the training fast and perfect enough or do we need to change something in our portal familiarization procedure for future users."

This was a triumph, i'm making a note here GREAT SUCCESS!

this was just to the ppl who thought the AI was really gone totally rogue and out to kill the test subject with full intent. It was ALL a test, both of the weapon and psychological stress test (GLaDOS saying not so nice things), nicely setup with arrow markers where to go, "abandoned base", the cake is a lie on the walls, the plot twist and then at the end seing that there are a kazillion ai modules and that GLaDOS is far from dead. the surface looks completely normal

hint: the purple "morale core" module that fell off was NEVER on. (it was never glowing at any point, the others were). and the cake was not really a lie :D cubey and cake is there at the loading screen after the final video song from GLaDOS. mmmmmM!

still confused? that's allright champ ;-D we'll take care of that right now.

GLaDOS is somewhere else on the base. why? test module reactivation, login: cjohnson, password: tier3 (3rd level to first level) of the base is the deliberately constructed "abandoned base rogue AI killed employees" test area. and cake at test module reactivation location. IT WASN'T THE REAL GLaDOS YOU KILLED! it was a dummy setup with glados playing along as part of the test and offcourse GLaDOS acted just antagonistic enough so that you would go through with incinerating the dummy cores and complete the test.

the low tech vs hi tech (old phones) vs bots in optimal condition. is the giveaway. a laughably obvious giveaway at that. but that's what makes it cool

hence the "don't shoot the camera's" even on the way up near "GLaDOS" (the dummy version). the little hints "the cake is a lie" on the wall, so you know you gotta prepare for a twist and not to fully trust GLaDOS and just go into the fire. the "over here" arrow pointers everywhere, the "bad rusty condition" of the escape part, and the reactivation in the start of the end sequence video. cause they gotta go back and set it all up again for the next test subject had it not gone as planned

ok a little further speculation: cjohnson: Cave Johnson, tier3 supervisor, bring your daughter to work day? (test subject: Cave Johnsons real(with mrp)/cloned daughter, or another scientists daughter, or maybe just a random person) "remember the bring your daughters to work day is an excellent opportunity to have her tested". GLaDOS "out of nowhere" hint comment to the test subject makes me think though.

cave johnson could probably be tasked with supervising/running this particular test.

by mrp i mean memory restructuring procedure (test subject does not remember a thing) or again as previously stated, potentially cloned.

sidenote: i want the last song as ringtone, and i think someone has allready made that possible, don't know about copyrights regarding that though hmmm. but anyways as we continue.

oh and cake for you in the end, and the companion cube :D \o/ CAKE!!!! mmmmmm cake

think about it, the flying upwards in the end instead of it all crashing down on you, not to mention the "APERTURE CORE INCINERATOR" being placed right next to "GLaDOS" (as part of the test obviously). "that was a joke, haha fat chance" :p and the "oh we apologize this test lab has been changed to accomodate testing for military androids" as if, i lol'd, there's no chance that it would be so, you can walk straight through it, and the first bot isn't even pointing at you, but begging you to throw a portal under it.

also for the "escape part" of the test, you would need experience in how to portal bots around. otherwise you might come in jepoardy later on. you can bet the test cameras aren't only monitored by GLaDOS "should you pass out an intubation associate will come to revive you with blablabla (don't exactly remember that 100%)" and "we will not monitor this room you are entirely on your own", which GLaDOS later admits was not true. note the distinct use of the word "we"

also the pessimism test (this task is impossible blablabla, well done you demonstrated ressourcefullness in the face of incredible pessimism), the only reason for that would be that it was part of the later development of the test where GLaDOS is increasingly pessimistic and changes it's demeanor as part of the test "your not even going the right way, you haven't escaped you know" and "put down the device and place your self on the ground and a team of associates will escort you to the party. you also hear footsteps at times of these "associates" but they never show and the testing grounds are devoid of personel. it's obviously part of the test too. no matter how long you stand in that place nobody will come, and for GLaDOS to give advice like that and expect you to follow it would be illogical of GLaDOS if it was not a test, since nothing would come of it and you would eventually continue as planned the associates "warning steps" are part of the prodding of getting the test subject to continue at a faster pace (sense of imminent danger but there really is none).

regarding GLaDOS's omnipresent voice, as some have hinted to in other threads.

GLaDOS can be heard throughout the entire testing area (when i say testing area i mean all parts of the game) but at some parts GLaDOS voice is faint, like on the tubes. so it is obviously sound devices placed throughout the testing facility and not an earpiece or similar, giving GLaDOS the omnipresent voice. as for their location? most likely where you cannot use the portal gun. or possibly in your ear or via an implant or something and just filtered as omnipresent so you think it's from speakers. What is clear is that GLaDOS knows exactly where you are at all times, even when your not in sight of any camera's (which are very low tech btw. like the phones *hint*) and so GLaDOS and the rest know your exact location at all times, which becomes apparent when her voice is faint and she's saying "your not even going the right way", or "you should've turned left back there" etc. as part of the pessimism urging you to be ressourceful in an environment of extreme pessimism (remember the earlier test regarding that).

oh and btw. if you remember the test dummy cores that go online in the final video sequence, are _ALL_ lighting yellow/orange. now remember which core in the test "GLaDOS" was orange. the cute, friendly and curious one. which is probably closest to the _real_ GLaDOS's personality, obviously the preferred mentality of an AI, and are in themselves a big hint to putting it all together imo.

that about concludes my interpretation of portal, an awesome game

hit me with the feedback, and hoped you liked the writeup, let's pick it apart if there was something i missed, and discuss.

"now your thinking with portals"

o/ the cake is for you, and me

I read the first several lines and realised you needed the spoiler tags:


It does this!

Secondly I realised you thought your idea was worthy enough for Valve to take it on for themselves.
Of course, what you don't realise is that Valve don't take fan-fiction. Secondly, your idea probably sucks.

Then I realised you were trying to suggest a Portal 2, and I figured their wouldn't be much point in reading something that won't happen for something that might not happen.

Next I realised you used waaay too many emoticons. So I couldn't take you seriously.

Right at the end I realised you said "pick it apart if possible and discuss" so you obviously have no faith in your idea, and it's incentive for everyone else to tell you how shit you are.

Finally, I realised that this is your first post, so you obviously haven't been here long, so you're a noob, so you know nothing, and even if you don't, that's what everyone thinks of you.

So basically, I didn't bother reading the above post, because it wasn't structured properly, it probably wasn't worth reading, and it gave me no motivation for doing so. I found you arrogant and childish, and your sentences weren't structured properly, and the punctuation wasn't in the correct place. If you want people to pay attention to you, take you seriously, then you might want to hang around a bit, let people get to know you, then you suggest something.

Oh, and a side note, it's Cave Johnson, not Colonel.
i'll clean up the thread of emoticons then.

i've added spoiler warnings before you replied, i'll add them in tag form around the text, i can't change the title via edit or i would have.

i didn't know they didn't take fan fiction, so i'll remove that part. but it was really just an interpretation of the events in portal, more than a fan fiction for a new game.

thx for the Cave Johnson comment, i didn't know that part.

thanks for your comments, eventhough your attitude sucks, as do your judging a book by it's cover, as the saying goes. i would say that you were wrong, but you'd probably not believe me.

I've completed portal, that qualifies me to discuss it in a forum thank you very much. and i certainly do not need your sodding approval to express myself. nor do i frankly give a damn what you ingrown trolls think about things.

in fact, to put it bluntly, neither do anyone else, cause you just end up talking some crap and at the same time illustrate just how you really are as a person when you come in your wambulance acting as the word police to try and take a piss on someone because your bored and couldn't even muster the few minutes of concentration it would take to read my post and respond in kind.

let me quote GLaDOS from portal "a loner, an unloveable unlikeable little loner".

also the information is the most important part, how it is delivered is secondary. and i do believe that it is structured well enough to be readable.

the pick this apart comment illustrates that i don't claim to know it all, so that if there was something i had missed someone could point it out so it could be fixed.

one who claims omnipresent wisdom and flawlessness is a moron. therefore sir, i am happy to inform you that you are not simply a moron, but an idiot because you do the above with great arrogance and blind conviction.

in other words, thank you for pwning yourself in the eye in such an extraordinary manner.

and have a good day

edit: the original post is now cleaned up as specified above. this was a triumph, i'm making a note here, great success, it's hard to overstate my satisfaction ;)
i've added spoiler warnings before you replied, i'll add them in tag form around the text, i can't change the title via edit or i would have.

In your case there's no point in Spoiler tags. You should have simply put *spoilers* in your thread title. And from what I've read, there isn't any evidence of spoilers that aren't mentioned anywhere else.

thanks for your comments, eventhough your attitude sucks, as do your judging a book by it's cover, as the saying goes. i would say that you were wrong, but you'd probably not believe me.

My attitude is in direct response to the way you posted. It is a reflection of something you might expect on here, and evidently you are quite new to these forums because you'd have noticed how alot of people react to posts like this.

Judging a book by its cover is one of the most shittest sayings ever. It's totally not true. Human instinct is to judge a book by its cover, and while it might not be logical or wise, its' the best thing to go by. A cover can say alot about a book, and how much work one has put into it. If someone is not willing to put effort into a cover, the one should not be willing to read it.

I've completed portal, that qualifies me to discuss it in a forum thank you very much. and i certainly do not need your sodding approval to express myself. nor do i frankly give a damn what you ingrown trolls think about things.

Completing Portal doesn't qualify you for anything. Anyone's entitled to post in these forums, so longs as their posts doesn't breach any board rules. But that doesn't mean they're going to be taken seriously. You don't need my approval, no, but then you don't need anyone's approval. Frankly, you could say anything without anyone's approval, but it's not going to get anywhere. No-one needs any approval to live, but it's not worth living in no-one approves of you. Human instinct requires other's approval, and without it, you'd die.

in fact, to put it bluntly, neither do anyone else, cause you just end up talking some crap and at the same time illustrate just how you really are as a person.

What, you're talking about me? You've only just met me!

Besides, you're one to to talk about "talking some crap". I've read your post, and honestly, none of it made sense. It just looks like there's a load of words put together from Portal. That would explain why there's been over 50 views and only two replies. You're not going to entice anyone into reading it if it's a, in a spoiler tag, b, so jumbled, and c, not interesting.

also the information is the most important part, how it is delivered is secondary. and i do believe that it is structured well enough to be readable.

No, the structure and delivery is just as good as the information itself. Without the delivery, no-one's going to pay attention. With proper delivery, you can be much more efficient in how something is put across.

one who claims omnipotent wisdom and flawlessness is a moron. therefore sir, i am happy to inform you that you are not simply a moron, but an idiot because you do the above with great arrogance and blind conviction.

I never "claimed omnipotent wisdom", but I'd like to point out that you can't have "all-powerful wisdom", it doesn't make quite so much sense. I think you're meaning "omnipotence and omniscience", which would hold alot stronger. I never claimed to have either, as I'm quite far from omnipotence, if not lower than most. I'm not quite at the stage of omniscience either, but I certainly strive towards it. The knowledge of my own, and others' ignorance helps me to gain knowledge and move forward. I don't claim omniscience. Quite the opposite, I strive towards it.

this was a triumph, i'm making a note here, great success, it's hard to overstate my satisfaction ;)

Quoting Portal is not big, and it's not clever.

If you didn't know about Cave Johnson, you might have wanted to search around before you posted. Looking on any wiki, or checking most threads in this section would have answered any questions you had. You can't just barge into a forum and post everything you think, because no doubt it's been posted before. Just because it's your interpretation, doesn't mean that people are going to listen. It has to be something worth while, and something that actually needs interpretting. Just spouting out the first thing you thought of isn't going to get you anywhere. You want to think about it logically, think about any arguments, pros, cons and the like. If you really want a decent interpretation of anything, look up posts by Darkside55. He's pretty good at "theories" and the like.
massive quote posting.

blablabla.. blablablablabla.. blabla.. blabla..

distortions and omissions... blablabla..

things taken out of context..

further blablabla..

more things taken out of context..

bla bla.. bleh blah blih blah blah..

do you honestly expect anyone to take YOU seriously after that drivel. haha, comedy that is reminiscent of benny hill.

do something constructive and actually try to disprove some of the things in the op to your interpretation of the game instead.

but your not going to do that are you, you're just going to drone on and on with your nonsense and word policing, distortions and omissions while having a go at yourself in fond places, marvelling at your "excellence".

the judging a book by it's cover thing you said, that's so ridiciulous i mean look at you, there you are, knowing it's stupid to do, yet you do it anyways. how many times have you allready been wrong on that account, more than you could count, but go ahead and say it ain't so, or have you been living under a rock and only have social interaction in internet land?


while your atheist nonsense is quite entertaining it is quite frankly complete drivel. needing others approval otherwise you die LOL. shows a lot about you and that's about the only thing it shows. you little approval monkey :monkee: newsflash, atheism might be "better" than fundamentalist religion, but it's a religion on it's own pretending to be nothing but, same closedmindedness.. but you go ahead and think your right about everything and everybody else are just kinda lesser beings. like you normally do, and you'll just kinda fade away like angry ppl usually tend to do, only being paid attention to by similar angry people in a little clique of misfits.

try reading this (the first one from the top) shine on you crazy "diamond", see if anyone cares except the ppl you can con into thinking it's true, cause that's how it works, not the other way around mr. backwards.
do you honestly expect anyone to take YOU seriously after that drivel. haha, comedy that is reminiscent of benny hill.

Something so immature and childish as that is hardly going to do the same to you. I was expecting a reasonably constructed and logical argument against me.

do something constructive and actually try to disprove some of the things in the op to your interpretation of the game instead.

My interpretation of the game is how it comes! There's little to argue, and anything that we don't know, Valve will sort out, and it doesn't matter what I think, either way. Besides, guess what, it's a game!

but your not going to do that are you, you're just going to drone on and on with your nonsense and word policing, distortions and omissions.

I've already told you, I don't understand a single paragraph of your OP. Your sentences don't connect to make anything meaningful. Seriously. Rewrite it.

oh and while your atheist nonsense

Aaah, you're religious. "LOL!". I can see I'm not going to get any intellectual discussion out of you. I would've hoped you'd actually turn out to be a decent guy.

is quite entertaining it is quite frankly complete drivel. needing others approval otherwise you die LOL. shows a lot about you and that's about the only thing it shows. you little approval monkey

So you don't think? You can't actually contemplate something and think about it? You'd just prefer to knock it down, anyway, without actually thinking about where I'm coming from. Oh, that's right, because you're church does all your thinking for you.
And for the record, I was telling you that you needed approval.

try reading this (the first one from the top) and smarten up.

What's that got to do with anything? It just agrees with me.

Sense make you not.
I can't understand what the original poster is trying to say. All I am getting out of it is something about Cave Johnson, GLaDOS, and Memory Cores.

Could you try to clear up your points?
Druckles said:

no i'm saying your closed minded just like a religious person, and you do nothing but prove the point. your the one who's taking a piss on something without even reading it. and yes, even a f'ing 10 year old could understand it, why can't you. aren't you supposed to be just moderately intelligent? or is it just a facade.

also your reading comprehension seems to be quite lacking. you should tend to that, because your quote posting, and what you make out of what i say is extremely laughable.

the movie quote disproves your point but that's another example of judging a book by it's cover, and yes it was a TRAP that you fell right into, you know what the thing is about running around with blinders on and following a discrete set of self manufactured "rules" and "regulations" for your life experience, not only will you be wrong in so many cases, but you will be so easy to predict, if someone knows the key word, you jump like a trained monkey, because you don't think for yourself, you let your blinders think for you. you should check out the movie sometime, you might learn something.

or do you just distort and omit deliberately, and do you have some form of intense amnesia about the things you wrote earlier aswell, and think that your usual massive quote posting will cause ppl to just not really read your drivel and just kinda take your word for that your right, well maybe so, cause that crap in contrast to my post, is as readable as a childrens drawing is to understand. but that doesn't change anything. you couldn't be brief and concise if you tried, cause your not wise, your just an angry little man that wants to get some approval by writing a lot.. of shit. your saying "heeey look at me, i'm a monkeeh and i can write a lot of shit, praise me!" lol.. so sad, anyways, i've put out that interpretation of portal and ppl can do with it what they will.

oh and if you as you said don't desire to view theories and interpretations of portal backed by sound arguments, but just want to view portal with blinders on, then that's your business, but this then begs the question of what.. the.. f'ck you are doing in this thread exactly, since your so bound on being as efficient as possible you should've just not commented at all. but no, your motives are entirely different, you sir are most transparent, the psychological patterns that you follow are easy to see. question is, do you see them?
I couldn't understand the original poster is trying to say. All I got out of it was something about Cave Johnson, GLaDOS, and Memory Cores.

and yes, even a f'ing 10 year old could understand it, why can't you.


no i'm saying your closed minded just like a religious person, and you do nothing but prove the point.

Yes, I have been proving my point, haven't I. And you seem to be helping me.
"A religious person" is quite broad, and for your information, atheism isn't a religion, and from your opinion that all atheists are like that, you must be Christian. So I just laugh at you.

your the one who's taking a piss on something without even reading it.

I did read it. Told you, I couldn't understand it.

aren't you supposed to be just moderately intelligent? or is it just a facade.


also your reading comprehension seems to be quite lacking. you should tend to that, because your quote posting, and what you make out of what i say is extremely laughable.

And your grammar is extremely laughable. Lol?

the movie quote disproves your point but that's another example of judging a book by it's cover, and yes it was a TRAP that you fell right in, you should check out the movie sometime, you might learn something.

I've seen the movie, I read the quote. It did nothing to disprove my point, and I fell into no traps. You must be Portalstormzzz or Gormanmod or something come back to haunt us. Again.

or do you just distort and omit deliberately

I omit when I have nothing to say to it. I don't omit things to distort the truth, and I don't omit things to bend things for my own personal gain. I don't replace things with "bs" or "blah blah", either, but try arguing something reasonably and logically. Something which you've failed at. I'm kind've getting bored :(

and do you have some form of intense amnesia about the things you wrote earlier aswell


and think that your usual massive quote posting will cause ppl to just not really read your drivel
omit deliberately

You contradicted yourself. How can I quote more than you write when I'm omitting things? Ever thought that you should post less so I'd have less to quote?

Funny though, because going back to my original point, there have been two people apart from you who have posted in this topic. There have been well over 70 views. Maybe it's something to do with them? Or maybe it's something to do with not reading your drivel.

well maybe so, cause that crap in contrast to my post, is as readable as a childrens drawing.

You're being a hypocrit.

but that doesn't change anything. you couldn't be brief and concise if you tried, cause your not wise, your just an angry little man that wants to get some approval by writing a lot.. of shit.

That was a long sentence. So much for being brief and concise.

your saying "heeey look at me, i'm a monkeeh and i can write a lot of shit, praise me!" lol..

You're not doing too good a job at ripping me. You could just apologise.

anyways, i've put out that interpretation and ppl can do with it what they will.

Um... ignore it I think sums up the general statistics.

Edit: Ooo, more to write.

oh and if you as you said don't desire to view theories and interpretations of portal backed by sound arguments, but just want to view portal with blinders on, then that's your business

You misinterpretted me. I said that it's Valves job to decide what happens with the storyline, not some arrogant dude who things he's got an "interpretation of portal".

what.. the.. f'ck you are doing in this thread exactly, since your so bound on being as efficient as possible you should've just not commented at all.

Sometimes... I find an opinion of something I actually find intruiging and interesting. It's rare. But it happens. Why would one spend hours looking at the stars just to find one small star or comet?

but no, your motives are entirely different, you sir are most transparent, the psychological patterns that you follow are easy to see. question is, do you see them?

Oh, so you know me. Yay.
Let's not bring religion in to this, okay?

thecakeisforyou, spell check is at the top of your controls when you post. Use it. Actually, your spelling isn't that bad, but you need to work on your grammar. A lot.


Now, can you please explain your theory more clearly?
you've seen the movie, LOL that's laughable, either you totally didn't understand the movie / you walked out near the ending or fell asleep, or your full of bs.

yes atheism is a closed minded belief system that omits everything but itself, falling into the category of religious doctrine. it just believes nothing that religion does, but believes in a certain mindset and anything that is outside it is not true. the only belief that is neutral is agnostics.

get off the quote posting, my post contained just about the same amount of words as the one before that you quoted. yet your recent reply contains allmost TWICE the amount of quotes! i guess that's where you fall down isn't it.

and replies to the quotes such as:

That was a long sentence. So much for being brief and concise.


Your being a hipocrit.

hardly qualifies as any reply at all. in other words your spamming hoping to somehow drown my comments. hilarious. the last fig leaf of a troll so soon.

read the original post and comment on what you see differently and (oh no could it be so) those that you might agree with and let's take it from there. untill you do your just spewing out rubbish.
I love being invisible.


Religion has no place in a discussion of a First Person Puzzle video game.

And you misspelled hypocrite.
yes atheism is a closed minded belief system that omits everything but itself, falling into the category of religious doctrine. it just believes nothing that religion does, but believes in a certain mindset and anything that is outside it is not true. the only belief that is neutral is agnostics.

Atheism is quite the opposite. It's a belief system, of course, but so is believing in Unicorns. That's not a belief. It's definitely not closed minded. Quite the contrary. It accepts things which are different, like there not being a God. Which people like you just take for granted. Oh, yeah, God, he exists. Why? Dunno, just does.
And I can't believe that you said atheism falls under the category of religious doctrine. You're about to get a facepalm.
The only thing that atheism beleives in is that there isn't a God. That's it. In fact, it barely believes it. It just doesn't accept the belief that there is!
Agnostics don't know. That's the idea. They're uncertain. Unsure. That's not a belief system, it's just a state of mind. So you can't call it a "neutral belief".

get off the quote posting, my post contained just about the same amount of words as the one before that you quoted. yet your recent reply contains allmost TWICE the amount of quotes!

It contained TWICE the number of things to quote.

and replies to the quotes such as:

That was a long sentence. So much for being brief and concise.


Your being a hipocrit.

hardly qualifies as any reply at all.

It's a reply. Anything's a reply. 5char can be a reply if you wanted. But quoting each and every one separately simply backed my points again and again. Arguments in number. I was trying to indicate the vast majority of stupid things that you were capable of saying.

in other words your spamming hoping to somehow drown my comments.

You're not even responding to what I say. At least I try.

read the original post and comment on what you see differently and (oh no could it be so) those that you might agree with and let's take it from there. untill you do your just spewing out rubbish.

No. I can't. We've been through this. It doesn't make any fucking sense!

You're just a complete moron. There's barely any point in arguing with you. How old are you, 12?


I love being invisible.


Religion has no place in a discussion of a First Person Puzzle video game.

And you misspelled hypocrite.

Yeah, sorry about that. I can't help you with the whole understanding thing. And he brought up religion.

And yeah, 'tis disgraceful. He's mispelling my quotes. I feel... abused... dirty...
Let's not bring religion in to this, okay?

thecakeisforyou, spell check is at the top of your controls when you post. Use it. Actually, your spelling isn't that bad, but you need to work on your grammar. A lot.


Now, can you please explain your theory more clearly?

ok, i'll be brief and concise then, you can read this then check out the OP for added details.

the cake was not a lie. it was ALL a test, including the escape. everything was planned and executed.

GLaDOS didn't die, the GLaDOS you "kill" in the end was a dummy test version. after the game there is cake for GLaDOS and you and the companion cube.

arguments for this theory:

a) cake for GLaDOS and you and the companion cube. the cake was not a lie.

b) dummy cores are activated and rebuilding of GLaDOS's dummy begins.

c) the dummy cores that light up are all yellow/orange -> the curios, kind and cute GLaDOS, which expresses how the REAL GLaDOS is, the rest was a fake.

d) the purple "morale" core is never activated, it is part of the test "game" GLaDOS plays with you.

e) The real glados is alive and well, and located farther down in the multilevel facility, the test takes place in levels 3 and upwards.

f) the cake is a lie and the directional arrows are put there to give you incentive not to jump into the fire. (see any red or black paint lying around? if you argue that it's blood well then i'd say that's a lot of blood and a very nice finger painting while dying).

g) the "pessimism" lab tests and all the other tests are to familiarize yourself with the portal gun for the real test which is the escape, in order for you to be ressourceful as GLaDOS fakes her "going insane" mode, while actually prodding you through various means such as audial illusions (footsteps of "associates" coming to bring you to the party) and other such things. and making her antagonistic enough to destroy the dummy in the end, completing the test.

h) the tests are made in such a way that you do not know that they are really not part of _the test_ but a training program to prepare you for the test. And prepare you in such a way that you do not realize that the _real test_ is a test untill you complete it, otherwise the _real test_ would not have the same quality and meet the parameters of it. everything was put there purpousfully and deliberately, every little thing. to hide the real test from the test subject, untill completion of it.

i) GLaDOS declares the test a great success, and she's happy that you burned her dummy, because that was part of the test, a very psychological aspect of it, "will you destroy GLaDOS, eventhough you might not be able to find your way out of the facility - will you kill the enemy despite various psychological tricks employed - determination - eventhough your memory is supposedly "deleted" and "uncrecoverable"? faith in your own choices rather than those of others, ability to choose wisely in unexpected and ambiguous scenarios"

j) this has all indications of a special research project military installation given some of GLaDOS's comments.

k) the subject might be cloned, a real person with memory wiped and backed up, drugged and kidnapped or volunteered.

l) there are other people watching than just GLaDOS and the facility is not abandoned and is bigger than supposed (tier3, 3rd level, many more below, GLaDOS's location from a logistical viewpoint would be silly since it is high in the facility yet controls most of it), the test site however is devoid of personel, in order for the test to procede as planned.

m) despite GLaDOS's comments, the antagonistic and demeaning psychological attitude towards the subject is part of the test and is to be taken with a grain of salt, it was not what it seemed. The surface that looks perfectly natural and unscathed along with the final sequence and GLaDOS's song is the argument to support this.

n) the theory for the testing outline is in the OP. but basically to test how fast a random person can be aquainted with use of portal gun, if the current trainee method is good enough, and how effective a random person can apply it to escape from dire circumstances with added psychological stress and confusion. (like a war scenario).

o) it would be illogical to place a super computer that runs the facility so high in the facility (massive security risk), it would be either at the bottom or at the very center of the facility from a horisontal perspective (looking from the side), depending on topological construction of it. GLaDOS would also have to be backed up somewhere in order to be reactivated.

p) the testing area (the 3 levels) might be empty, but there may be clones/personal staged other places, the scenery gives massive indication of multiple potentially vertically oriented testing facilities with the amounts of bots and cubes flying around in the tubes. It could also be a remote controlled facility from another facility.

q) the distinct low tech/hi tech difference in the facility seems to be key indicators that it is staged and put so deliberately to facilitate the test. if GLaDOS went rogue it would make no sense to put a "morale core" in and not fix anything else, even if they were going to remote control it. obviously the moral core is never on (never lights up, all the other "cores" do). and as said before only the yellow cores light up in the end, which is the cute, curious and compassionate GLaDOS, which i believe is the true mentality of the REAL GLaDOS situated somewhere entirely different in the massively huge underground facility.

q) there is cake in the end, not only for GLaDOS but for the test subject and the companion cube!

anyways that's my theory.
a) cake for GLaDOS and you and the companion cube.
b) dummy cores are activated and rebuilding of GLaDOS's dummy begins.

By who? It's been confirmed the facility is empty.

From what I understand, you think the whole of Portal is a conspiracy. Yeah, go speak to W4D3y, or whatever his name is
a) cake for GLaDOS and you and the companion cube.

By who? It's been confirmed the facility is empty.

From what I understand, you think the whole of Portal is a conspiracy. Yeah, go speak to W4D3y, or whatever his name is

you don't remember the last bit after the final sequence, at the startup screen where it goes back to, you see cake for you, screen pans over and there's the companion cube, try running through the game again if you missed it. cake for GLaDOS you see that in the final sequence just before the song. before the mechanical grabber thingie puts out the light on the cake.

not a conspiracy, just a deliberately prepared test. where is it confirmed that the entire facility is empty and not just the 3 upper test area levels, and where are the other test subjects and the other cubes and bots going, there is only 1 test lab on this particular test site and only 1 of the test labs has bots. with the rest in the _real testing area_ (imo) but not many and placed sorta roundabout. think about the placement of things, if someone worked there how would it make any sense to place the bots like they are. what about the big shootout place before you can super jump (through portals 3 times without loosing too much speed) up to the final walkway before the "GLaDOS" area. it doesn't add up, there's nothing to protect there but slime. no doors visible there afaik, the only way to seemingly get around there is by portal guns. furthermore the hidden goodies clearly show that there are more than 1 person at the facility. and that they are being watched by a supervisor at times when they are going through their initial application tests (what's your favourite color and all that). "if you see a supervisor just hit continue", by the test subject that hacked the test program. he also says "they are having us use 20 year old equipment, yet they have the ability to make such things as the "enrichment center" i don't think us surviving is part of the plan." (clearly unaware of the real test as planned) and clearly mindwiped, unaware of what's going on, or atleast an unwitting volunteer.

i picture several test site cubes like this one arranged horisontally and a mega site further underground where the test subjects are funnelled up into their relaxation boxes to begin the various tests. and the real entrance in and out of the mega site are somewhere completely different.

so in a sense what i'm saying is that the site might be empty (the test site) but that it is connected to another mega site, where the employee's are. and the REAL GLaDOS.

so if GLaDOS in beta went rogue, they might have found a useful way to include that in the test aswell, given your theory that it wasn't all pretend on GLaDOS's behalf.

also this game clearly is informed by movies such as "cube" and "cube 2 - hypercube" with unwitting individuals trapped in some sort of facility that doesn't make much sense, and is given incentives to get out, and exposed to various tests in the forms of traps and other weird equipment.

only in this case, this test, they are given a portal gun to assist them in accomplishing the task they are prodded towards.

also, who locked/unlocked the doors in such a deliberate manner, forming a path that just exactly fits with getting to "GLaDOS" and out of the facility? like, the conference rooms are locked but other places that should've been logically locked / unlocked, aren't.

They were in a hurry? i don't buy it, if they installed the morale core and we follow that theory that that is true and needed, then they would have all the time in the world to clean it up. and how did they even get inside the base to GLaDOS in the first place if GLaDOS had some sort of advanced bots to do manual stuff. and if she could only administer neuro toxins as an attack mechanism, and mb remote control the stationary turret bots, then that leaves some big holes in that theory aswell.

because who then put the test subject in the relaxation cube and strapped the fall dampeners / jumping helpers / speed assisters on the test subjects feet. and why on earth do GLaDOS's yellow core then ask "what's wrong with your feet?" amnesia? un bloody likely, what? the red core is the dominant core.. not likely with it's behaviour. also each core if not just part of the test and GLaDOS playing along with it, is a mental/personality core, not a info core. and if they were sub divided info cores aswell it would make no sense to have the anger core direct the logistics at the base.. since it is.. well.. angry and totally out of whack.

you think it was GLaDOS who did that? if GLaDOS has such bots capable of this at it's disposal, you would certainly see it take such bots into effect if it indeed was fighting for it's existence and did NOT want the subject to reach the surface, instead of mucking about while monologing, and taking ages to release some random neuro toxin when it could've done so immediately upon deviation were it not a test. THE "MORALE CORE" IS NEVER SWITCHED ON, that's probably one of my key points, go play the last part and look. that means there was nothing to stop GLaDOS from doing whatever she pleased if something undesired happened.

also.. who in their right mind would design an AI without a morale core and safeguards, and have it run a facility full of ppl. AND give it capabilities to kill the entire staff in the facility, and then putting it as the primary aspect of the AI. lol, it isn't even logical. imo the only real GLaDOS is the yellow/orange core which dominates the AI, having mb the blue core if not just part of the yellow core, and "coincidently" the exact color of the cores that light up in the end, the red one isn't part of GLaDOS, who would design an anger core for an AI, that's suicide. come on now.. and then balance it with a morale core instead of removing it? i don't buy it. imo that's just part of the test with the real GLaDOS playing along all the way from somewhere else, or a deliberately constructed dummy version of GLaDOS as part of the test, like an alpha version, with the Gold version of GLaDOS being somewhere else entirely, "remote controlling" the events.
That "final sequence" is a teaser, and not in any way designed for you to to view it as Chell viewing it. This idea was just discussed and thrown down in a thread, possibly today. Similarly to the song "Still Alive".

From the website, you're supposed to surmise that there were people there that used to monitor her, not "mind-wiped", but unaware because they're on a Need to Know Basis.

And "who locked/unlocked the doors?"... it's a game. Quite simply. Why don't you ask where Gordon holds all his guns? Or how he manages to levitate stuff with his mind? Why don't you ask why everything in any game is placed so strategically that you end up meeting the final boss? It's a game! I'm not sure whether to take your intepretation of this as serious, silly, or whether you've just been thinking waay too much into this game. Of course there were once employees, but there aren't any more.

who in their right mind would design an AI without a morale core and safeguards, and have it run a facility full of ppl.

It's a game. It's a game. It's a game! It doesn't necessarily have those abilities already, but because it's AI, and super intelligent, it has the means to create them.
nonono.. your misunderstanding, i didn't mean the supervisors were mindwiped, i meant the subjects were mindwiped and there were a lot of them, and they were sitting at 20 year old terminals in dire contrast to the entire facility writing down things like what their favourite color were etc, before they were sedated and put into the relaxation vaults.

go read the stuff i wrote above, there's a lot of things that makes sense, and a lot of things that don't add up that i point out, and only very very few can be tossed aside as being "cause it's a game to smoothe the gameplay".

ok if it has those abilities to create those things, howcome it doesn't know about them, and howcome they are nowhere in sight when you blow it up, and if the last sequence is somehow a non storyline joke or whatever, then why didn't GLaDOS employ these inventions to fight for her life.. we're talking about an AI that has several hours to mobilize a prime defence. and it just sits there and spouts, cmon, if GLaDOS had any defence that it wished to employ it sure as f wouldn't wait till you stood and stared it in the face. would you? no, and you can bet your arse that if there was an AI developed it would be quite more _logically_ intelligent than you. where be the military androids that "a recent mandatory maintenance" dedicated an entire lab test for, nowhere in bloody sight! they sure as f didn't make it so after "installing the morale core"

HEY our AI went ballistic let's make 1 LAB, JUST 1 (eh?) into a new firing range for military androids, one without any exits in sight that the military androids can get out of once the lab is complete lol.. how about no. weren't they in a hurry to get out with the doors and the decaying facility? how about no.. nope, not working.. the lab tests are 1 way access/exit points leading one way. through all the test labs, the military androids can't get through them w/o a portal gun. and they weren't designed to use portal guns but advanced lethal weaponry (firing ranges).

your not making any sense tbqh. sounds like you read half of it and concluded bleh i can't be arsed to read the rest, the other talking points are probably just cause it's a game. i think you give the ppl who make game storylines too little credit for their ingenuity.

oh yeah as someone pointed out, GLaDOS herself said "All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees kelvin" so the incinerator's pretty much useless, and that could mean the companion cube survived aswell :D it goes well with the cake is not a lie afterall part anyways, just a visual illusion of cubey death with the fake incinerators funelled back through the tubes. efficient, ingenious and hilarious. \o/

atleast you can read it, don't even say it's not readable. cmon, atleast post something worthwile.. instead of a 1 line quote and a 2 line answer to the quote. your completely breaking your style now. i would expect much more from you. walk the talk buddy. put your actions where your mouth is. step on up son, etcetera. people are listening remember? and don't give me that nobody is watching this cause it's a crap retorte.. so obvious, so lame, don't go there, post something constructive, you've trolled enough, ppl have marvelled at your ability to bring me to my knees, right, and now we're at the part where you either leave the thread or post your gems, i know you got some gems to share, let it out. don't look back in anger :D

face it, you've been "had" by GLaDOS, prodding you all the way, and the cake was not a lie! and the companion cube is alive, and GLaDOS is happy cause you completed the test with an ace score, a+ wiz kid ;).

"anyways this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist".

"look at me still talking when there's science to do"
"when i look out there it makes me glad i'm not you"
"i've experiments to run, there is research to be done"
"on the people who are, still alive."

"and believe me i am still alive."

"i'm doing science and i'm still alive."

"i feel fantastic and i'm still alive."

"and when your dying i'll be still alive,

"and when your dead i will be still alive"

"still alive."

"still alive..."


CAKE for you and cubie! :D
There's a real big problem with that theory of yours. It can't be disproved, but it is so ridiculously complicated that simply by applying reason, it can easily be belied. Is it feasible as a possibility? Sure, but so are many things. Is it feasible that Valve will ever implement it? No. Therefore, it is not, and never will be, a viable theory.

PS: Shut up.
the judging a book by it's cover thing you said, that's so ridiciulous i mean look at you, there you are, knowing it's stupid to do, yet you do it anyways. how many times have you allready been wrong on that account, more than you could count, but go ahead and say it ain't so, or have you been living under a rock and only have social interaction in internet land?

You're judging a book by its cover right now.
Druckles said:
Judging a book by its cover is one of the most shittest sayings ever. It's totally not true. Human instinct is to judge a book by its cover, and while it might not be logical or wise, its' the best thing to go by. A cover can say alot about a book, and how much work one has put into it. If someone is not willing to put effort into a cover, the one should not be willing to read it.

he did it right there, and was otherwise trolling in a rather rude manner, spamming 3-4 quote attack threads none of them having any relevance to the original post in terms of discussing it, hence my reply. and i'm quite sure i'm right, no normal person could possibly be so bitter.

blackthorne: first of all it's not complicated, i just add a lot of detail to explain it, secondly i never intended for valve to really use it as theory, i just found the theory intriguing and apparently in my passion for sharing it unwittingly annoyed a few of the fanbois in here with comments of seemingly "blasphemic" proportions such as "if you want to use this to explain storyline feel free to valve" or whatever i said in my eagerness, obviously valve consists of intelligent free thinking individuals, they can damn sure make up their own mind about what they do lol.. if they need input from you and me they'll damn well decide weither to listen or not.. so there's no need for you fanbois to jump in and do "public service, defending valve against "bad ideas" ".. hilarity ensues.

it's a valid theory regardless. i'm speaking here of the portal game, to which i've come to understand there is not going to be a sequel, i'm just sharing my view of the story and surrounding events that takes place in the game, and apparently also showing those that want to talk crap just how much they haven't done their homework as an amusing side effect.

the theory provides a cool ending, a happy one, and it's validated by a lot of rational thinking. if you don't like thinking don't blame those who do. portal is a game to be speculated about, it's a bit like lost where you don't get the full picture, and that's also what makes the storyline so appealing.

but i guess some ppl just want to make problems, here's some news for ya, nobody likes a smartass. i'm just giving you back exactly what you dish out, cause i don't want it. it's yours to keep.

PS: why don't you follow your own advice?
I Completly understand his theory. Very nice one, altho I would have reworded some of it if I were you.
I Completly understand his theory. Very nice one, altho I would have reworded some of it if I were you.

thx bro, yeah i know, i just was eager to share it at first, and i should've reworded some of it, but then some ppl started talking crap, anyways i think i made up for it little later on when i made a more structured attempt at it.

anyways it's all good.:thumbs:
New members to almost any forum take crap... I don't know, but if this topic was your first post, that wasnt a wise choice. But Im glad you took apart Portal. Its always good to hear what people think from that game, crazy stuff about this game, the cult of companion cube... I could go on, but seeing as this might turn into spam if I do, Nice work.

This little guy did so much stuff... and more comming.

Oh and talking about retards....

look what the mac users posted...
This Thread Is Scary

This thread is scary!

And what does the religion have to do with all this? Was GLaDOS baptized ? (how does one baptize a superturing computer, BTW?)[/INSANE]

P.S.: Also, thecakeisforyou, take care - your grammar is so poor you may actually infringe on one of my copyrights