My ISP is a joke


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
This is really taking the pish now!

For the past 4 months I've been having issues with my internet connection. Everyday I get a 100+ ping, usually for the whole day, and it only goes down for about 2 minutes.

I've rang up customer support and they are useless so I had to resort to emailing them. I've still got nowhere after numerous emails. They've turned off interleaving and it still hasn't solved the problem and now I'm waiting for them to reply back...

If your thinking of switching providers, don't choose Supanet as they make baby Jesus cry.


I'm paying for 8mb for ****s' sake.
I'm suprised they haven't gone down the road of, "It's your hardware/lines/etc" like they do with me on a daily basis.
Well, with a name like Supanet... ;)

My wireless connection is shoddy at best. Lord knows, downloading games from Steam is a pain in the ass...
are you bound to a contract ? , if not then just switch providers...
theres also the chance that someone might be stealing your internet :P.
I'm suprised they haven't gone down the road of, "It's your hardware/lines/etc" like they do with me on a daily basis.

Trust me, they have. They don't seem to understand that it's not my PC or router.

I had the same problem before with my old modem AND old PC but thankfully it stopped playing up...

UNTIL NOW! :flame:
are you bound to a contract ? , if not then just switch providers...

I'm on contract until October and the only way to cancel is to pay the rest off. :|
Your first mistake; choosing Supanet.

I've been with them in the past and they fail the big one. Tech support, software, contracts, everything is piss poor.
Comcast always goes "OH IT'S YOUR ROUTER" then I find out that they cut the dedicated line I had and I was sharing internet with the entire neighborhood
:( Bad internet sucks.

I'm overjoyed with my ISP access. Not only do I get the full 1MB/sec on downloads (when I use my manager) but I get free 100% wide-open newsgroup access with maximum retention and all groups available :D

just call and SCREAM at the first person you talk to, they will give you a manager that way.
Doubt it. I'll be passed three times to someone who clearly hasn't grasped the English language. :|
I love Insight Broadband. It's made of win and lollipops.

As you can see, I have a pretty good connection.
during the summer internet here on campus is actually pretty good. During fall everyone comes back and steals my bandwidth (by playing wow and torrenting). I'm enjoying my 1.3 mbps download rate while I can :D
Just to clarify:

I'm sure that's grounds for suing. You're on 512kb/s and paying for 8mb/s.
Just ran a speed test on the school computers here


quite good
Poor Psycho. It seems a lot of the UK has trash for ISP service.


Dekstar, you raise a very good point. I'll shall be typing up a rant later. :)

You think you have it bad? My speed is supposed to be 10 Mb/s for Christ sake! The speed test might show 1013 kb/s download speed, but in reality I'm lucky if I get 100 kb/s download speed :|. GAHHHHH!!!!
At least your ping is good. >_>

I live in New Zealand. You can all go **** yourselves.

That is all.

(But I'm still slightly faster than OP :))
I'm quite scared that if something happens to my line, no one will come a save me, seeing that the Uni connections are run by students (and we're on summer break).
The closer you live to the center of the US the better speed you will have.