Valve/Steam more like a steaming pile

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Stewie, so a student whose parents won't buy him the latest, shiniest, most powerful graphics card wants to play Half-Life 2. Why should he suffer?

It's the land of the free. He should get a job and buy "the latest, shiniest, most powerful" graphics card.

I have no problem with what Stewie said, I agree with him entirely, and yet I am the exact person you have described.
My parents have never bought me anything bigger than a PC game. Never had a console in my life, and the only way I ended up with my own computer was working for it. I started out with a 5-10 year old machine I got from an old friend of the family. I then worked for my parents for like 10 weeks full time during the Summer until I could afford to build my own machine.

Et voila! Here I am!

Just because a parent won't buy a kid the latest hardware does not make them under privileged, it makes them "not-spoilt". If they want the latest, they have to buy it for themselves.

The first time Half-Life 2 came out, I had to play it with full stutter. I could barely understand what anyone was saying. The game just about ran on the lowest settings, but the sound was all over the place.

Was funny to watch though :p

Wow, did Shasta just re-register under Stewies name?

First off, congratulations begin a complete dick **** there, stew. Sure, having an old rig shouldn't be able to play with the bells and whistles, but you gotta flame them? I guess so, gotta be an elitist. A simple "Nope, if you don't have good enough cards for these games, they are going to look shit." Gotta insult them! Hurray for E-thugs!

And anyone who doesn't have the latest have to at least realise that they need the latest hardware to make it run properly, rather than bitching on here that it's not working.
A simple "Nope, if you don't have good enough cards for these games, they are going to look shit."
umm - i DID start with that. what came back to me was abuse about "it used to run fine" blah blah, so i tried to explain why technology advances etc... this flame-war is the result of those that are unable to accept the facts of life, and also jintor just likes to argue with me for the hell of it - he even agreed with me in another thread, yet still managed to argue about it.

I have no problem with what Stewie said, I agree with him entirely, and yet I am the exact person you have described.
thank-you. and you are not the type of person im talking about - you actually understand that old stuff wont run new software well (or at all), and so you dont complain when your old pc wont run the latest games. you also accept the fact that it is necessary to update from time to time, and sound like you would if you could afford it. you might be young, but you know how it works, and i respect that. i feel sorry for people like you - youre not an idiot that complains about new stuff not running on your aincent hardware, but you cant afford to keep up. at least you see the reasons for technology progressing, and accept them. i hope you get something a bit more up to date soon mate.
I know this goes a bit off-topic but..

Heh, I've been looking for a graphic card driver that does not lower my framerate to 10 every three seconds. (5500FX)

Yet I'm fully able to play doom3 with bumpmaps and shadows enabled.....

Who am I supposed to blame? (No, Im not buying a better card. It used to run pretty good on my older 5200)

From what I can see here, Iron Cube's older card ran what he wanted fine, yet his supposedly newer model card does not, which is why he was wondering if it was a driver issue.

So then we get this...

stewie said:
youre an idiot, and the very reason that game devs have to dumb down games, ruining it for everyone else. that card is fuking antique now, yet god forbid the latest games dont work on it for you. stop fighting progress, get a fuking new card, and stop crying that it doesnt run games very well. you are holding everyone back by your stubborn refusal to join the rest of us in the 21st century. if you just cant afford a new one, then dont complain the new games dont run well. thats as stupid as complaining your video cassette player wont play dvds.

"youre an idiot" - Straight off the bat, insults flying. THIS is why the flame war started, stewie, with your lovely cursing, instead of just saying "Well hey Iron Cube, maybe you could use this driver to improve performance" or perhaps at the very least "Maybe it would be time for an upgrade". I also love how you call him a naive little kiddy, yet you yourself swear your head off like some 12 year old on Counter-Strike. I wonder, is that how you talk to your wife and two kids?

I'm also a fan of how you completely ignore Laivasse's post which stated that most people DO use older technology, so perhaps you should ACCEPT these facts, and stop being so IGNORANT and CLUELESS as you keep labelling everyone else.

stewie said:
you are far too up your own ass

Right back at you, troll.
you might be young, but you know how it works, and i respect that. i feel sorry for people like you

You don't have to treat me condescendingly, I'm not that young :p.

And my computer's fine now, thanks. :)
Play nicely, children, or there will be spankings.

Edit: Wow! It fits in the Character limit! :D
"youre an idiot" - Straight off the bat, insults flying. THIS is why the flame war started, stewie, with your lovely cursing, instead of just saying "Well hey Iron Cube, maybe you could use this driver to improve performance" or perhaps at the very least "Maybe it would be time for an upgrade". I also love how you call him a naive little kiddy, yet you yourself swear your head off like some 12 year old on Counter-Strike. I wonder, is that how you talk to your wife and two kids?
if u were paying attention, you would have realised that THIS:
Who am I supposed to blame? (No, Im not buying a better card. It used to run pretty good on my older 5200)
was what i was reffering to - his REFUSAL to accept the need to upgrade his hardware, and searching for something other than his own stupidity to blame for the lack of performance. open your eyes.

I'm also a fan of how you completely ignore Laivasse's post which stated that most people DO use older technology, so perhaps you should ACCEPT these facts, and stop being so IGNORANT and CLUELESS as you keep labelling everyone else.
sure, people use older tech. most are not stupid enough to wonder why they get crap framerates on the latest games, and most dont refuse to upgrade - they just cant afford to. at least they would if they could, not like captain refusal over there, wondering why his stuff doesnt work so well.

You don't have to treat me condescendingly, I'm not that young :p.

And my computer's fine now, thanks. :)
lol, didnt mean to be condescending, its just that anyone that relies on their parents for stuff is young in my books. enjoy your youth.
lol, didnt mean to be condescending, its just that anyone that relies on their parents for stuff is young in my books. enjoy your youth.

I've not relied on my parents for stuff for a while. They're good for getting VAT off stuff though :D

Perfectly legally...
wow, I missed such a fiery thread..

What I really want to know is, after joule having given him the solution, has he fixed it yet? Since his issue is the "Game Unavailable" problem? Mind you, I have had this problem as well, and all I had to do was delete the clientregistry blob bullshit, and it all fixes itself up.
I think he stated he was already going to return it no matter what, and he didn't care about fixing the problem anymore.

I could be wrong though, I'm working from memory here.
I think he did already return it. Although I have no idea how...
Said something about borrowing his neighbour's shrink-wrapping machine and returning it claiming it was unopened.

I guess technically he's defrauded someone. :/
sure, people use older tech. most are not stupid enough to wonder why they get crap framerates on the latest games, and most dont refuse to upgrade - they just cant afford to. at least they would if they could, not like captain refusal over there, wondering why his stuff doesnt work so well.
Wow, you are thick :\

The target audience of most games, and in particular Valve games, are people with average hardware. Check the Steam surveys before opening your trap again. If Valve changes something that ruins the experience for the average Half-life owner, it is their responsibility to solve it. The gamer is not obliged to upgrade for the sake of a small section of gamers with great hardware. And yes, I have a pretty good rig at home, so I'm not jealous of your awesomeness or whatever.
Wow, you are thick :\

The target audience of most games, and in particular Valve games, are people with average hardware. Check the Steam surveys before opening your trap again. If Valve changes something that ruins the experience for the average Half-life owner, it is their responsibility to solve it. The gamer is not obliged to upgrade for the sake of a small section of gamers with great hardware. And yes, I have a pretty good rig at home, so I'm not jealous of your awesomeness or whatever.
average hardware is not hardware that was crap 4 years ago, and is still crap now. an average gfx card now is at LEAST a 6000 series card, if you expect anything new to run properly. deal with the fact that pc's evolve quickly, and people need to keep up, rather than complaining. im not saying people need the latest and greatest, but for gods sake, a 5500 card was old 4 years ago - now its junk. get over yourself. realise that things go out of date, and be grateful the companies like valve bother to dumb down their games enough for people like you. i dont have a great pc, but im sick of morons moaning that their system with a 1GHz cpu, 128MB ram, 64MB graphics card wont run crysis etc. get a clue you freaks. its called progress. join the 21st century.
if u were paying attention, you would have realised that THIS:

was what i was reffering to - his REFUSAL to accept the need to upgrade his hardware, and searching for something other than his own stupidity to blame for the lack of performance. open your eyes.
You're a retard. Regardless of what you wanted to say beginning it with "you're an idiot" is hardly the best way to get your point across, people are generally are less inclined to listen to you after you insult them. See what I mean?

Play nicely, children, or there will be spankings.
"Yes. Yes, you must give us all a good spanking. And after the spanking, the oral sex!"
realise that things go out of date, and be grateful the companies like valve bother to dumb down their games enough for people like you.
Haha, dumb it down for my Radeon 9800 / P4 3GHz? Get a ****ing clue.
i cant believe the amount of twits that are actually trying to deny that hardware becomes outdated quickly when it comes to pc's.

and 99.dikram - i was referring to your attitude towards change, not your pc. i dont know or care about your specs. get your own clue.
My point is simply that I logically expect a 5500 to properly do a 5200's job. I tried so many different drivers.

Doom3 is definitely a visually better-looking game to me (storyline and gameplay aren't besting HL2's though). I just can't understand how it's running flawlessly while my source games stopped working properly. I know it's about the driver, but I can't seem to get my hand on one that does a good job on BOTH games.

I didn't ask about how I'm supposed to be holding humanity's technology development back with my good old loyal rig. Christ.
This thread has gone off-topic in a most entertaining fashion.
This thread has had more reported posts in it than the rest of the forums put together for the past few days.


/waves hand

You all love each other and are very sorry for the mean things you've said.
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