**** my life

Find a girl who doesn't like you elsewhere and obsess about her. It tends to work.
Dump her, and move on. Basically if a girl, regardless of how much like her, starts to piss me about or get in the way of my interests then I tell her straight that it needs to stop, if it continues, I end it.

Im in a band and we have stupidly good prospects going for us at the moment, but only a month ago my lead singer, jonny, started going out with my drummer's (adam) ex, kept it secret but he found out. Jonny ended it and said that it was best to move on from her, adam agreed. A week later, jonny found out adam was going out with her again, he got majorily pissed off and for two days we were considering booting adam, but he found out he was wrong to do it, ended it, and that was that.

We were that close to ****ing up a lot of stuff, just over a bloody girl, relationships can be an awsome pursuit but at the same time they can be poison. If a girl ****s you about end it, because it really aint worth it.
Depends on if it's a relationship based on love, like or lust.
These replies make my day lol
Well I'll tell you a little story, the story of why she had to prove that she actually cheerished our relationship. There was one girl who calls me cute (a friend of mine) and my ex gets all mad and blows up about it. She doesn't want me to talk to the girl, but I'm not going to end a friendship because of a compliment. The irony is that lots of people used to call my ex cute or beautiful or whatever, but I never told her to stop talking to them. I just joked around with her. But back to the story, me and my ex talked about the girl and I told her not to worry 'cause she is just a really good friend and that's all. Then my ex brought it up a few days later and got me mad about it 'cause we already talked to her. So I told my ex for her to never bring it back up or I'm going to break up with her. Because I was tired of her bringing it up over and over (She brought it up so many times and I told her many times to shut up). So 2 days later, what did she do? She brought it up, so I told her I'm done with her because she couldn't lsiten to me and shut the hell up about such a stupid thing. It seemed like she didn't care about our relationship and she brought it up not caring. And then the rest is history. Thing is, she cried to me asking for me to take her back, but I wanted for her to prove that she actually does treasure what we had and she would respect me when I ask her to not talk about anything. But she never did
Disrupted Hunter said:
*Jealous girlfriend who won't shut up*
All women are like that. All of them. It's part of their core programming.
But the thing is, like I said, guys do that many times with her. That was the first time somebody called me cute since I've been with her and she freaks out. My ex was being a hippacrit about it, and she always called me a hippacrit
Hypocrisy is also part of a woman's core programming. If a guy calls your ex cute, it's no big deal. If a girl calls you cute, to a woman that automatically means the other girl wants your cock, and you--as a male--are probably going to give it to her. There is nothing such as a "harmless compliment" to a woman.
But she's never been a jealous person until that started happening. Whenever I talked to a girl after then, she would get so jealous and didn't want me around any
Dude I feel so bad, I keep having to tell you that this is how women are and that all the things you're saying is par for the course.

The truth is she was always a jealous person, she just hid it from you. She hid it from you until it boiled over with a single comment (your friend saying you're cute). And after that the floodgates were open, and every girl you even looked at, she'd be jealous with. She was always jealous, mate. You won't find a single woman on this earth who isn't. They're vain and insecure creatures.

I feel terrible having to break it to you.
Hey, don't feel bad. Yeah, insecurity 'causes so much problems. I just hope that one day I'll find a girl that isn't as insecure as she was...doubt it though lol
I had a girlfriend.

Shame I broke up with her.

I'm an effin' moron.








never ever let your non marriage relationship go past "comfortable" that's the climax of every downfall
That comic is one of the most disturbing things I have laid eyes on, and I'm not sure why.
The Scooby Doo Detective Agency. Them's ain't real ghosts, it's all just Old Man Jenkins, a flashlight and some q-tips.
Jesus couldn't even magic himself off a piece of wood. He'll be of no help here
I have never seen anyone turn out happy from a teenage relationship.
Dude I feel so bad, I keep having to tell you that this is how women are and that all the things you're saying is par for the course.

Many, maybe even most (at some ages), but not all :rolleyes:

Also perhaps that comic should make people realise that founding a relationship on lies and BS might not be the best idea?
Many, maybe even most (at some ages), but not all :rolleyes:
No. All of them. At all ages. 18 or 80. Well at 80 they might just be like, "Eh I don't give a shit anymore, I'm already dead."


The instant your geriatric ass looked at another woman she'd pull the plug on your life support.
You must know some pretty shitty women if you actually believe that.
In my experience, Darkside is right. Although I must concede, some women handle jealously better than others. You'll never find a woman who is completely unjealous of another woman that connects to her man on some level, as obscure as that level is. It's not all 0 and 1, though; I'm sure women are pretty comfortable with their man talking to whales.

Relationships are brutal and the instant you realize that the whole thing is a game, you'll be much more prepared to face them down. Delusional prudes who think women are any better than men are in for a big surprise.

Recently me and my girlfriend broke up because of something she did. And I told her that if she wanted me back, that she needs to prove to me that I am important as she says and that she treasures our relationship. I gave her until Monday to do it, then she cried to me and I gave her till this Friday. Today I find out that some guy kissed her (most likely her ex that I strongly hate 'cause she liked him while me and her were going out) and she was happy about him kissing her. So now I feel completely unimportant...felt like sharing my problem for some reason lol

Women your age are in a cluster **** of hormones and emotion. It is best, at your age, to disregard whatever premonitions you had about romance and love and just stick to doing what feels good. See how far up the ladder you can climb, and when you seem to hit a peak, start having sex with it.
You must know some pretty shitty women if you actually believe that.
You haven't had enough experience with women if you believe anything to the contrary.

Pesh said:
I'm sure women are pretty comfortable with their man talking to whales.
Talking to women of the large and/or not-conventionally-attractive persuasion might fly sometimes. The instant a woman thinks there might be a chance you might beach that whale, awwww here it goes!