My mod idea - please don't steal


May 12, 2004
Reaction score
This is all of the text I have wrote down for my future mod, or game, whatever. This is my dreams, but I don't think i'll ever be able to get to it since I'm going in the army. :hmph:

Oh well, take a look, it needs adjustments of course. Storyline, my kind of writing lol. Yeah, here it is.


Oh, and the controls part, hehe i was being creative.


The System

Engine: hopefully valve's "source", if not then we create our own (heaven forbid).
Genre: First Person Shooter/Role-Playing Game

Environment: Mars

Time: In the future (no specific date)

"The System" takes place on Mars some time in the future, approximately
one-hundred eighty-two years after the O2 Mountain explosion. Now, nobody knows why this
explosion has happened. Some scientists say it was from a build-up of pressure kinda like a
(The truth is that, underneath the Mars surface was frozen oxygen. But that
wouldn't have caused the pressure.)
The explosion caused Mars to create an atmosphere. A totally livable
one at that. Mars was no longer a red planet. From a perspective of earth, is was a gray
planet. Mars was fogged by dark rain clouds for over a hundred years. When it finally
cleared up alittle. It was a beautiful green and blue planet.
The military (no names) got involved and started a colonial settlement.
on Mars. Many people of earth were hoping to be selected for the program. But only
two percent of earth's population were selected. After years have passed, the
government had to come up with a plan to get more workers from earth. But the plan got
out of hand. The workers demanded that they could bring their families and so forth. The
government had to agree. Soon, mars was well populated. The government didn't allow
industry on mars because of the pollution problem it could cause. They simply wanted
the air and enviornment clean. The people agreed. The government insisted that, importing
materials and goods from earth was necessary. The people agreed as well. Later on in the
years, importing caused floods of illeigal immigration by many nations even by the most
powerfull nations. But soon, Mars was established and soon became an Independant Nation
known as
I.M. "Independant Mars". Most of living habitats of mars were enforced in an interior
enviornment. But of course people were allowed to wander around mars anywhere they pleased.
But if they were caught loitering they would be banned from mars and sent back to earth. If
they were caught back on mars they would be executed. Trash could be finger printed also.
But after a couple years. The rules got a little to harsh. That's when I.M. was no
longer I.M.
The government was beginning to try and enforce a communist way of life
on the people of mars. But people began to take charge and fight back. This lead to alot
of changes. Beyond the years and skirmishes between the opposing forces. The government
had changed there ways. The sides agreed to stop the fighting. But it wasn't an alliance
between the rebels and O.S. (Order of the System).
It was more like a cease fire. The rebels began to
construct industry on Mars. This pissed O.S. off big time. The O.S. warned the
rebels more than once. But the rebels wanted to start their own colony and ways of life.
They're rules were simple. More like the ten commandmenths. You don't kill people for no
reason. The rebels were no joke. They are more like nice party people (a way of looking
at it). But when they need to take care of something. They'll do it. But if you kill someone
of theirs or someone in their territory for no reason, or no good reason, they'll kill you.
They are more of the "eye for an eye" type. You show respect, they respect you. The system
doesn't like the idea that they live for free anywhere they want for free. But the rebels
fight for what they want. In that case, they don't live how they live for free.
The rebels use the kinda guns we do now days m16's ak's sub-machine guns etc.
But the O.S. uses updated weaponry (doesn't mean they fight better). But what still lies
in the back of our minds is what caused the o2 explosion. It could have been triggered
by aliens. Who knows. =Thats up to me and the developer team=


These are some interactive features we will see.

-The player will be able to free roam Mars, period.

-The player can choose to join sides such as rebel or government, or just plain independant.
Or create their own faction (choice will lead to different missions).

-Players will be able to create their own factions and recruit people as well as NPC's.

-Players will be able to customize and modify weapons, a good example is the M4.

-Players will have the choice to find or buy peices of weapons to fully construct a

-Players can gain rank in factions.

-Players can simply buy weapons, but will be high in price since they are imported from earth.
(weapons are illegal to sell on mars).

-Fully destructable environment.

-Players can operate vehicles, cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters (most are futuristic, no
gasoline fuel).

-Vehicles are rare and expensive.

-Players can spray paint or put stickers on their vehicles,
and fully customize them or even tattoo themselvs (including tanks, heli's etc.)

-Players must drink and eat food to have energy (going on for a day without food or
water will screw up players vision and
make them very sick in-game (low mental focus), and if not carefull in real life too (lol).

-Players can set up a virtual "boot camp" for new recruits, and give multipul
choice tests (they can also set a passing score).

-Get Special Forces training and become a skillfull warrior (qualifying is tough).

-Fully interactive world lets you be creative, set a house on fire, or gather wood
to build a camp fire. Hell, wire yourself with explosives and run into enemy headquarters.

-You can take up different jobs to get money, depending on the faction you join, for
example, you become law enforcement for O.S.

-Become a bounty hunter, spy, merc, mechanic (you make alot of money with this job, the
more experience, the better).

-Explore Mars, go deep in the terrifying mysterious oceans, jungles, caves, mountain tops,
you can even find alien artifacts and sell to scientists.

-Pick up a rock from the ground and throw it at someone.

-Go hunt for resources. (good for
selling at vendors, etc.)

Players gain experience through many aspects of the game.
Experience in your SKILLS sets your RANK. There are many different types of SKILLS.
SKILLS ranging from marksman, to swimming, climbing, etc. For every Level
20 SKILLS you get 1 RANK. Max out two SKILLS you are RANK 2. If you don't
have any maxed. You are no RANK. RANK and your SKILLS will get you better jobs. You can't
max out every skill because once you get good at one, you start to suck at another. Say,
You are good at Marksman, you wont be a good pilot or driver (just balancing things).


Mental Focus is very important. Say you want to be a good fighter. Well
your going to be using guns alot, or your going to be getting killed alot. Yeah sure,
you can practice your aiming and marksman and get good at it. But it all beats down
to when the shit hits the fan. Example, your bragging about how accurate you are, and
good of a sniper you are. But you've never had field experience. Now your screwed. You
and your buddies are gonna go out for a patrol givin by your leader or whatever. "Oh im
better than you at marksman bla bla bla". Then all of a sudden you hear a wiz and and
loud rip, you look down at your leg and your bleeding. Your characters vision will get,
all screwy like an adrenaline hit ( a good example is the kind in Call of Duty when you get
hit by mortar or whatever). You will lose most of your mental focus, your aiming will
be off, and inaccurate. But you will run a hole lot faster. You can fight back. But your
likely to lose if your going against an experienced fighter, or unless you run. Oh and be
carefull when you run backwards, because if you dont watch where you are going, you can
trip over a log or somethin (i'll get to that later). Another example. Say your mental
focus isn't all that great at combat, you get in a fist fight, you will get the screwy
adrenaline vision thingy. Or your on patrol and a bunch of rebels start shooting at you.
Your gonna get scared and an adrenaline will hit. But as your mental focus builds up, the
less focus you lose when something like that happens. A good way of getting mental focus.
Is mainly getting involved in more combat, The max Mental Focus is level 20.


Primative experience is used to get you around the enviornments of Mars.
Jumping over logs, climbing trees, night vision, crossing rivers without being
drug under the current, and getting to know the land, basically plays as your agility,
the max level of Primative Experience is level 20.
A player will automatically jump over logs and rocks. They gain
Primative experience that way. The higher the P.E. the faster jumping over logs and rocks
etc. If a player sits in the dark they get
better night vision. But they don't get better night vision if they are using flash
lights, or night vision goggles, etc. I will make a list of experience later.

:HUNGER: You must eat and drink, in order to maintain energy you must eat. Hunt for food,
or go to a diner. Keeps your mental focus up too. Survival of the fittest.

:BLOOD LOSS: You get shot in the leg a couple times. Your not gonna die. But you will
if you don't bandage it, If you continue blood loss for an hour, your vision will get
funky and you will lose focus, pass out and if someone doesnt find you within five minutes
while your out cold, your dead.

:BROKEN BONES: If you fall and get a broken bone, make sure you have the proper
tools to keep your bone in place, get to a medical building immedietly. Or you'll be limping
or you won't be able to fight (of course you'd have to be jumping from a 20 foot cliff
to get a broken leg).

:VEHICLE WRECKS: Can lead to almost anything, blood loss, broken bones, death.


A player can trip over logs, rocks etc. if he/she is not carefull.
What happens is that when a player is running backward they can trip. But the higher,
Primative experience; the more likely they can catch themselvs before falling. Tripping
can only happen if the player is running backward. A player cannot trip if he/she is
side running (strafing) or just running straight, or if the player is walking any way.
It would suck to get in a gunfight at the top of a mountain and stumble over a rock and
fall off a cliff. Thats just how harsh it can be. Complain all you want, you werent looking
where you were going.
dude i am so making this into a mod without your consent and taking credit for ALL OF IT.
Wrong Section :p I have also stolen the idea, kthxbye

You got BLOOD count, which displays your blood. The Mental Focus count. Energy
count. Oh, and your armor count. Different items can add temporary icons to your HuD.
Like ammo for guns. There is also a message bar. The message bar is for chatting.


If you are badly injured, be sure and get to a hospital, or a Medic.
Eating and drinking helps you heal faster.


Special Forces is a faction, this faction is held maturly. They don't go out and
kill for no reason. They go out there and do special missions to keep Mars balanced.
If, Mars is clustered with problems, Special Forces will go and fix it. The training
is so intense, that being on Mars anywhere at any time is like a walk in the park to
these skilled individuals. Most of the training officers are former u.s. army special forces.

Let's say that unused building's are laying around on Mars, and guerrilla's (NPC
terrorists) are trying to occupy them for training grounds and such. Special Forces
go in and level everything (blow shit up).

Or say a faction tries to asassinate an important NPC or Player.
They will be hunted and terminated, leaving no chances
so the player will lose all his equipment.
Special Forces mainly focus's on missions to eliminate NPC faction camps or
guerrilla terrorist camps, or rescue prisoners, they also work well in the water.
If there is a boat full of smugglers, they'll go and blow it up.
Special Forces doesn't know everything. The only way they get these missions done
is because most of the time they are sent on reconassaince missions to gather info.
And they know where enemy positions are and how to ambush enemy patrol. Most of it lies,
in the training. Though, it's not so much that you would have to worry about. Unless
people started missing from your area of operations. SF will grow suspicious.

You can apply for training at a Special Forces recruiter.
In order to apply, you must...

-Have at least 3 in Rank (Marksman is required)

Once you have all of these, you will be transported to an island. You will go inside
a building and they will give you a multipul choice answer test.
They won't tell you your score
if you pass, you stay with them. If you don't pass, they teleport you back to the S.F.
main gate. If you pass the test, there is another test, this time its physical.
They put you through all kinds of obstacle courses, and they time you. They test your
skills. They will throw you in a live fire excersise to test your mental focus. By the way
you dont gain any experience if you don't pass this test, if you do pass, you get the
experience. You will lose a lot of energy if you don't have a good Primative level. If you
pass, you have been chosen to go through Special Forces training.
In Special Forces training, they teach you repelling from towers, helicopters,
cliffs etc. They will teach you paradropping, and even HALO, say you retire Special Forces
you still keep all your experience, so you can parachute off the top of a mountain.
They also teach you enviornmental techniques, camouflage, eating just about anything,
and climbing.
Your skill in weapons will be of the highest. Expert marksman will
make you the best for sniping, being able to crouch and make perfect shots at
long ranges. SF training
automatically will max your MENTAL FOCUS and your P.E.
More on SF is described later.

in order to keep your training skills, you must, complete
at least twenty missions before retiring. You can choose to stay in SF, or you can
resign anytime, or just retire after twenty missions. If you resign before completing
twenty missions, you don't keep any training skills.



W = Move forward
S = Move backward
A = Strafe left
D = Strafe right
SPACE = Jump
Q = Lean left
E = Lean right
CTRL = Crouch
Z = Prone


F = Use
R = Reload
MOUSE3 = Change rate of fire
X = Change fire mode (for grenade launchers on your machine gun etc.)
Left click = Primary Fire (Fire, and left punch for unarmed combat)
Right Click = Iron Sight (Right punch unarmed combat)
I = Inventory (For equiping cloths, and holding money and objects etc.)
G = Drop weapon
1 = Primary Weapon/hands (fist fights or picking up objects)
2 = Secondary side arm
3 = Melee
4 = Grenades
5 = Mines and booby traps


TAB = Voice communication
Y = Chat
U = Faction/group chat

You can buy, find different clothing depending on what you want
to do. If you want to look like a homeless Marsian, then you can. If you want
to camouflage yourself, dress up in a ghili suit (recommended for snipers). If you
are wearing a hoody, you have the option to unhood yourself or put the hood back on
(works with robes as well). Put on a face mask, put on protection goggles, anything
that is available you will be able to wear. You can wear no cloths for all we care,
but you'll be in your underwear, we won't let you strip yourself naked.


If you are crouched behind a rock, log etc. you can right-click to
go in iron sight and you will automatically aim over the rock/log/etc. and use it as cover.
or you can hold the use key and then right click, you can peak your gun out of corners, or
over rocks and logs to execute an indirect fire. (Good example is Vietcong).


You have three lives, when your three lives run out; you lose all
your equipment (except your equipment in your storage). Everytime you die, you lose
a life. When you lose all three lives you start over again with three lives. Consider them
more like chances. So you better work with a team if you want to last long on Mars.
Faction and Team members cannot kill you. Now you can gain a chance back, but the only
way to do that is go back and get your dead body within 30 minutes (or else corpse decay)
and carry it back to a furnace and burn it. If you do not get it within 30 minutes, your
corpse will decay and it will be nothing but a skeleton or pile of bones (bones last
forever unless burned or moved around). You can only keep the skulls. Other people can
pick up your skull too.
Once you are dead you will respawn, you can respawn at a Mars outpost, your faction
camp, or a station morgue.
If you are killed in your faction base, you will have to respawn at another
location or wait 10 minutes to respawn back in the base before it is captured. If
your faction has purchased a helicopter, you can respawn as rienforcements and
be dropped off in 3 minutes if your base is not already captured. If the enemy
blows your helicopter up, then you have no more 3 minute rienforcements.


When you first come into the game, you can't kill anybody.
You have to have played the game for at least six hours
or untill you have joined a faction. Then you are vulnerable.
And you can't kill anybody that hasn't been on for more than six hours or hasn't
already joined a faction. Game hours are recorded as well as stats,
which contain the number of KILLS, FORT CAPTURES, ENEMY P.O.W.'s, etc.


Body armor is very important if you want to last for awhile.
Ballistic body armor is the best. There are helms, vest, flak vests etc. Anything
to keep from getting killed.


You can be at peace, war, or neutral.
Some factions will demand money, and if you don't pay they will probably attempt to
kill you and your faction. All factions created will be at NEUTRAL with every other
faction. You automatically declare war on another faction if:

-One or more of your faction members have killed 3 other faction members
-Other faction members have killed 3 of your members. (accidents happen)

When you capture an enemy fort, you get a money bonus, and more income to your faction.
More money equals better weapons and equipment. Weapons and equipment keep you alive. Your
faction leaders can buy weapons and equipment for the faction.


You can only start a faction with 5 people. Then you can recruit all you want.
A faction will automatically disband if there are only 3 people left. A faction
can vote to disband.
If you are a player, you can leave a faction.
Some factions won't have any problem with you leaving, but if you resign, they can kill
you to get faction money for that. If you want to leave a faction and keep the equipment,
you can, but if they agree or you run. If you
run from your former faction to quit, they can hunt and kill you, and you lose all the
equipment and they regain it.
Moved to General Editing - you'll get more feedback here.

Alright, you and your squad are doing a patrol, and your crossing through a stream.
Out of nowhere you get ambushed by five guys. The rest of your team is wasted but you.
Your low on ammo or whatever.
Yeah, you can surrender if you feel you want to live. You can only
surrender if you are the last guy in your squad.

Now they can still shoot and kill you,
that would mean they get no money, and money is good. When they have you in their custody,
they get more income every ten minutes. You can only walk 10 feet away from your capturer's
point of view.
If you want out of those bounds and try to escape, you hold the shift (run) key, now they can
kill you. And if you fail to survive for ten minutes, they get 3 times more income when
they kill you when you try and escape. You automatically walk with
your capturer if you choose not to move.
Or like i said, you can try and make a run for it. Now when you are at their camp ground.
They will most likely stick you in a cage, thats how they get more money. Every ten minutes,
they get money out of your factions bank. So now your faction has to try and come rescue
you. You are automatically stripped of your equipment once you walk in the cage. But once
you get back out, you are automatically re-equiped. So you can't radio in your faction while
your in the cage.
Your faction will recieve a message that you have been captured. So it's their
job to come and find you. Or else they lose faction cash. That means they can't buy weapons
or anything else for the faction. Don't worry, if you go link dead, you start back up in the
same spot. They still get money. Untill your faction rescues you or untill you escape. If
are link dead and your faction does manage to rescue you. You will start the game, at your
faction spawn point with all your equipment.

If you are not in a faction and get captured, they get money from the O.S.
This means that your going to get in a lot of political problems if you capture a civilian,
O.S. will send in teams to come and wipe you out. They aren't 100% successful though. Most
of the time if you and your faction members are skilled.
And if O.S. doesn't wipe you out, Special Forces
most likely will. So after the first attack of the O.S. it's a good time to
release the prisoner.

Anybody that hasn't been playing the game for more than six hours, cannot
be captured.


You can kidnap important players or NPC's and hold them for ransom.
You cannot kidnap anybody that hasn't played the game for more than six hours.


Anybody that has broken the law etc.

NOTE: You can capture NPC's, if they feel helpless they will
surrender. You can capture multipul NPC's.


Factions can build structures. But only in limited area.
They can build towers, P.o.W. cages and walls to protect them. But be aware that, if
your walls aren't strong, they can be blown to shits n' bits. Special Forces can climb right
over the suckers too and anybody with a good climbing skill.
Building types, I will list and explain later.


Animals are all over in the forests of Mars.
Don't worry, it's not possible to kill all animals; they respawn after a couple
hours. You cannot eat raw food, you have to make a camp fire and cook it first. You have
to grab an axe and start chopping away at tree branches. The trees are to big to cut down.
Special Forces can eat raw meat though, and smaller animals, like fish. Be carefull not
to unload a hole clip of ammo into your kill, or the meat will be useless.
You can feel up your cantine in streams, lakes, rivers etc. or you
can go and get a drink from the water fountain, sinks, even stick your face in the river,
stream, or whatever and get a quick drink.
You can't steal it, Smawg stole it from me.
If you plan on that having a multiplayer aspect, it would almost have to be an MMO game.

It sounds like a good idea, the story is decent (although, it sounds something like a Total Recall sequal ;) ). If it's done in single player, you're going to have to scale the engine to accomidate a decent map size, and even then, you'll get a lot of load screens if you're exploring Mars in an air vehicle with anything close to real world speed. On top of all that, you'd need a huge dev team to do something on that scale in a reasonable time. Making enough maps to pass off as the entirety of Mars would take a LONG time and require A LOT of modeling and texturing.

The idea is good, but it may be a little too grandious in scale for a mod. At least by my interpritation of your design doc.
yo thats a nice mod i would play it alot as long as the player and weapon models r good quility and detailed not like lots of bf1942 and half life mods
I say we all get together and make this mod happen, make lots of money, and end up working for VALVe. Which...Leads to more money!

sounds fantastic but fully destructable enviroment wont happen.
if you manage to make a mod with all these features it would beat cs :p
Nice idea, too bad it's impossible to do on any existing engine (and would probably take the next five years to make in any case).
I wos thinking the same thing , Total Recall Sequal. The story line is good
Good aspects. Lucky i have no idea how to mod anything or that idea wuld b mine!! lol
Yeah, I've kinda taken advantage of the Total Recall thing with the oxygen under mars, I mean, it's a great idea. Just to let you guys know, I know that this game or mod or whatever won't be out for awhile, it's something I wanted to do in the future, though I know i'll probably never get to it. Just thought I'd share my dreams work. lol.

The way the guns would work though is different. The sound effects would be more "popping" and "cracking" like real guns, not to many over dramatic sounds. And muzzel flashes wouldn't really be seen duringt he day, instead you would see puff's of smoke coming out. So that would work if you wanted to get the battlefield really foggy. Like say there is a small skirmish, depending on how many weapons have been fired. The area will begin to fog up, not a heavy fog, but a sense like a fire fight just happened, fog.

Anyways, hopefully when I get out of the Army i'll be able to take some game design classes or get a dagree so I can MAKE this game.
We'd have to build a whole new engine that could support a large exterior enviornment. I give it a few years and by that time they will have some decent technology out.
well Pen sucked all the fun outta that..
Pendragon said:
Wood for a campfire on *MARS*?

Jungles? Oceans? MARS, man, MARS!

Smawg said:
"The System" takes place on Mars some time in the future, approximately
one-hundred eighty-two years after the O2 Mountain explosion. Now, nobody knows why this
explosion has happened. Some scientists say it was from a build-up of pressure kinda like a
(The truth is that, underneath the Mars surface was frozen oxygen. But that
wouldn't have caused the pressure.)
The explosion caused Mars to create an atmosphere. A totally livable
one at that. Mars was no longer a red planet. From a perspective of earth, is was a gray
planet. Mars was fogged by dark rain clouds for over a hundred years. When it finally
cleared up alittle. It was a beautiful green and blue planet.

Yeah, he's talking about Mars. ;)
And you stole the idea with the frozen Oxygen in the "volcano" from TOTAL RECALL.
I didn't steal anything, and like I said Pendragon, it's something that I've wanted to make, but that kind of technology doesn't exist right now. And what I mean by customizing weapons is, putting on scopes, 203's whatever. And yes, finding pieces of weapons to contruct one. If you really think about it, I could make this without fully destructable enviornments, and virtual boot camps. All your criticism almost makes it sound as if back in the day, you would have been one of the people that said the world was flat. I think I could make this game happen some day. Ain't a doubt in my mind.

And of course the story needs to be polished. I just didn't feel like writing a whole story at the time, because I wan't this game to be focused on the players, and how they write the history of that time on mars. Heh, it's kinda hard to explain, but out of all the years of gaming experience I have. I think you could put it all together. Considering the tattoo's and all that, I've seen it done in Tribes 2. Of course they used programs like adobe photoshop. But in the near future, games won't be as limited. Not mine.

Good day!
And as far as the frozen oxygen, I'm just using their theory. The storyline isn't permanent, changes can made. I mean if the game will bother you that much because of a theory, then play something else.

It is so hard to come up with something now days that it's almost impossible to say that someone is stealing something from something right? Well, I'd rather stick with something good for now.
smawg, I think Pendragon is basically saying that your game is 1) unfeasable 2) has unrealistic expectations and 3) is basically not fun. honestly this just sounds like a clustermuck of other games yet I'm not seeing the 'fun factor' here.

honestly you're going to have me eat in a first person shooter? i saw the comparison between tribes 2, so explain what kind of game this is. mmo, fps, what?

even when the technology for this comes out, you're going to need to assemble a team, probably create your own engine (since no company in their right mind would make an engine with this type of game in mind) and generate your own community. not to mention all the content servers your going to need, for all the stored variables in your game.

it will be many years before our computers can render an entire planet, which is what you suggest. in a fps environment (you compare with tribes 2) having people roam around the entire planet mars is frankly, stupid. how many people are going to be in this game at once?

none of this seems well thought out at all: it would be a financial suicide to make this game, sorry.

These are lets say, just my "developer notes". These are nothing but
features that i wanted to see. Some of them of course have to be taken out. There really isn't a cohesion in the story, no character buildup or anything. NOthing, it's just a rough draft. I wanted to jot down all the features before anything. That's how i build my concept. It's like drawing the outline of a picture. I don't have any details yet. I could get into half-life 2 standards if i wanted to. But this was beyond my thinking of the source engine. I really didn't add things up yet. Sorry if this doesn't answer your question.
Ok, so some of his ideas are not viable on modern technology, but isn't it better to aim for space and end up learning to fly, then to try to fly and end up stuck on the groud?
My mod idea - please don't steal

Yeah, we'd not want to steal that, the makers of Total Recall would be on our back. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
for doing this u need a big server system, 30 o 40 servers workingo in grid. But it´s a veery nice idea, go an do it, but don´t make a mensual payment or anybody goes to play it, ok?
Pendragon I can't seem to understand what your coming at me with. Now that you've gave me some criticism, I know what to change. That's why I posted them. I still have more things floating around in my head.

Concerning the "Total Recall". All I said was it was frozen oxygen under the surface of mars, and it explodes and creates an atmosphere. If all these games can come out with scenes of helicopters getting shot down over a third world country's city (i.e. Condition Zero). What's the problem with mine? Hell, your not gonna see Arnold running around. I just posted these so people could give me ideas.

If it will make you happy Pendragon, I will write something like this in SOURCE standards. And I'll try and clarify everything just extra carefully for you.