My, my EYES!


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
They can't handles this much light!
I know what you mean.

But don't worry, the Blue/Gray will be back!
Yeah it's not that bad once you spend an hour or two with it. :)
Hey wait a tic.... where's rumors and speculatioN?!
wtf? do you have your monitor's brightness up all the way? it's not bright at all.
I liked the old blue/grey better... but this one isn't to bad.
I like it.. it's wider. easier to read. maybe a bit bright
Don't worry, the new site will be up and running soon.
(An hour, so says the front page)
Yes, am trying to work out when exactly this hour began ... think about it, how exactly were u expecting people to notice the exact time u started? :p
Checking the forum, I'm thinking about 1.25 hrs gone now, no?
I like the new colours, I have less difficulties to read the posts and the forum is also wider now, which is nice.
CB | Para said:
Yeah it's not that bad once you spend an hour or two with it. :)

I'm finding myself getting used to it :)
I actually changed to this skin yesterday so I'm used to it. I like it better than the boring greyish/blue one. If the skin hurts your eyes, you might want to go outside once in a while so that your eyes stay used to light in general :)