My (other...) friend... GREEN TEETH!


Nov 12, 2006
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I have lots of friends, but this one guy: green teeth. He's 14. His maturity is as low as the whiteness of his teeth. HOW do I put politely that he must use deodrant, wash his cloths, clean his teeth and his hair without offending him?

Lots of people comment on him. What one guy said:
He has more grease in his hair than in a tin of it.

Someone else said something:
Wash your hair.

His reply?
Wash your mum.

Bleahhh... I was eating breakfast while I saw this:x

I'm sure he'll "eventually" take better care of his higiene, cause if not well... he'll have horrible skin infections from wearing dirty clothes, his mouth will be overrun with cavities (and he'll loose almost all his teeth by the age of 45), oh yeah and his hair will be a paradise for dandruff, lice and other nasty parasites... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WASH!!
Next time you see him, bring a bucket of water with you and some soap. You know what to do from there.
Well that's enough if you work in a beauty parlour :p
Punch him and eat his face for his powers.
Put some dogshit in your pocket one day and let him see how he likes hanging out with someone who stinks.
I used to be something like that. My friend just flat out and said, "Man, your breath is rank, you stink, go wash yourself."

That fixed me up, actually.
If you're old enough to type on the Internet you should know by now that you shouldn't be friends with losers like this, they will bring you down with you!

Throw him in the next ditch you see and be done with him.

ps: I am not a jerk I just play one on the Internet.
This other friend told me he only washes once a week.
Wait, is this Green Teeth we're talking about, or ANOTHER friend? Because seriously, your friends are fvcking gross. No joke. YOUR. FRIENDS. ARE. GROSS.

Ugh. Who can only shower once a week? I mean, you'd start to feel it after a day or two, being grimy and your hair getting greasy and oil and flakes of skin and god damn your friends are gross. Seriously dude, you hang out with these people? They must have some damn good redeeming qualities, like they're all rich and have super powers.

Also Pitz, you're gross. GTFO.
Wait, is this Green Teeth we're talking about, or ANOTHER friend? Because seriously, your friends are fvcking gross. No joke. YOUR. FRIENDS. ARE. GROSS.

Ugh. Who can only shower once a week? I mean, you'd start to feel it after a day or two, being grimy and your hair getting greasy and oil and flakes of skin and god damn your friends are gross. Seriously dude, you hang out with these people? They must have some damn good redeeming qualities, like they're all rich and have super powers.

Also Pitz, you're gross. GTFO.

Unfortunetly, its another friend.
As for 'green teeth,' I try and avoid him at lunch. He eats with his mouth open, and he laughs with his mouth open, causing this BIG wet soggy crumb from his two cakes and two milkshakes a day diet to fly onto the table for us to stare at and know how disgusting he is.

This other friend, however, complains to me how he cannot get a girlfriend. After this, I notice how he results in touching other boys up.

I'm lucky I'm one of the few in my school who actually wash, and take care in their hygiene.

Another story: this same kid with green teeth came into P.E once with a muddy t-shirt. My head of year walked over and said to him "Give that shirt a wash please."
This kid looks at me and says "Whats the point? Its only going to get dirty again." -- Something you see in cartoons.
I feel dirty just reading this thread. I'm gonna go take a shower.

Xen, buddy, you need new friends. These people are going to drag whatever image you have down into the gutter by association.
I used to be something like that. My friend just flat out and said, "Man, your breath is rank, you stink, go wash yourself."

That fixed me up, actually.

Seriously. It's quite effective. I mean I always washed, but there was a period where I got real lazy about brushing my teeth or using shampoo.

Nothing compares to shame you feel when you're talking to somebody and then they say "omg dude, your breath reeks". Then you say something like "Uhh, well so does yours!", but deep down inside your soul is crushed. Most people will then make sure they're tending to their hygiene every morning and night.

And that's how I became an upstanding, model citizen.
I have some lovely friends who wash. Shame these two guys don't follow us.
Sometimes I try to pressure them by talking about baths and showers infront of them. Its funny.
Just tell them to clean up. Mockery is an excellent tool for behavior adjustment at your age. And if that doesn't do it, start making fun of him in the open around other people.

Doesn't need to be explicitly malicious.
trow shit at him

if he loves being dirty them make it more dirty

and be sure to aim to the mouth
****ing hell man, get new friends.

There's a guy at the gym I go to that smells so bad with this nasty pungent odor that I can't stand to be in the same area of the gym as him.
Hygiene intervention ftw. There was this girl at work who smelled horrible, a bit like food but not the good kind. You could literally smell she was coming or where she had recently been. So at some point some guy decided to tell her (politely) that she should consider deoderant, but no one else backed him up (chickenshits) except me with the first thing that crossed my mind: "Yeah, you do smell like used frying oil". She cleaned up her act quickly after that (literally) and no longer smells, although she's still pretty nasty. Nothing like public humiliation to make someone change their ways.

Smelly people suck, both the sweaty/dirty ones as well as those that use too much cheap cologne or parfume.
That's sick, man. I hate it when people lack the common courtesy of washing themselves thoroughly enough so that I don't feel like I'm going to lose my breakfast when I'm talking to them. Tell him either to wash, or GTFO.
They aren't just hurting themselves with their disgusting rank and general bad hygiene, they are probably bringing in all kinds of nasty bacteria and filling everyones nostrils with the smell of festering ranking unwashed human body, bring it up to him - don't be afraid to be a little mean. :|
If I wouldn't take a shbower everyday...I would smell really the first thing I do when I get up,take a shower.
I got a friend like this also, but just body odours. He washes, but somehow he always stinks of sweat...what can u do! it could be a medical problem, i'm not mature enough to pull him aside and say anything. Me and my mates just throw in snide comments about it to his face, but he doesn't take any notice and just laughs it off so there is nothing i can do and probably nothing u can do for ur friend.

I have to admit though that he has been better lately, because at work he got suspended for having a bad body smell and told to go the doctor's lolol.

Anyway, if he has green teeth he should sort himself out, that IS horrible. I bet he'll never have a 'first kiss'. I pity the fool. I can't go a day without brushing my teeth at least twice, the thought of dirty coloured teeth makes me sick. On the other hand though, if he is only 14 maybe thats why, i used to moan and groan when my mum would tell me to brush my teeth, but i never let it get that bad they started to rot, and now i'm 22, it is pretty important that u keep up a good hygiene level i'd have to say.
Well this is indeed disturbing. Especially the green teeth.

I've lived with a bloke like this back in boarding school. You get some people who are completely indifferent to their self-image. He wasn't changing anything, he stunk all the time, and nothing people would say could change him. He didn't have any friends, and he didn't care. There was just no sense of hygeine bashed into him by his parents. In short, he didn't give a shit.

This bloke of yours probably does care about his self-image, considering his response to the 'wash your hair' comment. If the pressure builds, he'll most likely do something about it. Teenagers are vain, use that to your advantage.
Actually, the other day I noticed his hair was shockingly clean. Quickly built up with grease.
Actually, the other day I noticed his hair was shockingly clean. Quickly built up with grease.

Do you live in the slums or a redneck part of town or something?