My passionate hate towards rap

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Jul 26, 2005
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The experience of joining the Air Force has introduced me to an excess of rap music, continually blaring inside rooms and out into the hallways of the dorms. I am now familiar with all the big artists of rap and have listened to the modern "greats" of rap music again,

and again and again. All weekends long.

Why do people even consider this music? It's a repetitive drone of poorly mashed lyrics with sound clips taken and inserted, that may or may not have anything to do with the song, but they put it in there because they think it sounds "cool". The whole genre of rap is so blatantly moronic and just listening to it gives the feeling that my IQ is dropping.

These artists are so ignorant, chauvinistic, and conceded. Blame the Kanye West incident for this rant.


anticon record label disagrees with you.

I'm not sure how many times I've said this now whenever a I HAET RAP thread turns up.
I've never listened much to rap, but maybe what you've heard doesn't sum up all aspects of it. I don't think you should dismiss an entire genre simply based on a few artists.

DOOM's flow is ridiculous. There's no chorus here, no catchy vocal hook - it's one solid flow, a stream of consciousness, as close as you can get to an impromptu freestyle without being made up on the spot. His interlocking rhyme schemes, sometimes with the rhymes falling in the middle of the bar, and bars sliding all over the place and into one another with no real regard for convention is vaguely mesmerising.

Anyway, I don't really care if you don't like rap, but your post is still pretty stupid.
definitive jux

no but what i'm saying is that it's silly and closeminded to denounce an entire genre. sure mainstream rap is a steaming pile of donkey shit, but there's still good hip hop... there's even good country, you just gotta look for it.
DOOM's flow is ridiculous. There's no chorus here, no catchy vocal hook - it's one solid flow, a stream of consciousness, as close as you can get to an impromptu freestyle without being made up on the spot. His interlocking rhyme schemes, sometimes with the rhymes falling in the middle of the bar, and bars sliding all over the place and into one another with no real regard for convention is vaguely mesmerising.

Anyway, I don't really care if you don't like rap, but your post is still pretty stupid.

Not totally sure whether you quoting my play-pretend of hate threads was actually aiming at me - the end of your post especially - as I'm a big fan of a rap. I picked up Doom's Operation Doomsday on vinyl a few months ago when I was down in Brighton n' all. Good record.
Just like every other genre, most of it is pure shit. It's just with rap, there's culture clash as well. Add on top of that the (for many people) unpleasing synthesized instruments and repetitiveness.

As for old vs. new, I stopped liking it when they stopped using actual records for scratching.
Your post should have a) been in rap format, and b) been the start of a new rap battle thread.
I'm not a huge fan of rap either but I do enjoy a little taste of 80s/90s rap/hip hop every now and then.
Mostly NWA though and a couple of the members too like Ice Cube and Dr. Dre.
I can tolerate the rap/hip-hop from the late 80's and early 90's. After that, though, it turned to shit and makes me want to send a screwdriver through my ear drum.
I thought the thread title said rape, not rap. I read
"The experience of joining the Air Force..."
and I was rather worried about where this thread was going. Then I realised what it was actually about.
You never hear the good shit being blasted on car stereos at ****ing 15/10. It's always the lame shit on the radio. **** people.

Though, to be honest, I used to hate rap entirely. I think it was mainly that I couldn't stand the principle of music wrapped around lyrics rather than lyrics wrapped music. But once you get listening to some good artists you realize that there can be a pretty happy and beautiful balance.
Rap is sooo different from artist to artist. But i do understand if you think Kanye's a douche :p
Even the ol' presidente agrees with you. Also lol @ ignorance and irony of the OP.

You never hear the good shit being blasted on car stereos at ****ing 15/10. It's always the lame shit on the radio. **** people.


Thread can be surmised with: people are disrespectful, have poor taste in music and generally disregard others. All rap does not suck because your mouth-breathing roommates play Lil'Wayne at four in the morning--but you're doing a good job making yourself look insensible, Urliel. Keep it up.
Doom isn't bad, but when I finally got around to hearing him I was a little disappointed considering his popularity and appraisal.

I actually don't like his voice - that's the main problem for me. However, when he works for me, he works damn well. His rapping style is incredibly dense, which makes it quite hard to enjoy a track with a sparse instrumental.
It's probably worth mentioning that it's made by black people.
I doubt very much whether the crap he's being subjected to is remotely as considered as the sort of stuff people here are posting. Its rare if ever that people will decent music ever turn up the stereo so you next door can hear. :rolleyes:
The closest thing to rap that I can barely tolerate is RATM, but even that gets incredibly annoying after >2 songs.

Most all rap is pure garbage. Repetitive, horribly synthesized instrumentation, no chord structure, no melody, poorly mixed, with some guy just grunting about whores and drugs or something over the whole track.

And don't give me this MF Doom shit. That's just weird synthesized instrumentation that still sounds horrible, and instead of grunting, has a guy mumbling nonsense over it.
The closest thing to rap that I can barely tolerate is RATM, but even that gets incredibly annoying after >2 songs.

Most all rap is pure garbage. Repetitive, horribly synthesized instrumentation, no chord structure, no melody, poorly mixed, with some guy just grunting about whores and drugs or something over the whole track.

And don't give me this MF Doom shit. That's just weird synthesized instrumentation that still sounds horrible, and instead of grunting, has a guy mumbling nonsense over it.

what's the difference between someone rapping about drugs and street life and someone singing about how a girl/guy broke their heart or something else with electric guitars?
American rap doesnt really bother me. When it influences gangs or whatever then yeah I guess.

But if you think american rap sucks or is annoying, you havent felt hatred until you come to the UK and listen to 'MC's like Tinchy Stryder and the world's MOST ANNOYING VOICE EVER AWARD GOES TO 'DIZZEE RASCAL',

I think I would happily cackle with laughter as I emptied a whole clip of any gun in the world into that ***king twat.

For some reason, people over here like him because its 'cool' to like him...does NOBODY hear fingernails running down a chalk board when he opens his mouth?

FOR **CK SAKE! Speak properly you twat!
In this thread:

Internet white kids trying to look cool by posting Rap Youtube videos.

*runs off*
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